Partizan (@partizan)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @partizan


    Ok i fixed my problem by leaving the forum root slug as it is and just went and created a new bbpress.php in my theme folder… and selected the look of the index page from theme in code.

    Thank you!




    First of all thanks for quick response. Its not just breadcrumbs that are affected – all topics links have the same problem. Ok let me try to describe…
    1. I made change with method 1.
    2. I have changed forum root from original permalink forums to forums-test.
    3. New page permalink is set to forums and i call index forum with code on this page and it works – it shows forum root but all links of topics and subforums offcourse are affected with change of forum root link change and links to forums-test.
    4. If i set forums-test back in forum settings to just forums then my page that is supposed to show forum index called with code gets overridden with original forum page and page theme i don’t want.




    I have similar issue here but i can’t figure it out if this step by step guide is ment just for new forum installations?
    I have already existing forum with some content and can’t change the page where its shown. I followed method 1 and got it to show on new page but links are not rebuilt – they always show to original forum root no matter what i name it.

    Problem is that forum by default uses wrong theme page template and i would like to change that but can’t except if i show forum on a page done with method 1.

    Some ideas or a method to solve this issue?

    Thank you.

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