Forum Replies Created
In reply to: How do I hide my forums from non-members?
If you set the forums to ‘private’ then this is what you will get, or have I misunderstood?
In reply to: disable topics outside thematichmmm… sorry I don’t use buddypress, so have no experience in how it handles categories vs. forums.
In reply to: Installed, activated but not showingonly keymasters can add other keymasters, so easiest is to get one of your designers to make you a keymaster
In reply to: Installed, activated but not showingthat’s great – do come back if you need further help 🙂
In reply to: Import only latest bbpress activitygreat – thanks for posting your experience. Partial forum transfers are always difficult as there is lots of meta-data like counts and latest items that need to be correct at the end
In reply to: Compatibility Inquiryyes, bbpress works with 5.7.x
In reply to: is_bbpress not workingthere is an action hook on the forums index so
add_action ('bbp_template_before_forums_index' , 'test_bbpress');
shoul dwork
In reply to: Import only latest bbpress activityI would use the dashboard>topics to bulk delete either prior to export or post import – if I were actually doing this, I would create a copy of the live site, take out the topics I didn’t want, and then export to the new beta, so that live remained complete with no risks.
and then I’d then run the tools>forums>repair to just do a tidy up, although probably not needed
In reply to: Installed, activated but not showingdo you see topics and replies in the dashboard
If so are you a keymaster – see dashboard>users and list users, you will see what bbpress roles everyone has. Only Keymasters get forums in the dashboard
In reply to: how can I change x “days” agoso can you post the exact code you tried, and say where you put it
In reply to: how can I change x “days” agook, try this
add_filter ('bbp_get_time_since' , 'rew_time_since_translate' ) ; function rew_time_since_translate ($output) { $output = preg_replace('/years/', 'new word', $output); $output = preg_replace('/year/', 'new word', $output); $output = preg_replace('/days/', 'new word', $output); $output = preg_replace('/day/', 'new word', $output); return $output ; }
so change ‘new word’ in each case for what you want to show
you can add as many lines as you need, but always do the plural first so ‘years’ followed by ‘year’
Put this in your child theme’s function file –
ie wp-content/themes/%your-theme-name%/functions.php
where %your-theme-name% is the name of your theme
or use
In reply to: After installation, nothing in Dashboardok, thanks that is useful feedback re the troubleshooting tool, so thanks for letting me know.
So yes I would suggest it was a plugin activation/load order issue.
glad you are fixed 🙂
In reply to: how can I change x “days” agoIn bbpress 2.6.x the date freshness format has changed.
If your translation has not been updated this will still display in English.install
once activated go to
dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>Freshness Display
and you will be able to enter translations there
In reply to: After installation, nothing in Dashboardok, so you are not seeing topic, replies and forums in the dashboard with just bbpress active and a default theme such as twenty twenty – yes ?
In reply to: After installation, nothing in Dashboardok, can you see what bbpress level you are
dashboard>users>and select yourself – you should show as ‘keymaster’ to see the dashboard items
bbpress just uses wordpress.
I’d suggest 2 things
1. test using an email tester eg
2. get details of your SMTP email configuration form your host and use
In reply to: How to automatic Topic Approval?great – glad you are fixed 🙂
In reply to: After installation, nothing in Dashboardit could be a theme or plugin issue
As a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwenty, and see if this fixes.
If that doesn’t work, also deactivate all plugins apart from bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.
If you cannot do this to your site (say because it is live) then use the ‘troubleshooting’ features of this plugin to let you test without affecting other users
Then come back
In reply to: disable topics outside thematicmake your top level a ‘category’ and the forums members of that category.
then no one can post in the category, but can in a forum that is a sub-forum to that category
In reply to: changing forum titles🙂
In reply to: Custom bbPress login page instead of WordPress loginbbpress just uses wordpress login, so anything that works for wordpress will also work for bbpress
I’m not a bbpress author, but many find the widget useful
what plugin are you using to get the ‘upvotes’ ?
bbpress just uses wordpress registration and login, so anything that works for wordpress registration will be fine.
In reply to: Audio upload dropping out only once after uploadcan you confirm this is the same on multiple devices and multiple browsers?