Robkk (@robkk)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @robkk


    yeah i havent gotten an email yet.

    you did take out the parenthesis and change the words in the parenthesis to their symbols right??



    what I’d like to do is by default show all existing (not just most used) topic tags when someone is creating a topic from within WP

    so your saying the way how categories are displayed in backend you want for topic-tags in the frontend.

    ive seen a support forum for one my themes authors site i was on have that kind of functionality (but they dont use bbpress), they use something custom.

    i think how its done on their site is just some jquery , and kind of does the same functionality that the bbpress quicktag toolbar does.

    like set up some a set of words then you click the button and it automatically inserts into the tag area.

    but setting it up where all the tags show in the frontend would be difficult , it would probably need a hacked version of the topic tag cloud widget.

    but yeah i just did a brainstorm/analysis on what you might need.

    im not sure how to do this , as im very much confused by jquery and javascript

    i would hire a developer to this kind of job.

    #1 outsourcing service for WordPress



    that big green banner on the page says this

    These pages are for bbPress versions less than 2.0. They are considered out of date and are here for legacy only.

    this information is for the bbpress standalone software.

    if you are using the plugin it is already integrated with wordpress.



    there is alot of documentation talking about styling bbpress.




    @solhuebner also if you have any ideas on what to add feel free to speak



    @solhuebner i will put out a better mobile theme soon.



    a thing you could do is hide the search button and add a placeholder so users know what it is, and also make it kind of like wordpress search in terms of looks.

    copy form-search.php into your child theme and overwrite the code with this.

     * Search 
     * @package bbPress
     * @subpackage Theme
    <form role="search" method="get" id="bbp-search-form" action="<?php bbp_search_url(); ?>">
    		<label class="screen-reader-text hidden" for="bbp_search"><?php _e( 'Search for:', 'bbpress' ); ?></label>
    		<input type="hidden" name="action" value="bbp-search-request" />
    		<input placeholder="Search the forums" tabindex="<?php bbp_tab_index(); ?>" type="text" value="<?php echo esc_attr( bbp_get_search_terms() ); ?>" name="bbp_search" id="bbp_search" />



    as it seems that everything has to be changed to make it responsive

    not really bbpress is technically responsive , its just the tabled layout of the title , stats , and freshness needs a better look for mobile.

    There seems to be a 10px padding on the left where the search button half hides under

    well i fixed that by floating the whole search form left instead of right. but i dont know how to fix this at the moment, id have to fiddle around with your sites css in my browser to find whats causing it.

    the forum table aligns there but there is a large space on the right which is where the sidebar that has diplay:none on iphone – so i suppose need to make the forum full page without sidebar in iphone view.

    well normally themes have there sidebar display under their main content when it reaches a certain width. Check out and see if your theme is suppose to do this normally.

    I also see there is more than one style sheet

    bbpress.css is the main one you have to edit , (put it into child theme in a css folder, wp-content>yourtheme>css)

    bbpress.min is the minified version

    bbpress.rtl is the version of bbpress.css that users from area that read right to left use.



    havent gotten the email yet so i cant check on your site immediately so i guess ILL wait til later.



    glad you find the solution to your problem



    yeah i dont have problems creating links in my menus and i have bbpress and wordpress 4.0

    yeh toss some login details and ill check it out and see whats up

    if you want it to be kind of private send the login details to my email


    wordpress has it where you can send the login data to a new user , when you register one in the backend.



    like the way the tag input area shows up below this reply form??



    you have to use css to make it look better

    maybe removing the topic count and voice count under a certain width using @media



    have you deactivated every plugin you have one at a time to see if its another plugin causing the issue

    if you havent check on that just to make sure

    if you have already done this and are positive it is bbpress absolutely causing the problem, please also tell us

    what wordpress version you are using
    what theme you use
    and maybe a list of plugins

    so i could see if i could recreate the problem



    can you add any other links??

    and i dont think bbpress would cause a problem in the menus section in wordpress.


    In reply to: Duplicate Breadcrumbs



    bbp-live-preview worked when i tried it

    In reply to: Title font styling



    no problem

    In reply to: Title font styling



    @dandr69 the weird title look isnt because of bbpress, its how your theme reacts to long titles.

    and you can put that code i gave you anywhere where you can put custom css,

    a child themes css stylesheet
    jetpacks custom css module if you have jetpack
    if your theme has a custom css area in the appearance settings
    a standalone custom css plugin

    In reply to: Title font styling



    fixing the line height made it look better.

    .title {
    margin-bottom: 5px;
    line-height: normal;

    you can also just make the line-hieght above 21px or just remove line height from the code.




    read my last post again since i edited it

    where i talked about the recent topics widget with the topics with recent replies setting



    Yes to remove the author only but nothing else

    revert what you did and show the author, so it would look like this

    [:)] user 1 on topic 1
    [:(] user 1 on topic 2
    [:'(] user 2 on topic 1
    [:{)] user 3 on topic 1

    because its less weird than this

    topic 1
    topic 2
    topic 1
    topic 1

    or at least click show date in the widget settings

    i know you dont want to show 5 recent replies topics that are the same

    other ways are for your users to create more topics and make them more active so the recent replies widget shows recent replies for more than 1 topic , and it doesnt look weird

    but other than that if i gave you a function to not show the actual recent replies

    if you have these topics that had recent replies

    topic 1
    topic 1
    topic 3
    topic 5
    topic 7
    topic 1

    and i wanted to only show

    topic 1
    topic 3
    topic 5
    topic 7

    i just skipped them and they arent really recent replies across your site anymore
    its just now the bbpress recent topics widget with the topics with recent replies settings on



    put the original code back to fix your problem



    did you edit the widget??



    tick show author so it wont look that dumb

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