Robin W (@robin-w)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: LABELS




    Dashboard>settings>forums>forum root slug to change the urls and breadcrumbs – just change forums to what you want it to say

    Tp change the forum heading on the forums list, make a copy of


    and place this in a folder


    see for a tutorial on this subject

    Then edit line line 19 which says

    <li class="bbp-forum-info"><?php _e( 'Forum', 'bbpress' ); ?></li>


    <li class="bbp-forum-info"><?php _e( 'Elephant', 'bbpress' ); ?></li>

    and it will say elephant instead of forum.



    you can use the following shortcodes in a page or post

    Display the ‘New Topic’ form where you can choose from a drop down menu the forum that this topic is to be associated with.

    [bbp-topic-form forum_id=$forum_id]
    Display the ‘New Topic Form’ for a specific forum ID.

    In reply to: Forum Index Scrunched



    ‘Thats the odd part, they are both using the default…and switching between the various different templates doesn’t seem to modify it. The theme has an internal setting that allows you to dictate how many ‘columns’ are shown. I can get it to show full page if I switch that around, but then my article page is also shown full (one column) I’m looking at the code further to try and figure out how to isolate one from the other’

    Think that’s the route to go.

    bbPress looks at the root of your theme for “bbpress.php” as a page template. if it doesn’t find it, it’ll use your themes “page.php”.

    It sounds like your “page.php” page (whatever it’s called), has a parameter to set the columns, so within this they’ll be an “if” statement which is setting this.

    What I think you need to do is as suggested in my first post. Copt the page file and call it “bbpress.php”. You should be able to find in that file where it is using the setting to create the columns and take this out. Alternately look in the twentyfourteen theme for the full page template and compare this to your file. You should be able to cobble the two together to get it to work.

    If none of that works, (or alternately!) contact the theme developer to see if they have a solution.

    In reply to: Form To Forum Post



    Suspect that there are values in a “forum” post that you need to populate.

    I suspect (but don’t know) that the forum will be a category, and the topics will be posts. Therefore you need to link your topic to it’s forum so need to link the post to it’s category.

    Try searching round phrases such as “wordpress post category in database” which got me a bunch of articles eg

    ‘I guess the developers don’t visit their own forum anymore?’ – sounds critical, the developers are busy developing – remember this is all free stuff, and no-one pays their, or indeed my time to do this. They do regularly visit, but I would not expect to get a load of development advice for free to do something that is not in significant demand. Even writing this took ten minutes !

    I hope you find a solution, and in the spirit of free open source, post the solution when you get it. I’ll add it to the codex, so that others can benefit.





    not in the core, but I believe this plugin does what you want

    In reply to: no replies vue



    is this just replies? and just in back office?

    I seem to remember somewhere that there was an issue with bbPress and localhost – something to do with the IP address resolution, but can’tv remember what it was and how it was fixed, so this may not be relevant !

    In reply to: Forum Index Scrunched



    Looks like it is bbpress selecting the default page from your theme, which looks like a tree columns one.

    Your “about” page is full screen, so if that’s what you want, suggest you make a copy of whatever .php that is using (eg fullwidth.php) from your theme file, and then rename the copy file to bbpress.php and put it in the same theme folder as the original. Then bbpress will use that as it’s page file.

    In reply to: Form To Forum Post



    Think this is beyond the scope of a help forum ! It would take me much research and many hours to document.

    Suggest you post to

    and see if someone will create it for you.



    I think those words are in your page 322

    You should just have the following in contents


    I think you have

    [bbp-login] - Display the login screen.



    ok, think the ones on the page link are around line 90 (my .css is different, so exact lines may vary) – look for

    #bbpress-forums li.bbp-header,
    #bbpress-forums li.bbp-footer {
    	background: #f3f3f3;
    	border-top: 1px solid #eee;
    	font-weight: bold;
    	padding: 8px;
    	text-align: center;
    #bbpress-forums li.bbp-header {
    	background: #eaeaea;

    and change background to the same as above.

    They may be some others as you go through. Come back with any that are still niggling, and I’ll chase them down for you.

    As you are making changes to bbPress templates, make a copy of the file onto your PC, and keep a list of what you changed, as any bbPress updates will override this file.

    You should revisit child themes when you get some more time, as this is a better way to do it, but the way you’re doing will work fine (and was what I did in the early days!).

    In reply to: Can no longer post.



    Ok, I’d try deactivating all the plugins (except bbPress!) and see if it then works.

    If it doesn’t work with all the plugins disabled, switch to default theme such as twentyten and see if it then works.

    If it works with plugins disabled, add back the plugins one at a time and see which one is causing the conflict.



    Hey, great that you’re fixed !



    Ok, you might take while to fix this, but here’s some starters.

    On the correct forum, the page is using the bbpress.css under a div class of “entry content”
    On the incorrect forum, the page is using your themes css under a div class of “storycontent”

    On the incorrect website, I suspect that you need to take a copy of the page.php that this forum is using. Rename this to bbpress.php, and move this file to your theme’s folder. BBpress will then use this as the page style for all forum stuff. Then you’ll need to edit it to use the bbpress theme. Sounds simple when you write it, but this assumes you know what I’m talking about, and even that I know what I’m talking about! But maybe start there and see how far you can get.

    In reply to: Login with Facebook


    In reply to: Login with Facebook



    suggest you try :

    you can get help for anything, no matter how small !



    No problem,

    Several ways to do this, the easiest is to add the following to your theme’s style.css file:

    .widget_display_topics .bbp-author-avatar { display: none ! important; }
    .bbp-topic-freshness-author  .bbp-author-avatar { display: none ! important; }

    or if you are using a child theme, put in in the bbpress.css in your css folder

    If you need further help, just come back and ask, or visit

    Step by step guide to setting up a bbPress forum – part 2




    what is happening when they hit the submit button?

    Have you tried

    de-activating all plugins except bbpress to check if there’s a conflict?
    changing to a default theme such as twentytwelve to see if it’s a theme issue?

    In reply to: bbpress sidebar



    presume you are using the code is_bbpress() in your widget logic?



    unfortunately you are right. The widgets that bbpress comes with can only be changed by filters, and that may be your solution.

    Alternately you can cut the widget code into a plugin. I do this to alter the wordpress login plugin, and once you get into it it’s quite easy, just google creating a plugin for lots fo resources.

    You’ll need some plugin code, and then to copy the widget into the plugin. You’ll then need to change the widget name so it doesn’t conflict.



    If having themes and plugins in wp-content was a security issue, then WordPress all over the world would be hacked daily, and if wp-content is insecure then all wordpress folders would be and the locations of the wordpress core are all standard.

    I’d just put bbpress into a wp-content folder

    If you really want to stick with your route, then search the whole bbpress plugin for “wp-content” and just do a copy/paste. it may be one occurance, it could be hundreds.

    Of course you’ll need to repeat on any upgrade



    can you do a screenshot of a phpbb page to show what you’d like, and add a link to it?



    use the bbpress logon widget in a sidebar on your forum page, and it’ll stay on the forums.

    edit : sorry just read your entry again, and that’s exactly what you are doing !

    I disable dashboard for all my users – untick “show toolbar when visiting site”

    If they logout using the widget (which is their only option if they don’t have toolbar), then they don’t get the WordPress login page.

    You can customose the generic login form if you want to keep it see

    In reply to: Can no longer post.



    How long have you had the forum?, and how long have you had the problem?

    Have you done any additional plugins, wordpress, bbpress or other plugin upgrades, or changed css or functions recently?

    What versions of wordpress and bbpress are you on?



    Not quite sure what you are after

    There is a bbpress widget that shows latest topics which you can put into your sidebar.

    Otherwise come back and explain some more !



    Think this thread should help you

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