plinth (@plinth)

Forum Replies Created

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  • plinth


    Thanks for your help on this guys, and apologies for not searching the forum more thoroughly for similar topics already started!

    I’m not ignoring your advice, but just trying to make things work within my limited knowledge. What I’ve done is opened up the register.php file and commented out the following lines:


    …which has had the effect of making them appear on the register form. This is good for me because we need people to enter their full names to use the forum (requirement from client)

    Also, I’ve edited the file and changed:

    'from' => array(0, __('Location')),

    …to read:

    'from' => array(1, __('ID Ref')),

    …which is pretty crude but makes it mandatory and changes the label to what I require. The obvious downside is that if any existing members have specified a location, it will appear with this new label.

    This is the quick n dirty solution, but I just want to check it’s not going to kill anything. Thanks



    Hey zaerl, how long till version 0.2 is out?


    I am seriously bamboozled as to why this hasn’t been developed into a functioning, up to date plugin for versions 1.x+

    For some people/organisations it’s imperative that comments on the forum are moderated before they go live. In some situations this smacks of censorship, but for my client it’s vital that only approved comments are posted.

    Can some bright spark PLEASE build on the seemingly ideal bb-moderation-hold plugin?

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