p3t3rr (@p3t3rr)

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  • @p3t3rr


    ok. issue resolved. thank you very much



    ok. thank you very much for your input!




    I found the issue. 2 weeks back I added the following function to functions.php > child theme, because I wanted to rename the Keymaster to Administrator:

    // change user role name 'Verwalter' to 'Administrator'
    function ntwb_bbpress_custom_role_names() {
    	// Keymaster
            bbp_get_keymaster_role() => array(
                'name'         => 'Administrator',
                'capabilities' => bbp_get_caps_for_role( bbp_get_keymaster_role() )
    add_filter( 'bbp_get_dynamic_roles', 'ntwb_bbpress_custom_role_names' );

    It successfully renamed the role and I was done with the issue. However, it apparently removed all the other default bbpress roles. I thought this function is exclusively for renaming roles as the name suggests.

    I went back and included all other default roles into that function in the child theme (The complete rename roles function can be seen eg here.) Now I see all roles in settings > forum > automatically assign roles. Also in user management I see all forum roles. Also, new forum registrants are automatically assigned to subscriber.

    problem solved.



    not sure why you need the second bit of code?

    I thought it’s necessary to in case subsribers have the link ‘mysite.com/wp-admin’. However, I just commented the second function out and it seems a subsriber still does not have access to /wp-admin.

    So, I guess

    function disable_admin_bar() {
    	if (current_user_can( 'subscriber' ) ) {
    		show_admin_bar( false );
    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'disable_admin_bar' );

    takes care of both (and second function is obsolete)?



    I just noticed the following: as a site admin I cannot change forum roles of users. I can only assign the role ‘administrator’ or ‘-nor roles for these forums-‘. No option to assign moderators or anything else.

    How could this have happened @robin-w? At one point I installed buddypress, but deinstalled it again.

    I already deactivated and activated bbpress and went through repair forums > default user roles. When I did the repair all users were assigned forum role ‘administrator’.



    Hi Robin,

    thank you for your reply. The code in that resource isn’t quite satisfactory but it gave me a head start.

    I came up with the following function to disable the wp toolbar:

    // disable wp toolbar on the frontend of website for role:'subscriber'
    function disable_admin_bar() {
    	if (current_user_can( 'subscriber' ) ) {
    		show_admin_bar( false );
    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'disable_admin_bar' );

    and the following to disable wp-admin:

    // not allow access to wp-admin backend for role:'subscriber'
    function sub_no_read_wpadmin(){  
        $role = get_role( 'subscriber' );
        $role->remove_cap( 'read' );    
    add_action( 'admin_init', 'sub_no_read_wpadmin' );

    Hopefully this is sound. Do you see any problems with this implementation?



    link to the forum: https://hatopia.de/community/

    In reply to: customize breadcumbs



    ok, I leave the breadcrumbs as is for now. But thank you for your input.



    Thx for your input @chuckie



    update: I installed the plugin recommended by @Chuckie, which I like more because of the flexibility it provides in terms of where to display the captcha.

    I solved the bad ux of failed login and redirect to wp-login page by not requiring captcha for logins, just for new user register. I guess most spam is from spam bots registering on a site and not spam bots logging in.

    What do you think?



    @Robin: I just tried the Login No Captcha reCAPTCHA (Google) byRobert Peake


    thx for your suggestion. I will check that plugin as an alternative.



    I have installed a simple recaptcha plugin which works well on the standard wordpresslogin pages. However, there is no recaptcha form appended to the bbpress login widget which I have in the forum sidebar seen here: ‘hatopia.de/community’. When you login using this form you get an error and get redirected to the standart wp login page in order to solve the receptcha.

    Is it possible to modify the form in a way that it’s showing the receptacha form? Or do you have any other recommondation which would mitigate this bad user experience?

    best regards, peter



    Hi Robin,

    thank you for the quick reply. I will have a look at some recaptcha plugin ins.

    best regards, peter

    PS:Please have a look at my other support request. I think it needs to be manually approved because it has a couple of links in it.

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