OscarGuy (@oscarguy)

Forum Replies Created

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  • OscarGuy



    In reply to: Eliminating User Roles



    An example is when you go to a user’s profile in the backend and it says “Role”



    Update. It appears to be catching some spam, but is missing a ton of it.



    I hope so. My site’s 20th anniversary is coming up next year and I wanted to unveil a new forum design as part of the “celebration.”



    When is 2.6 due out? I know it’s been at least 4 months since I was last told that 2.6 would fix the issue, so it doesn’t seem like something that is due soon.



    Ok. So, what you’re saying is that until 2.6 launches, I cannot convert without patching to a beta build that may or may not work once 2.6 actually launches and all of this may become broken if I do or do not.

    Is there any eta on 2.6? I may as well just wait if they plan to fix everything then.



    Sorry. I didn’t see the reply from that old post. No one had responded so I had given up on it. I thought in my search of the forums here I had found something saying they no longer supported 3.0.x conversions and now only supported 3.1.x. It was some trouble ticket someone had linked.

    Anyway, will creating the columns impair the conversion process? And the link you sent, what is that for? Is that just showing how to amend the phpbb conversion film? I’m not quite clear.



    Still having this problem. Anyone have any ideas?



    Thanks for your input. Do I find the membership plugins on the regular wordpress site or here on the bbpress site?



    Thanks for that. I didn’t see that FAQ before. Here are some questions not specified here:

    Is there then a way to merge users? So that if someone registered on the WordPress site and separately on the forums that afterwards they can be combined?

    We have a members-only section for our forums. I understand these forums will be made public and we would need to hide them, but is there a way to set up users that have access only to certain sections while the general public has access to everything else? I don’t want to assign all of our members the ability to edit content on the site, just have access to a members only forum.

    Will this create two separate MySQL databases? Will the old phpBB still be there and operational? Can the two be used simultaneously and will content posted in one cross-post to the other once merged to bbpress?

    In reply to: Error in Installation?



    I did some testing and found the following plugin was the only one preventing me from seeing the Forum option in the dashboard menu. Has anyone else had this issue or know how to fix it so I can have both active at the same time?

    Find and Replace
    Version 2.0 | By Ramon Fincken, Bas Bosman

    I assume that something in the Find and Replace plugin, which adds its own option in the dashboard menu, is blocking the BBPress menu item from displaying.

    In reply to: Error in Installation?



    Addendum: the widgets are available to adding login, recent topics, etc, I just don’t see the options to add and modify forums in the left-hand menu bar in the dashboard.

    In reply to: Error in Installation?



    Also, I’m running Frontier theme if it matters. I have two websites. I had installed BBPress on one months ago before I swapped to Frontier and that one installed fine. However, I had deactivated. Now that I’m using Frontier there and I tried reinstalling it, the same thing happens: no option to add forums in the dashboard.

    In reply to: Error in Installation?



    None of that is going to work it appears. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling and I don’t get the error page anymore. Nor do I get any forum options on the dashboard or the repair section.

    Could there be something on the server end that has to be allowed before it can install?

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