Robin W (@robin-w)

Forum Replies Created

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  • Robin W


    Great, glad you’re fixed

    Robin W


    ok, all you’ve got is some bad code in your functions.php file

    were you customising this file or another? or via the dashboard?

    If you can, post line 344 of the functions.php in your reply, it can be as easy as a comma or semicolon missed.

    Robin W


    ok, so apart from suggesting you re-install bbpress – I’m out of ideas !

    In reply to: change forum sidebar

    Robin W


    Great, really glad you’re fixed !

    Robin W


    ok, lets try doing a repair on the forums to see if they’ve lost the relationship somewhere

    I’d work my way down the first 6 – maybe one at a time to ensure you don’t get hours of spinning discs.

    The code you provided to protect does have a section where it is working out whether to show a post, topic or reply, and the code for each is slightly different (starts at around line 40). I’m not good enough ton validate this code, but if you’re still stuck, always worth contacting the codes owner to see if they can help

    In reply to: post count ?

    Robin W


    OK, all I can suggest is that you try

    A re-install bbpress – it is possible it didn’t all download correctly and/or
    Changing to a default theme (such as twentytwelve) to see if that fixes, if so, then contact your theme provider

    After that I’m out of ideas I’m afraid !

    In reply to: change forum sidebar

    Robin W


    ok, plan B !

    Try this for me

    Bbpress sidebar fix
    Deactivate bbpress tweaks
    Dashboard>plugins>bbpress tweaks>deactivate

    Go into widgets

    And look at the bottom of the left hand side. You’ll see an “inactive sidebar”, with your entries on
    Below this is an “inactive widgets”
    Drag all the entries from the inactive sidebar to the inactive widgets area.
    This them allows wordpress to delete the sidebar
    I normally log out and in again at this stage – probably not needed, but I’ve never bothered to check
    Then basically reverse the above
    Re-enable bbpress tweaks
    You see the bbpress sidebar returns
    Drag the entries back from the inactive widgets area to the sidebar

    If that doesn’t work, come back I have a plan C !

    Robin W


    ok, do you have a child theme with css in it you can alter?

    Robin W


    There were some instructions here

    But they are out of date

    Your forum link didn’t work, but if you post again, I’ll take a quick look to see if teher are any quick and easy changes you could make

    Robin W


    Can you post a link to your site and I’ll take a look for you

    Robin W


    All first posts on an area are “topics” and the subsequent ones are replies, so it is correctly doing that.

    These are called custom post types

    User levels (eg admin) would/should not affect this

    I suspect the issue is in your memberships plugin – even though you’ve tried. Do you anywhere define what is shown to users? if you can find the word “replies” anywhere then look for adding “topics” as well.

    I’d suggest that you add a new user (yourself but under another name) and then play with the settings for both wordpress and bbpress. I presume you are aware that when you have created a user, if you go back into edit then you’ll see a bbpress role for each user. So play with both of those and see what displays topics and replies and then come back.

    In reply to: change forum sidebar

    Robin W


    ok, I’d try installing WP-tweaks again.

    You should see a bbpress sidebar in the dashboard


    and it will be on the bottom right.
    Populate that with some widgets and it should appear.

    If not come back and I’ll give you another solution

    In reply to: post count ?

    Robin W


    Hmmm…not sure where to go next.

    The counting function is in


    that it is an option makes me think that it is switchable, but no idea where it would be turned off and on, or indeed why !

    If you’ve not got your main site on buddypress, might be worth deactivating it to see if that fixes it.

    Otherwise you could post on the buddypress support site

    Please come back if you get any further !

    In reply to: BBPress – Post Count

    Robin W


    The issue is that in loop-single-reply the variable $user_id is not set. I’ve just written a plugin for this, which should work – it does on my site, but I am trying to work out why it doesn’t on another who also has buddypress.

    You installing it would help me determine if it is me !

    Download to your pc, and then upload to the plugins

    bbp topic count plugin

    or crack it open to see what code I used

    In reply to: post count ?

    Robin W


    ok, you would easily see it in usermeta table if it was there.

    would suggest that is why it is coming up a 0

    can you try

    and then the tab ‘repair forums’

    and then click “count topics for each user” and “count replies for each user”

    and see if that fixes it

    what versions of wordpress and bbpress are you on
    do you have buddypress also installed?

    In reply to: page templates

    Robin W


    In reply to: Visual Editor

    Robin W


    presume you mean this is the piece of code you’ve tried?

    Enable Visual Editor

    have you tried this plugin

    In reply to: Limit search on forum

    Robin W


    Great, glad you’re fixed !

    In reply to: post count ?

    Robin W



    Can you go into te users table and note the ID of your crissfit admin

    Then in the usermeta for that ID, can you see if you have parameters for _bbp_topic_count and _bbp_reply_count, the line items may be preceded by wp_ eg wp__bbp_topic_count

    if so let me know what values are set.

    I’m trying to figure out if my plugin is correctly referencing the database, but the database is incorrect, or if I have a parameter wrong. It works on my site.

    In reply to: post count ?

    Robin W


    ok, interesting

    do you have phpmyadmin access to the database?

    In reply to: post count ?

    Robin W


    Sorry wasn’t yelling – have now seen that this is a password protected page rather than a wordpress password

    will take a look

    In reply to: post count ?

    Robin W


    Don’t post passwords on forums !! edit and delete the one above from the post above or you’ll be hacked very quickly, and then change the password for the site

    In reply to: post count ?

    Robin W


    no, simply click the avatar – for instance since this support forum is bbpress,. just click the picture of pigs to the left of this post – you’ll see my topic count.

    Do this for your website, an dit should show the posts for whichever user is in the avatar

    In reply to: post count ?

    Robin W


    If you click the avatar, you should go through to the profile page for that user, where bbpress shows the topic and reply count – can you tell me if those are also 0?

    This will tell me whether it is a bbpress or my plugin issue

    Robin W


    Would be worth a try at

    Dashboard>tools>forums and click the first 6 with “recalculate” as the start

    It may be that it’s out of sync somewhere

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