In case someone wants to use the code who is using pretty links.
// Generate BBporess Edit Profile Link in a shortcode
// [bbp_edit_profile text="Edit My Profile" class"my-link-style"]
function bbp_edit_profile_link($atts) {
'text' => "", // default value if none supplied
'class' => "" //Style class for link
), $atts));
if ($text) {
$current_user = wp_get_current_user ();
return '<a class="'. $class . '" href="/forums/users/' . $user . '/edit">' . $text. '</a>';
add_shortcode('bbp_edit_profile', 'bbp_edit_profile_link');
So should I just hit the back button and run it again? I’ll give it a try.
I was wondering if there has been any progress on this? I am having a similar problem (although nothing to do with phpbb import but rather a bbpress import) with the forum repair “recalculate the position of each reply” giving me a blank page.