Forum Replies Created
In reply to: bbPress pages redirect to homepage
so in dashboard do you see forums, topics or replies?
In reply to: bbp_single_topic_description\bbpress\includes\topics\template.php line 3277
the ‘get’ function has a filter on it you can hook to
In reply to: Installation of bbpressok, so if you have no keamasters, I refer you back to my previous post about installing the additional plugin, you can uninstall it aftwerwards, it just lets you add a keymaster if you are an admin and there are no keymasters assigned.
if that is what you meant by ‘ unfortunately didn’t work.’, the you need to say exactly what you mean by that statement, what did you do, see, press and what happened
In reply to: Installation of bbpresssorry, I don’t understand.
do you have someone who is a keymaster or not?
In reply to: Installation of bbpressI’m not a bbpress author, so cannot comment on why.
ok, so if there are no keymasters, if you add this plugin:
once activated go to
dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>bug fixes
you will get the ability to add yourself back as a keymaster
In reply to: Installation of bbpressok, so yes only keymasters can see forums in the dashboard
and only a keymaster can appoint another keymaster, so you’ll need to get the ID with the role to appoint you :
dashboard>users>all users> and select the ID you want to appoint, then edit and near the bottom you’ll see the bbpress roles listed.
In reply to: Installation of bbpresshave a look in
dashboard>users>your username
you should be a ‘keymaster’
let me know what that says
In reply to: Export / Import through wp-cli for massive forum@codejp3 the issue with the convertors is 2 fold.
1. it needs the users on both sites to be exactly the same user_ID’s
2. With a million replies it’ll fall over and need repeating/restarting – going the database route is the best optionIn reply to: Export / Import through wp-cli for massive forummy recommendation would be to
on the destination site export any posts and pages (there are not usually that many) using dashboard>ttols>export. Then use phpmyadmin and move the whole source site to the destination site.
Then you can import the posts pages and add back any users unique to the destination site.
that way the linkage between users, topics and replies will remain in tact.
the fact that any old destination site page or post ID’s and user ID’s change should not matter
In reply to: Export / Import through wp-cli for massive forumphp level.
Frankly it’s really not easy to move forums, topics and replies between sites if not moving the while site.
bbpress users custom post types, and manages the relationships between them via both post_parent and post meta. If you just export and import again, if the post ID frtom the source site is already being used by the destinatiion site, the the wp import process just allocates a free number, so the relationships gets all messed up.
ditto if the user ID’s do not exactly match, then again these get to be wrong.
I have done transfers as paid jobs for clients in the past, and have some code that does a few bits that get over this, but it is not really generic, so would need someone who knows WordPress database well and is happy with php. I am short on time at the moment to do the job.
In reply to: Export / Import through wp-cli for massive forumhow code savvy are you ?
In reply to: Pending Moderation Process and Emailit does what it does 🙂
In reply to: Plugin bbP g-plus-onetry
In reply to: Duplicate Reply Errorgo to
dashboard>topics or dashboard>replies and see if the post is in there and marked as pending. If so you can approve or reject it
In reply to: Pending Moderation Process and EmailOn the basic bbpress plugin, you can approve/reject topics in the backend dashboard, but the user sees nothing.
There is a moderation section in my style pack additional plugin which adds better moderation options
once activated go to
dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>Moderation
In reply to: Multiple replies being createdok, no one else is reporting this, and I cannot replicate this error.
This suggests it is site specific.
If you are happy that you are getting this on a reply from you where you have definitely only hit the submit button once, then I can only suggest you do the standard fault finding
it could be a theme or plugin issue
As a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwenty, and see if this fixes.
If that doesn’t work, also deactivate all plugins apart from bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.
If you cannot do this to your site (say because it is live) then use the ‘troubleshooting’ features of this plugin to let you test without affecting other users
Then come back
Otherwise maybe talk to your hosting provider about site speed
In reply to: Plugin bbP g-plus-onecan you deactivate and delete the plugin, and then download a new version from here
In reply to: Plugin bbP g-plus-oneand what is the problem?
In reply to: “add new” missing from dashboardgreat – glad you’re fixed
In reply to: Installation without WordPress?sorry no, bbpress only works as a plugin within wordpress.
In reply to: topic user templateif you want to use lots of the templates from this site, then Kadence is probably not the best place to start.
In essence you will be fighting your desired changes with theirs.
With template ordering it is quite possible, but beyond free help, and I am fully engaged in existing paid work to take on more.
In reply to: topic user templateas I said the problem is that Kadence does extensive bbpress modification, so things that link to bbpress may or may not work. Not much I can do about it – sorry
In reply to: Accountbbpress just uses the WordPress registration system, so google around to find a WordPress registration and logion plugin that suits you.
additionally this plugin adds some features such as adding registration prfile and login to wordpress menus
once activated go to
dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>login
In reply to: topic user templateKadence does extensive changes to how bbpress displays, including templates and css. So issues such as order in templates, you will need to take this up with Kadence authors.
If you are using bbp-style-pack, then I have added some limited support for css issues
In reply to: Error when user that is not admin submits a Topicthis is a notification error, and is not fatal.
Bbpress authors have not changed this one yet.
WordPress recommends that debug is not used on livre sites, so users should not see this.
It was a WordPress decision to change blacklist and whitelist due to racial connotations.
if you want to stop this displaying change the code in the file (lines 818-820) from
// Strict mode uses WordPress "blacklist" settings if ( true === $strict ) { $hook_name = 'blacklist'; $option_name = 'blacklist_keys';
// Strict mode uses WordPress "blacklist" settings if ( true === $strict ) { $hook_name = 'disallowed'; $option_name = 'disallowed_keys';
and keep a note of this change