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Getting forum page name from plugin

  • @soopergenius



    Here’s my situation. I have a site with several forums. Let’s call them Forum A, B and C. All users to the site can view Forum A. Through other actions that happen on the site users collect points. At a certain point total Forum B becomes available. At another point total Forum C becomes available. There is an external webservice I can call to see if the user has the appropriate number of points for the relevant Forum.

    As far as I can tell, bbPress doesn’t have the built in capability to handle that particular permissions scenario so I’m building a plugin. My plugin is hooking on the “user_has_cap” filter to determine whether a user can see a particular forum. I don’t want to make an external webservice call on every single current_user_can() call that gets made during a page load, so in my hook function I want to immediately check to see if the current request is a Forum page.

    For example, if the requested page was “http://localhost/wordpress/forums/forum/forum-b/” then being able to get the pagename “forums” it would allow me to jump out of my hook function immediately if the request wasn’t for a forum page or topic. Below is a copy of code/pseudocode for what I’m doing in the plugin.

    function forum_lock_check($allcaps, $cap) {
        if (pagename != "forums") return $allcaps;	
        if (webservice says I can) {
            $allcaps["can-view-forum"] = true;
        return $allcaps;
    add_filter("user_has_cap", "forum_lock_check", 10, 3); 

    Is there a wordpress or bbpress function that gives me the pagename the forum is attached to? Of course, if there is an easier way to do what I want, I’m all ears for that as well. Thanks for any help you can give me.

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  • @robin-w



    should do it I think.

    Otherwise bbpress has custom post types of forum, topic and reply.

    You should also consider disabling or modifying the bbpress search function, as otherwise searches will go forum wide, giving a backdoor.

    Good luck !



    is_bbpress() almost works. Thanks for the pointer there, by the way. I can’t see how I missed that function in all my searching. I failed my Google-fu obviously. My code now looks like this in the my-plugin.php file.

    function forum_lock_check($allcaps, $cap) {
    	if (function_exists("is_bbpress")) {
    		$is_bbpress = is_bbpress();
    	} else {
    		$is_bbpress = false;
    	return $allcaps;
    add_filter("user_has_cap", "forum_lock_check", 10, 3); 

    Here’s the funny part. (Funny = weird not Funny = haha) If I’m navigating to the main forums page (http://localhost/wordpress/forums/), then everything proceeds swimmingly. If I then navigate to a forum within the page (http://localhost/wordpress/forums/ or to a thread within the forum (http://localhost/wordpress/forums/topic/post-1) I then get several of the following errors.

    Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-includes\query.php on line 3792
    Notice: Undefined property: WP_Query::$post in C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-includes\query.php on line 3306

    Commenting out the “$is_ppbress = is_bbpress();” line removes the errors but I’ve got no idea why WordPress suddenly doesn’t like the code. Have you seen this before? What file is is_bbpress() in?

    Thanks, Robin.



    Nevermind, Robin. It’s just a Notice and not an error at this point. I’m not going to stress over it at the moment. The code is working fine. Thanks for the help.



    ok if it proves an issue, you could use

    if ( is_singular( array('forum', 'topic', 'reply') ) ) {
        //  conditional content/code
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