Forum Replies Created
In reply to: Multisite doesn’t show forum
ummm… try
dashboard>settings>permalinks and just click save – this resets the permalinks and may help
ooops, let me take a look, I thought that was there – sorry !!
if you do that, then the comment form fills the page, and you have to scroll down to even see the topic, and then scroll up again to reply. If there are several replies, you will want to read them, and again then need to do lots of scrolling rather than have the comment box immediately below the last reply.
I have not known anyone who has tried this and then not immediately changed it back.
Better to have a reply button above the topic that takes you instantly to the reply.
If you are using style back – see the buttons tab
In reply to: Popup images smaller than beforeyes I suspect it is wordpress update.
as a punt, try this – I have low hopes of it working π
function fnctn_add_thickbox () { add_thickbox(); } add_action ( 'wp_enqueue_scripts','fnctn_add_thickbox' );
Put this in your child theme’s function file –
ie wp-content/themes/%your-theme-name%/functions.php
where %your-theme-name% is the name of your theme
or use
In reply to: forums/forum/forum-name not matching templateok, it is a theme issue.
2 further things to suggest
you could look at this item 8
and/or you could add this to your custom css
#bbpress-forums { width: 90% !important; }
Otherwise you need to reach out to the theme authors
In reply to: How can i make bbpress forum & topic page fullwidth.In reply to: forums/forum/forum-name not matching templateok, I can’t replicate that with the theme
dashboard>settings>permalinks and just click save – this resets the permalinks and may help
In reply to: Topic not showing: Conflict with The Events Calendarthanks – ok I’m not seeing this, so either it is a setting, or a combination of theme/plugins
maybe try
ThemesAs a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwenty, and see if this fixes.
If that doesn’t work, also deactivate all plugins apart from bbpress and events calendar and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.
If you cannot do this to your site (say because it is live) then use the ‘troubleshooting’ features of this plugin to let you test without affecting other users
Then come back
In reply to: Popup images smaller than beforeany idea what plugin you are using to do the image pop-up? is this part of the bbPress Multi Image Uploader?
In reply to: How can I βunlinkβ posters on a topic in forum?great – glad you are fixed π
In reply to: Topic not showing: Conflict with The Events CalendarJust tried 6.0.4 and I can see topics and replies
@fcaporal – can you confirm that you are seeing replies to a topic, but not the topic. And is this when you click through from a forum list?In reply to: forums/forum/forum-name not matching templateok, that should mean that it is not a fse theme.
so which popularfx theme is it?
In reply to: forums/forum/forum-name not matching templateas this is a paid theme, I’d start by asking the theme authors.
This also might be an FSE theme, if so, then try adding
once activated go to
dashboard>settings>bbpo style pack. If it is an FSE theme, you’ll find a tab called theme support and can enable this.
In reply to: How can I βunlinkβ posters on a topic in forum?once activated go to
dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>Profile
and select what you want
In reply to: Popup images smaller than beforeI more suspect that it is related to upgraded versions of wordpress or php and that bbPress Multi Image Uploader has not been updated for several years.
In reply to: How do you add the list of Categories to a page?contact me via
In reply to: How do you add the list of Categories to a page?so do you have it working now or do you still need help?
In reply to: How do you add the list of Categories to a page?link to an example please
In reply to: How do you add the list of Categories to a page?you can use the shortcodes
In reply to: Seeking recommendationHave another question. Is there any reason why the site (bbpress forum only) will break if i upgrade the php from 7.4 to 8.1?
I have run my test site with 8.1 and it works with only warnings.
If it is breaking your site, then you will need to enable debug to find out where the issue is, or try 8.0.x which is also in support.
In reply to: Seeking recommendationjust released 5.1.3 which has the subscription management from bbpress toolkit in it.
In reply to: PHP Versionπ
In reply to: PHP Versionthanks for that.
The wp issue is kinda annoying, not only for filling my screen with warnings, but the errors appear when accessing lots of plugin pages, so are being reported as plugin errors. Which of course makes the plugins look bad.
Wordfence is an example, with it running and debug turned on, loads of pages display the wp errors π
In reply to: PHP VersionAs far as I can easily test, all seems ok, but under 8.1 you get a load of php warnings for wordpress itself.
From this trac ticket
WP think that as this only shows when debug turned on it is fine, but as I always have it on in my test site because I am developing, it displays all over the place, so I’ve gone back to 8.0.x
In reply to: PHP VersionI’d be very surprised if the authors are actively testing with php versions.
Usually, you’d just deal with any errors – I’ve heard of none with 8.0.x or 8.1.x
my test site is running fine with 8.0.25 which will have security support for another year.
I’ll bump it to 8.1 and let you know of anything I find π