Robin W (@robin-w)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: Login/Register Widget



    Nice site – loved the home page !

    Ok, yes you should get a login – I’m presuming you’re using the (bbpress) Login widget?

    and what/how have you done your sidebar to make it forum specific?

    [edit] and when you say they, which other ones aren’t showing?




    Original poster got this as a result og “I just installed bbPress on my site. I wanted to change the setting from disallow editing after 5 minutes to 10 minutes but when I click save changes I get a “Cheatin’ uh?” Page”

    Can you explain what you were doing, and if you did as per @lkicknosway
    and logged out and back in again !



    are you logged on when you get this result?

    In reply to: theme – front end



    You restrict users from going to the backend, by

    Daashboard>users> select user

    and unchecking

    “show toolbar when visiting site”

    In reply to: Forum Refresh



    Are you using a caching plugin/tool?

    If so, some are apparently better than others, maybe try a different one.



    Can only suggest you start with eliminating plugin and theme conflicts viz :

    Check other plugins

    Check that no other plugins are affecting this.

    Turn off all other plugins apart from bbpress, and see if that fixes the problem. If the problem is resolved, add back one at a time to see which is causing the conflict.

    Check themes

    Whilst you on a “clean” child theme, the main theme may have issues.

    If plugins are not the cause, then it may be a theme issue. Switch to a default theme, such as twentytwelve, and test.



    I don’t know the answer, but am intrigued as to why you would want comments on say a forum index?



    no official one, but plenty if you google

    Also check out the documentation


    including the layout and functionality examples



    Sorry, but there is no short code to display topics by user



    add this to your functions file

    function change_translate_text( $translated_text ) {
    	if ( $translated_text == 'Freshness' ) {
    	$translated_text = 'whatever-new-word-you-want';
    	return $translated_text;
    add_filter( 'gettext', 'change_translate_text', 20 );
    In reply to: Forum Question



    No, there isn’t one I can work out, just tried it and failed ! Would have been neat if it worked, but it didn’t.

    so we’re back to square 1

    Now if you use forums for interaction, and posts for information, then this becomes an easy solution

    Admins create posts in categories, so you get a flow for instance

    These categories are then set in the menu structure, so they look cascade as you need them to.

    So admins can create and edits these pseudo topics and you turn off comments to prevent replies. You can the use the content permissions from the forum setup bit below (it’s a plugin you’ll be adding) to limit access to registered users only (and indeed which – you can have a group to access say math and another to access say economics and a third group who can access both).

    Then you use forums for admins and tutors

    These can be separate forums ie some for admins which tutors don’t see, and some where both can interact – see for how to do this.

    Sorry I can’t get a neater solution !



    ok, no equivalent way to the sticky but if you

    look at the date/time of the topic
    look at the date/time of the first reply


    Dashboard>replies and select the reply you want to appear directly under the topic, and select edit.
    On the bottom right hand side you’ll see ‘publish’ together with a “published on ” date, change that to be a date/time after the topic, but before the current first reply, ie date/time wise it become the first reply.



    ok, thanks – let me have a think – the number and frequency are to let me see if a more “manual” solution would work.



    you can make the topic “sticky” or even “super-sticky”

    you will see the option “stick to front” beside the date if you have permission to do this, or you can go into Dashboard>topics and select the topic. in the top right meta box you’ll see ‘topic attributes’ and you can change that form normal to sticky or super sticky



    ‘ I’m German, so please be patient’ no problem 🙂

    If I understand, you want

    Some forums – to be visible and accessible by both registered and guests
    Some forums – just forum titles of all forums to be visible to everyone, and when clicked to get a “you must be logged in…” and logged in users to be able to see and access these forums.

    Is this correct?

    A coupe of questions please :

    1. How many forums are you envisaging will be restricted?
    2. Will new forums be added regularly?

    In reply to: Forum Question



    There is one, but I need to document it, as it’s a bit of a cobble together of two plugins.

    I’ll do that shortly, and give it a final test to prove it works !



    That coffee always helps !

    Glad you’re fixed !



    @netweb – thanks Stephen !

    In reply to: Looking for answer :)



    responded on other thread




    If you go back to Lynq’s answer

    .bbpress .post-image { display:none; }

    you post this in the style.css of the theme


    where ‘yourtheme’ is the name of the theme you are using

    put it at the end, and make a note of it, as it may disappear on any theme update, so you would need to add it back.



    No bbPress doesn’t have it’s own theme, it uses your wordpress one.

    It does have styling and can (but doesn’t have to) use a custom page, so you can make it look as much the same or as different as you like.

    In reply to: Forum Question



    no, this site doesn’t have a private message capability – your problem may well be someone else’s as well, so public answers help others !

    ‘When I went to one of our private forums, logged in as a tutor with the “tutor role”, it still let me post something. ‘ I’d try that again, and make sure you have logged out of the forum first in all your browser windows. If it still doesn’t work, come back and I’ll cut the code into a plugin.

    As to your desired set-up, this is getting complicated from a technical perspective.

    In essence you want
    Group a to have full permissions to participate across the site – the admins – no problem
    Group b to have spectator rights to some forums, but participation rights to others – ow!
    Public to see none of this – that is easy – forums set to private

    Is that correct? and if so I’ll have another think.

    In reply to: Delete Topic Function



    ‘I will try turning of the plugins and themes but i don’t think that is the answer.’

    may well not be, but lets eliminate !

    In reply to: Delete Topic Function



    ok, interesting, whilst altering that file on a permanent basis is not a good idea, it should have worked.

    I’m not familiar with the role editor, does it let you change the default participant role, or did you create a new one with the delete topic capability?

    I’d eliminate plugin and theme issues by

    Check other plugins

    Check that no other plugins are affecting this.

    Turn off all other plugins apart from bbpress, and see if that fixes the problem. If the problem is resolved, add back one at a time to see which is causing the conflict.

    Check themes

    If plugins are not the cause, then it may be a theme issue. Switch to a default theme, such as twentytwelve, and test.

    Let us know how you get on



    ok, yes I can probably fix your code above, and if you want to continue down that road, I’ll do some digging when I get a moment – just come back and let me know.

    However having looked at a solution for doing this at forum level I’ve sorted a different way to do this which works at topic level and seems much neater for the user, but will require a very small amount of discipline when posting a topic, but which solves both issues above.

    It takes a little setting up, and apologies that I sent you down the 404 route before I found this maybe (or maybe not) better way !

    So this solution requires that
    You have users set at wordpress to subscriber (or above) and at bbpress as participant (or above)
    that you have a separate menu item for your private forum – as users don’t see the private forum on the index when not logged in, and that this url is used in messages rather than the direct forum id (logged in users will have both choices – menu item and forum index!)

    If that’s ok, then set the forum up as follows – looks long, but is quite easy

    This solution

      uses the restrict content plugin to create a login prompt if the user is not logged on
      sets the forums to private so that they are not seen on the main index
      creates a page just for that forum, which the restrict content plugin can then use to display the need to be logged in message and login boxes
      Any topics created in the forum that need specific urls in newsletters etc. are set to subscriber – 30 seconds additional work!)

    1.Install “restrict content” plugin
    Dashboard>plugins>add new
    search for “Restrict Content” and it’s then one called just that
    Install and activate
    2. go into dashboard>settings>restrict content and add the following text (you can tailor it to say what you want) to all the options
    Sorry, you need to be a member to see this area. Login if need be [bbp-login]
    3. Go into Dashboard>forums>whichever forum and change to visibility ‘private’. This will stop this forum being seen in the main index unless logged in, so we’ll need to add a menu item later on so not logged in users can see it
    4. Find out the ID of the forum you have set to private
    This link shows you how
    5. Create a new page called whatever eg “free speech forum”
    and put the following code into it
    [bbp-single-forum id=2922] where the id number is the number that you found out in 4. above
    6. Within this page you’ll also see below the main text you’ve just entered a new box called “restrict content” set this to subscriber (or higher is you’re really restricting).
    7. add this page to your menu’s if need be


    If a user is logged in, and selects the menu item, they’ll just go straight into the forum.
    If they are not logged in and select the menu item, they’ll get the message you set up in 2. above together with the login boxes and having logged in will see the forum

    For topics :

    where you want a logon prompt to appear – presumably only topics in the newsletter (as it is only these that people will be entering a direct url for) – you need to go into Dashboard>topics and underneath the text you’ll see the restrict content box, change this to subscriber and they’ll get the prompt if not logged on !

    give it a go, or come back and say you want to carry down the 404 route and I’ll try and help you further on that !

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