Robin W (@robin-w)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: Template Tags



    sorry lost the text through the forum interpreting it – try again

    a href=”edit” >Amend Profile/Change password
    Just wrap this in the usual <a and /a's



    I have also added it in a page by creating a shortcode
    In functions.php in my child theme I added

    //edit profile
    function profileedit() {
    return ‘Amend Profile/Change password‘ ;
    add_shortcode(‘profileedit’, ‘profileedit’);

    Then in any page type [profileedit] and up comes the href with the current user correctly filed in.

    In reply to: Template Tags



    Not sure which bit of your site you plan to put this in, but the following php code will put up some text which they can click

    <a href="edit” >Amend Profile/Change password

    without the “edit”, it’ll take them to their profile page.




    Thnaks for your unput. I played with several ideas, but in the end just added a libe to bbpress’s widgets.php on line 140 as follows :

    <a href="edit” >Amend Profile/Change password

    That did the trick.



    Can you point me to the newer example, and i’ll code that for snitz so that it looks consistent and has help prompts in it, then I’ll ticket it to you.



    PS the example.php that downloads with the bbpress plugin doesn’t have a bit to bring the message accross, so initially I had a great forum with no topic content!

    I nicked the following from another converter and it seemed to work

    // Topic content.
    // Note: We join the posts table because topics do not have content.
    $this->field_map[] = array(
    ‘from_tablename’ => ‘FORUM_TOPICS’,
    ‘from_fieldname’ => ‘T_MESSAGE’,
    ‘join_tablename’ => ‘thread’,
    ‘join_type’ => ‘INNER’,
    ‘join_expression’ => ‘USING (threadid) WHERE post.parentid = 0′,
    ‘to_type’ => ‘topic’,
    ‘to_fieldname’ => ‘post_content’,
    ‘callback_method’ => ‘callback_html’




    Thanks, that got me going in the right direction and I have achieved it.

    I’ll try and post the full method for future users – I found your custom stuff useful

    Working out the mapping and date formats took a bit of effort, but once there the rest is easy !

    Thanks again



    and it trashed my code, try again without the ‘s

    a href=”” class=”submit user-submit”><?php echo get_avatar( bbp_get_current_user_id(), '40' ); ?



    Sorry I’m a rookie idiot that didn’t include the website

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