Robin W (@robin-w)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @robin-w


    Great, and yes I think it should be a link – it bugs me to have to copy/paste into a browser – but maybe as a new window?

    In reply to: Hide role in the forum



    Try this – it should work

    Function hide_author_url () {
    $retval='' ;
    return $retval ;
    add_filter( 'bbp_get_topic_author_url', 'hide_author_url' );
    add_filter( 'bbp_get_reply_author_url', 'hide_author_url' );



    Ok, this is what you wanted

    function user_profile_bbp_website_information()
    //this function adds the website to the profile display menu
    			$label1 =  $rpi_options['item1_label'] ;
    			echo "<p>" ;
    			printf ( __( 'website : ', 'bbpress' ));
    			$url=bbp_get_displayed_user_field( 'user_url' ) ;
    			$url='<a href="'.$url.'">'.$url.'</a>';
    			echo $url; 
    			echo"</p>" ;
    add_action ('bbp_template_after_user_profile', 'user_profile_bbp_website_information') ;



    sorry that will add it after the avatar on topics and replies, just re-read you want it in profile !

    will take another look tomorrow !



    The following should do it – put this in your functions file

    function bbp_website_information () 
    //This function adds the website to the avatar display of topics/replies
    	echo '<li>' ; 
    	$user_id = bbp_get_reply_author_id( $reply_id );
    	global $wpdb;
    	$url = get_userdata($user_id) ;
    	$url=$url->user_url ;
    	$url='<a href="'.$url.'">'.$url.'</a>';
    	echo $url ;
    	echo '</li>' ;
    add_action ('bbp_theme_after_reply_author_details', 'bbp_website_information') ;



    I can’t see any forums in these pages



    I’m not quite sure what you are saying.

    For template file, you only need to copy files that you want to change to your theme, not all of them. If you haven’t done any changes then you don’t need to copy any files.

    Any TEMPLATE files you copy should be in a folder called bbpress ie

    so if for instance you wanted to modify loop-single-fourm.php, you would copy it to that bbpress folder and modify it there – it would then be


    The page template that bbpress will sue will be in the root of your theme ie


    and bbpress will look for file in the following order


    so if you have copied and renamed page.php to forum.php, then bbpress should be using that file.

    so you file should be


    In reply to: Newby a little lost



    great – glad you’re fixed !



    quite probably – it’s a computer so unfathomable !



    I’ve put the code that is working for me on my site

    Rating plugin

    Download it, unzip and then ftp it to overwrite the plugins rating.php – I’d take a copy of that first !

    It would be good to get this working, and if when we get it going I’ll wrap a version as an official plugin if the original author doesn’t want to add the functionality to his plugin !

    I’ll continue to play, as it’s annoying me now !



    might be worth you copying some of that across to your question on the plugins support page, as it might speed up him looking at it, and quicker understand what’s happening?



    getting it to display is easy !

    bbpress deosn’t use ‘the content’ function in its loops, so we need to hook to the bbpress content function which is bbp_get_reply_content

    So you just add a second filter after line 15, this then puts the ratings in the display

        add_filter('the_content', 'spr_filter', 15);
    	add_filter ('bbp_get_reply_content', 'spr_filter') ;

    Then the next bit of the plugins code looks at whether we have an individual post/page or are in a loop – a list of pages/posts.

    If just one (is_singular) then it will display the rating, and let you add one.
    If in a loop then it simply displays, and doesn’t let you alter, or that’s what I think it’s doing

    so to get it to understand that we’re in a list of replies (ie loop-single-reply) we test that we’re in bbpress

    so we add a test for bbpress into the first function viz

    foreach ($list as $list_)
            if (is_bbpress() )
                if ($options['position']=='before')
                elseif ($options['position']=='after')
                    $content .= spr_rating();
    		if (is_singular($list_)&&$options['where_to_show'][$list_]&&$disable_rating!='1')

    Ok so that does the display (at the moment for both topics and replies, but that’s easily fixed later)

    What I can’t work out quite is why the amend doesn’t work. I think it is because the javascript/ajax is using spr_rate, but expects that to be part of $_post, but that’s may be failing as we are sort of in a bbpress loop at that stage, not in an individual post, so I dontl know what’s it looking for as post_id.

    Anyway I’m rubbish at ajax/js etc. so am just poking code in the hope of finding a fix.

    So that’s as far as I’ve got for now !!



    ok, I’ve had a very quick look, the plugin is fine – it copes with custom post types, I think the problem is that it hooks to wordpress ‘the content’, and I think it needs to hook to bbpress – I’ll have a further play later.



    I haven’t been through the code yet, or looked at the pugin, so can you save me some time?

    ok, so do you want this just for bbpress? or can they vote in both bbpress and wordpress – hopefully not the latter !

    and can you give a quick summary of how what it does (or better what you would like it to do and how it would work? eg only on topics, on topics and replies, what are they voting for – eg the topic or a book within the topic. Will a book only ever be in one topic? What should they see – no. votes? average of replies, starts? Do you want votes for and votes against eg like/dislike? etc.

    In reply to: Can't see any topics



    ok, so now we’ll eliminate themes and plugins as the issue


    Deactivate all but bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.


    If plugins don’t pinpoint the problem, switch to a default theme such as twentytwelve, and see if this fixes.

    Come back with the results of this



    @trymedo – yes please try it and let me know if it works !

    Now if you have moderators with no groups, then they can moderate across all forums. If you set a moderator to a group, then they can just moderate that group and all open forums.



    Not sure I asked !!!, but will take a look tomorrow – wine and steak currently await !

    In reply to: Can't see any topics



    3. Yes, it was working at the start. I did a reset of bbpress, didn’t help

    If you did a reset, then you will have deleted your forum, so can only get this from a backup !



    Brilliant – thanks for posting the solution, I’ve saved it away in my file of useful bbpress stuff !

    more difficult question now expected !

    In reply to: Can't see any topics



    1. Can you post a link to your site?
    2. Is this a new site and/or forum on this site?
    3. Has this ever worked?
    4. What level are you trying this at – keymaster/moderator/participant?
    5. Where are you creating the topic – front end or back end?
    6. just this one topic, or does it happen with all?

    In reply to: Help build forum



    There are probably lots of changes that have been made to get those sites, and sorry but it is unlikely that anyone will offer to design your site for you without payment.

    If you want a specific project then put it on wordpress jobs

    If you want specific help on elements, then give us a link to your url, and say what exactly you would like to change, and we’ll see if we can help you.

    In reply to: Hide role in the forum



    yes, put this in your functions file

    function hide_role ($args) {
    $args['show_role'] = false ;
    Return $args ;
    add_filter ('bbp_before_get_reply_author_link_parse_args', 'hide_role') ;

    come back if you need any further help !



    I’d be fairly sure that it’s because a topic and replies are shown using loop-single-reply.php which uses the reply class throughout.

    I suspect that the topic class is used in /topics display

    you could prove this by typing the above (with your site name!) into your url box.

    If so, then you could put a conditional into loop-single reply using the $countr we out there earlier, ie if it’s the first use topic class.

    Is it possible to remove topic-author, but keep reply-authors

    I’m just on my way out, or I’d do a bit more research – come back if you need more help !



    great, glad you are fixed !!

    In reply to: Newby a little lost



    It will almost certainly be your theme.

    I had a quick look but couldn’t work out quite what it was doing at that point.

    Since I think you have the scope theme, maybe check on their support forum, as have paid for support and access.

    and search for bbpress as a start – there may well be a simple solution.

    If not then put a support topic on their site, and come back and tell us what they said

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