Robin W (@robin-w)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: bbpress and cache



    you could give this a try

    Force Refresh

    and report back !!

    In reply to: bbpress and cache



    ok, so just properly read your first post – sorry lots to do in life, and don’t always get the issue first time šŸ™‚

    So if browser refresh is fixing it, then I’d suggest it’s not a server caching issue.

    I’d suggest you try it from lots of devices, try a friends to see if it just your device or even just the browser you are using.

    In reply to: bbpress and cache



    I run several bbpress forums, and I don’t run caching on any of them.

    Caching only ever overcomes slow servers, so firstly I expect to pay to get a good server. For business sites, that means getting the website owner to understand that FB isn’t free, google isn’t free, tiktok isn’t free, instagram isn’t free, and neither is their site. The customer pays for all these services, whether through advertising (eg businesses paying FB to place ads, who then use part of this money to have fast servers) or paying the website owner who pays a service provider. so pay for a good server, and you shouldn’t need caching.

    On ‘club’ websites (and I am webmaster for several) then the club members need to understand that part of their membership fees pay for the website. If they perceive it as slow, then fine they need to pay more membership fees. However on 99% of these sites, my strategy has always been that good content is worth waiting for šŸ™‚ If you are interested in the insect life of Guatemala, then you’ll quite happily wait a few seconds whilst a forum page renders to tell you about the Thoas Swallowtail butterfly.

    Finally if you are running a site where you are touting for business, then I would say that you should treat a fast server as an investment.

    WP total cache has had several good recommendations as one that works very well with bbpress.

    Some webmasters also do not understand that many browsers (particularly ones for cell/mobile phones) cache locally, so a lack of update isn’t necessarily caused by server side issues.

    Finally I would say that I am just a bbpress user here, not one of the bbpress authors, and my views are just mine šŸ™‚



    yes it is, and it works with 5.8

    I’ve sent a message to the authors to ask them to update – as author of 6 plugins I know it is a pain to have to keep updating the info when WordPress keeps issuing new updates that don’t go anywhere near the plugins :

    Thanks for letting us know.



    what theme are you using ?


    In reply to: Help with Forum Roles



    @mairag – great – thanks for letting me know !! šŸ™‚



    Can you tell me why Iā€™m suddenly run into this problem?

    You site has become known to spammers who circulate lists of sites that allow wordpress registration. Bbpress simply uses wordpress registration, so that is the route they are getting in.

    I delete 2-10 topics/replies a day on this site that are spam.



    I think you need the buddypress support site



    that looks like an error with gd-bbpress-toolbox – you’d need to raise a ticket on that plugins support forum

    In reply to: Help with Forum Roles



    @techinbermudas – great – glad it worked



    ok, I’ve spent several hours trying to resolve this – I’m not a bbpress author, just a user

    so can you try the instructions here

    bbpress role adder

    In reply to: Help with Forum Roles



    ok, I’ve spent several hours trying to resolve this – I’m not a bbpress author, just a user

    so can you try the instructions here

    bbpress role adder

    In reply to: Customize Groups URL



    groups are a buddypress thing

    In reply to: Customize Groups URL



    dashboard>settings>forums and amend the slugs

    In reply to: GDPR EU legislation



    if you want option 1, then on user deletion you get prompted as to where to allocate any topics/replies made by the user, including allocating to another user.

    So some people create a user called anything name you like eg ‘anonymous’ or ‘deleted user’, and assign the posts to them.

    to see how this works, create a ‘deleted user’ account, then create a test user and make some topics/replies using their username.

    then go to

    dashboard>users>all users and delete the test user, and you will see the prompt to let you assign to your ‘deleted user’ account.



    it is a load order issue – I’m digging further, will come back when I have done so

    In reply to: Help with Forum Roles



    ok, it is a load order issue – I’m digging further !!

    In reply to: Help with Forum Roles



    I’ve corrected the documentation šŸ™‚

    In reply to: Help with Forum Roles



    If that is not clear, post your code and I’ll give back the correct version.

    In reply to: Help with Forum Roles



    ok, thanks.

    It is a load order issue, so we need to add the filters once everything is loaded.

    So for @techinbermudas example we would have

    add_action ('wp_loaded' , 'load_new_roles') ;
    function load_new_roles () {
    	add_filter( 'bbp_get_dynamic_roles', 'add_new_roles', 1 );
    	add_filter( 'bbp_get_caps_for_role', 'add_role_caps_filter', 10, 2 );
    function add_new_roles( $bbp_roles )
        $bbp_roles['bbp_gcamdev'] = array(
            'name' => 'GCam Developer',
            'capabilities' => custom_capabilities( 'bbp_gcamdev' )
         $bbp_roles['bbp_romdev'] = array(
            'name' => 'ROM Developer',
            'capabilities' => custom_capabilities( 'bbp_romdev' )
        $bbp_roles['bbp_kerneldev'] = array(
            'name' => 'Kernel Developer',
            'capabilities' => custom_capabilities( 'bbp_kerneldev' )
        $bbp_roles['bbp_modder'] = array(
            'name' => 'Modder',
            'capabilities' => custom_capabilities( 'bbp_modder' )
        $bbp_roles['bbp_member'] = array(
            'name' => 'Member',
            'capabilities' => custom_capabilities( 'bbp_member' )
        return $bbp_roles;
    function add_role_caps_filter( $caps, $role )
        /* Only filter for roles we are interested in! */
        if( $role == 'bbp_gcamdev' )
            $caps = custom_capabilities( $role );
        if( $role == 'bbp_romdev' )
            $caps = custom_capabilities( $role );
        if( $role == 'bbp_kerneldev' )
            $caps = custom_capabilities( $role );
        if( $role == 'bbp_modder' )
            $caps = custom_capabilities( $role );
        if( $role == 'bbp_member' )
            $caps = custom_capabilities( $role );
        return $caps;
    function custom_capabilities( $role )
        switch ( $role )
            case 'bbp_gcamdev':
                return array(
                    // Primary caps
                    'spectate'              => true,
                    'participate'           => true,
                    'moderate'              => false,
                    'throttle'              => false,
                    'view_trash'            => false,
                    // Forum caps
                    'publish_forums'        => false,
                    'edit_forums'           => false,
                    'edit_others_forums'    => false,
                    'delete_forums'         => false,
                    'delete_others_forums'  => false,
                    'read_private_forums'   => true,
                    'read_hidden_forums'    => false,
                    // Topic caps
                    'publish_topics'        => true,
                    'edit_topics'           => true,
                    'edit_others_topics'    => false,
                    'delete_topics'         => false,
                    'delete_others_topics'  => false,
                    'read_private_topics'   => true,
                    // Reply caps
                    'publish_replies'       => true,
                    'edit_replies'          => true,
                    'edit_others_replies'   => false,
                    'delete_replies'        => false,
                    'delete_others_replies' => false,
                    'read_private_replies'  => true,
                    // Topic tag caps
                    'manage_topic_tags'     => false,
                    'edit_topic_tags'       => false,
                    'delete_topic_tags'     => false,
                    'assign_topic_tags'     => true,
            case 'bbp_romdev':
                return array(
                    // Primary caps
                    'spectate'              => true,
                    'participate'           => true,
                    'moderate'              => false,
                    'throttle'              => false,
                    'view_trash'            => false,
                    // Forum caps
                    'publish_forums'        => false,
                    'edit_forums'           => false,
                    'edit_others_forums'    => false,
                    'delete_forums'         => false,
                    'delete_others_forums'  => false,
                    'read_private_forums'   => true,
                    'read_hidden_forums'    => false,
                    // Topic caps
                    'publish_topics'        => true,
                    'edit_topics'           => true,
                    'edit_others_topics'    => false,
                    'delete_topics'         => false,
                    'delete_others_topics'  => false,
                    'read_private_topics'   => true,
                    // Reply caps
                    'publish_replies'       => true,
                    'edit_replies'          => true,
                    'edit_others_replies'   => false,
                    'delete_replies'        => false,
                    'delete_others_replies' => false,
                    'read_private_replies'  => true,
                    // Topic tag caps
                    'manage_topic_tags'     => false,
                    'edit_topic_tags'       => false,
                    'delete_topic_tags'     => false,
                    'assign_topic_tags'     => true,
            case 'bbp_kerneldev':
                return array(
                    // Primary caps
                    'spectate'              => true,
                    'participate'           => true,
                    'moderate'              => false,
                    'throttle'              => false,
                    'view_trash'            => false,
                    // Forum caps
                    'publish_forums'        => false,
                    'edit_forums'           => false,
                    'edit_others_forums'    => false,
                    'delete_forums'         => false,
                    'delete_others_forums'  => false,
                    'read_private_forums'   => true,
                    'read_hidden_forums'    => false,
                    // Topic caps
                    'publish_topics'        => true,
                    'edit_topics'           => true,
                    'edit_others_topics'    => false,
                    'delete_topics'         => false,
                    'delete_others_topics'  => false,
                    'read_private_topics'   => true,
                    // Reply caps
                    'publish_replies'       => true,
                    'edit_replies'          => true,
                    'edit_others_replies'   => false,
                    'delete_replies'        => false,
                    'delete_others_replies' => false,
                    'read_private_replies'  => true,
                    // Topic tag caps
                    'manage_topic_tags'     => false,
                    'edit_topic_tags'       => false,
                    'delete_topic_tags'     => false,
                    'assign_topic_tags'     => true,
            case 'bbp_modder':
                return array(
                    // Primary caps
                    'spectate'              => true,
                    'participate'           => true,
                    'moderate'              => false,
                    'throttle'              => false,
                    'view_trash'            => false,
                    // Forum caps
                    'publish_forums'        => false,
                    'edit_forums'           => false,
                    'edit_others_forums'    => false,
                    'delete_forums'         => false,
                    'delete_others_forums'  => false,
                    'read_private_forums'   => true,
                    'read_hidden_forums'    => false,
                    // Topic caps
                    'publish_topics'        => true,
                    'edit_topics'           => true,
                    'edit_others_topics'    => false,
                    'delete_topics'         => false,
                    'delete_others_topics'  => false,
                    'read_private_topics'   => true,
                    // Reply caps
                    'publish_replies'       => true,
                    'edit_replies'          => true,
                    'edit_others_replies'   => false,
                    'delete_replies'        => false,
                    'delete_others_replies' => false,
                    'read_private_replies'  => true,
                    // Topic tag caps
                    'manage_topic_tags'     => false,
                    'edit_topic_tags'       => false,
                    'delete_topic_tags'     => false,
                    'assign_topic_tags'     => true,
            case 'bbp_member':
                return array(
                    // Primary caps
                    'spectate'              => true,
                    'participate'           => true,
                    'moderate'              => false,
                    'throttle'              => false,
                    'view_trash'            => false,
                    // Forum caps
                    'publish_forums'        => false,
                    'edit_forums'           => false,
                    'edit_others_forums'    => false,
                    'delete_forums'         => false,
                    'delete_others_forums'  => false,
                    'read_private_forums'   => true,
                    'read_hidden_forums'    => false,
                    // Topic caps
                    'publish_topics'        => false,
                    'edit_topics'           => false,
                    'edit_others_topics'    => false,
                    'delete_topics'         => false,
                    'delete_others_topics'  => false,
                    'read_private_topics'   => true,
                    // Reply caps
                    'publish_replies'       => true,
                    'edit_replies'          => true,
                    'edit_others_replies'   => false,
                    'delete_replies'        => false,
                    'delete_others_replies' => false,
                    'read_private_replies'  => true,
                    // Topic tag caps
                    'manage_topic_tags'     => false,
                    'edit_topic_tags'       => false,
                    'delete_topic_tags'     => false,
                    'assign_topic_tags'     => true,
            default :
                return $role;

    which adds the filter once the theme and all plugins are loaded.

    In reply to: Help with Forum Roles



    of your theme?

    In reply to: Help with Forum Roles



    @techinbermudas @mairag where are you putting this code?



    great – glad you are fixed šŸ™‚



    only a keymaster can add another keymaster.

    If there are no keymasters left, then add this plugin

    bbp style pack

    once activated go to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>bug fixes

    and you will see that you can add yourself back as a keymaster

    you can then dcativate and delete this plugin, or maybe use the features on your site

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