Robin W (@robin-w)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @robin-w


    If you’re reasonable at php, download a plugin I wrote for adding town and county to bbpress, and crack this open.

    bbPress town and county plugin

    It has the code to add two fields (town and county) to profile, which displays under the avatar on topics and replies. But you can alter and use this code to add any fields the users profile so that they can edit and update.



    There are probably much cleverer ways to do this but find the following file


    On line 19 you’ll find the following

    <li class="bbp-forum-info"><?php _e( 'Forum', 'bbpress' ); ?></li>

    change the ‘Forum’ to whatever you want it to read.

    If you just change it in this location, it will be overwritten each time bbpress updates.

    What you really need to do is to put it into your theme – see

    Step by step guide to setting up a bbPress forum – part 3

    item 3 for how to do this, and part 2 of the guide (go to the codex home for this) discusses how to set up a child theme



    No problem !



    create new is at the bottom of a forum page – not always that obvious

    I created a page titled “add new topic” with the content of


    – the shortcode for creating a topic.

    I then use a text widget in the sidebar with the content of

    <a href="/add-new-topic/">Create a new topic</a>

    the “/add-new-topic/” is the permalink to the page.



    Great, glad you’re fixed !



    Great, glad you’re fixed !



    Greta, thanks, and let us know what buddypress says !



    look at

    bbPress Styling Crib

    and see

    Step by step guide to setting up a bbPress forum – part 2

    for where to put the changes if you’re not certain.



    Suspect you have a conflict somewhere. bbpress and buddypress will work, so it is something else.

    Suggest you start by disabling all your plugins, and switching to a default theme. Add bbpress, buddypress and test that works (it should). Then add woocommerce, again it should work. Then switch to your normal theme, and test again. If that all works, then add back the other plugins one at a time to see which is causing the conflict.

    In reply to: Form To Forum Post



    Suspect that not a lot of bbpress people will have done this, and probably none that view this forum.

    Basically you just need your form to save the relevant bits to the database as a forum entry.

    I’d start by looking at how an entry is stored in the database, and then get your form to do this for you.

    In reply to: Topic Thumbnails?



    Great, glad it all worked !

    If you’re not using a child theme, then any theme upgrade may overwrite your functions file, so keep a note of the final code you used, as you may need to add it back.

    In reply to: Topic Thumbnails?



    Yes, No particular point that you should insert it – I’d put it at the end.

    In reply to: Topic Thumbnails?



    Ok, I cracked that code open, and think that putting in the following will work

    add_action( 'bbp_theme_before_topic_title', 'assylumn_insert_thumbnail' );
    function assylumn_insert_thumbnail() {
    	echo('<a href="">') ; 
        echo('<img class="bbp-topic-thumbnail"  width="100%" style="max-width: ' . get_option('thumbnail_size_w') . 'px; max-height: ' . get_option('thumbnail_size_h'). 'px; vertical-align:middle;" src=""/>' .'</a>');

    Obviously you’ll need to change the URL to your image

    You’ll need to add this to your functions file, if you don’t know how to do this, come back !

    In reply to: Topic Thumbnails?



    which plugin are you referring to? That would be a good starter



    This plugin might let you change the words

    EDIT: Robin, I removed the code you posted as it was not really what was needed, check the plugin below. Cheers, Stephen

    In reply to: change forum sidebar



    Great to hear you’re fixed !



    can you see “forums” in the dashboard?



    Could be theme or plugin conflict.

    Try switching to a default theme (such as twenty twelve) to see if problems remains.

    Then try disabling all you plugins, and if that fixes, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the issue



    Try using

    I haven’t used it myself, but others have with success




    Thanks for posting these – I’ve added them to the codex documentation at

    Layout and functionality – Examples you can use

    as items 6 & 7


    Robin W

    In reply to: Plugin Update 2.5.3



    Try switching to a “default” theme (such as twenty twelve) and see if it goes away.

    If not, try disabling your other plugins and re-introduce one at a time to see if there’s a conflict.




    don’t think there’s any conspiracy to keep this stuff secret, rather that the clever people who write this stuff are generally the same type of people who hate documenting – they enjoy the code and getting it to do stuff, not the this is how I did it.

    I’d love to see a crib on the structure of the bbPress plugin – a list of the directories and files, and a description of what each file did – eg loop-single-forum.php does this, and content-single-topic does that etc. but unless I do one, don’t think it will happen.

    I’ll try to unravel the filter side of the plugin at some stage !



    best explanation I know is here :

    Filters Explained

    I plan to write some bbPress specific documentation for this when I get my head around it enough to pass it on (I am relatively new to wordpress as well).

    In reply to: Email notifications



    yes, I use the bbPress Notify plugin which does both topics and replies



    I’m afraid that I am a bit lost, because I’m not sure what you are showing me under this link.

    However if you want to remove parts of the breadcrumb you can add a function to your functions file


    function mycustom_breadcrumb_options() {
    	// Home - default = true
    	$args['include_home']    = false;
    	// Forum root - default = true
    	$args['include_root']    = false;
    	// Current - default = true
    	$args['include_current'] = true;
    	return $args;
    add_filter('bbp_before_get_breadcrumb_parse_args', 'mycustom_breadcrumb_options' );

    If you want to lose the breadcrumb all together you can use

    function bm_bbp_no_breadcrumb ($param) {
    return true;
    add_filter ('bbp_no_breadcrumb', 'bm_bbp_no_breadcrumb');

    Otherwise come back and explain a bit further about what your link is taking me to eg is this a page and what is the content of that page

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