raphaelsuzuki (@raphaelsuzuki)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: Which stylesheet?



    Install FireBug in Firefox or Chrome, then you can see which stylesheet is being used.

    In reply to: Forum specific sidebar



    First, you don’t need that page with the shortcode to load bbPress.

    bbPress is loaded by the forums slug you defined in its settings page.

    You can easily and freely modify your menu with any link you want. Just create a custom menu entry linking to: /forums

    It is long because you created a page named ‘forum’, then named your forums slug ‘forum’, then named your forum ‘forum’.

    Just set your slug as forums, and your forums with category names: tennis, basketball, soccer, etc.



    Try this in your CSS file:

    .forum .entry-content{



    In reply to: Forums not showing up?




    In the forum page you created, try adding this shortcode: [bbp-forum-index]

    It’s not the natural thing to do, but will force WordPress to display bbPress.

    In reply to: Forums not showing up?



    Your forum seems to be working correctly. Have added some forums and topics?

    In reply to: Forum specific sidebar



    Also, if you create a child theme, copy ‘page.php’ from Twenty Eleven and rename it ‘bbpress.php’ you’ll have more control over your forums theme.

    You can, for instance, register some sidebar exclusively to bbPress and adding it to your template file.

    In reply to: Forum specific sidebar



    This is mostly related to the way that single post are aesthetically displayed in Twenty Eleven theme. It wipes sidebars and centers content, horizontally filling the entire page.

    You can easily address this with CSS:

    1) Search for ‘#primary’ (line 84) and add after:

    .forum #primary{



    2) Search for ‘.entry-content’ (line 109) and add after:

    .forum .entry-content{



    3) Tweak it to your tastes.

    In reply to: I can't see my forum!!



    Try deleting the page.

    To add it to the menu, just create a custom menu entry linking to ‘/forums’.

    In reply to: Forums not showing up?



    Are you associating it with a page? Try deleting this page permanently.

    In reply to: Forums not showing up?



    Try saving your permalinks settings, then saving bbPress settings and see if it works.



    Forums have been flooded with spam recently.

    This could mislead someone to think that the project is abandoned too.

    In reply to: I can't see my forum!!



    Actually, I’ve tried this “load” permalink settings thing, but never worked. Also, I have two other sites with bbPress that worked out-of-the-box.

    Everything else works fine, plugins, custom post types, etc. It’s just bbPress that seems to only work with default permalinks.

    – Pretty permalink slug:


    Not working.

    – Default post type slug:


    Working, but child forum and topics links to pretty permalinks, which is the current structure. And they return a “page not found” error.

    In reply to: I can't see my forum!!



    I’m facing similar problem.

    My forums works correct with default url structure, but not with pretty permalinks.

    I’ve tried several over the time but without success, even cleaning child options in the database.

    Revert to default permalinks is not a good idea, since the site is quite popular now, with lots of pages ranked high in Google.



    In case you’re using TwentyTen theme it’s in ‘/wp-content/plugins/bbpress/bpp-themes/twentyten’.

    Otherwise, I don’t know if compatibility mode come with this level of feature.

    Although you can just associate base slug with a page and set it to full-width template (I’m not entirely sure if this works).



    Try creating a page with the same slug and associate it with forums base slug.



    It is made to be simple, and if you count how well it integrates into WordPress and can use it’s native features, then you have a pretty complete package.

    So if you still likes Discuz! better, no problem, I personally think Vanilla is miles ahead of bbPress, but still choose it for simple boards, when the board isn’t the primary feature of the site.



    Hello, again.

    Every slug related to bbPress gives me page not found:


    I’ve heard that changing permalinks can mess with bbPress slugs, needing to hit save button in it settings to it start displaying form listings again. Maybe it’s the case, but that’s not working too.

    I’ve also heard that maybe my WordPress setup is not aware of bbPress existence (this is more common in version 1.0) and need some extra work, but in this case I don’t have a clue.



    Well, I have a quick, but questionable and probably not recommended, solution, if you just want to style with CSS.

    1) Copy the content from bbp-twentyten/css/bbpress.css to your child theme styles.css – this should give you all the ids and classes to work with;

    2) Rename the original bbpress.css file to something else, in order to turn it unusable – this should be done because the original bbpress.css file always override your theme’s CSS;

    3) Style at your taste.

    This should avoid your work from being deleted on every update.

    When an update occurs, just do step 2 again.

    A quick and easy solution like this is unlikely to be the right one in this case, but works for simple styling.

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