pixelnated (@pixelnated)

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 9 replies - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)
  • @pixelnated


    This one seemed to work for me – added some of the additional profile meta info hooks that were in the trunc version and added/edited them in here – https://gist.github.com/pixelnated/5c27a64c450578440554ba902560178f

    50k users and the full forums imported without issue 🙂



    No dice with bbPress 2.6-beta-2 either 🙁
    No biggie – I’ll just rollback and get it done. I like where it is heading with all the additional info though

    WordPress database error: [Unknown column ‘users.id’ in ‘field list’]
    SELECT convert(users.id USING “utf8mb4”) AS id,convert(users.password USING “utf8mb4”) AS password,convert(users.salt USING “utf8mb4”) AS salt,convert(users.username USING “utf8mb4”) AS username,convert(users.email USING “utf8mb4”) AS email,convert(users.www USING “utf8mb4”) AS www,convert(users.r_time USING “utf8mb4”) AS r_time,convert(users.aim USING “utf8mb4”) AS aim,convert(users.yim USING “utf8mb4”) AS yim,convert(users.icq USING “utf8mb4”) AS icq,convert(users.msn USING “utf8mb4”) AS msn,convert(users.gmail USING “utf8mb4”) AS gmail,convert(users.sig USING “utf8mb4”) AS sig,convert(users.location USING “utf8mb4”) AS location,convert(users.users_text USING “utf8mb4”) AS users_text FROM phpbb3_users AS users LIMIT 0, 250

    No users to convert

    No data to clean

    Starting Conversion



    In an unrelated item – whenever I post on these forums in FireFox my posts seem to vanish as soon as I hit submit (although the forum post time seems to have updated) & the formatting tools can’t be seen.

    Writing this from chrome….



    Thanks @netweb! I should have known that bridge had already been crossed 🙂



    absolutely perfect. Thank you!



    If it helps anyone this will help you see all your bbpress duplicate topics at a glance with the duplicate ID
    ** Note these are just selects so they will not delete any data **

          , post_date
          , post_title
          , post_content
          , max(id) as dup_id, 
          count(*) as dupe_count
    		post_type in ('forum', 'topic', 'reply')
    group by 
          , post_date
          , post_title
          , post_content
    having count(*) > 1
    order by post_type, post_date, dup_id

    We can then take a variation of that and have it give us the start and end duplicate ranges for each post_type with counts of rows we expect to be impacted.

    select post_type, min(dup_id) as start_dup, max(dup_id) as last_dup, count(*) as total_recs
          , post_date
          , post_title
          , post_content
          , max(id) as dup_id, 
          count(*) as dupe_count
    		post_type in ('forum', 'topic', 'reply')
    group by 
          , post_date
          , post_title
          , post_content
    having count(*) > 1
    ) i
    group by post_type

    of course you need to verify but this should help get you on your way



    Thanks Stephen I did 🙂

    The import stalled then said it was done but was still missing a most of the replies so I decided to kick it back off from the top. I think I finally have a good mix on the rows to process/delay time so I’m hoping it will go at a faster pace this round.



    I will be THRILLED beyond belief if that fixes it!



    I just wanted to chime in and say I was hitting the exact same issue with importing a very old forum in and this got me over the hump. Thank you VERY much! I was just about to start translating out the insert queries and attacking it through mysql alone.

    This forums data has been for a ride over the years and manually about half the time (starting around 2000) ubb -> phpbb -> vbulletin -> smf -> phpbb -> vanilla -> bbpress

    So loving how much processes like this have improved over the years! Much appreciated!

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