nuobodu (@nuobodu)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: "Page not found" error



    @grafics: It really seams that you have to chmod you .htaccess file to 777

    @travishill: The most strange thing has happened.

    i once again unchecked “Prefix your forum area with the Forum Base slug”

    and the links started working

    but at the same time the forums stopped using my custom templates and reverted to the templates from the child bbpress theme

    I checked the checkbox back, and the links still work. But the templates did not revert to my custom templates :)

    I see that many people in this forum, who have this problem, eventually get it solved, but they cannot explain how :)

    Going fishing my template now…

    In reply to: "Page not found" error



    Nope, im not using buddypress.

    All the Forum settings are default, i didnt change anything after instalation.

    Archive Slugs

    Forums base forums

    Topics base topics

    Single Slugs

    Forum Prefix checked

    Forum slug forum

    Topic slug topic

    Topic tag slug topic-tag

    Reply slug reply

    User base users

    View base view

    I tried to access the forum via the original link But that links changes the line in the address bar to the nice address and it still gives 404 error.

    regarding the other plugins, true i have 26 plugins active, which i all use.

    Are there any known conflicts with other plugins? Just to know before i will make a clean install.

    Thank you

    In reply to: "Page not found" error



    I’m using numeric permalink structure.

    Well, i installed my test environment into that subdirectory. But the links see to be created nicely and logically:

    to the forum

    to the topic

    even if i add a trailing slash at the end of a link, it doesnt work anyway.

    I am completely lost here. I have read every post in this forum about the similar problems, but never saw an insuring answer :(

    In reply to: "Page not found" error



    1. I dropped the custom theme and activated TwentyTen – still the same error

    2. Refreshed the Permalinks – still the same

    What do i do wrong? Pretty please.



    Lucky :)

    And for me it didnt fix itself. I am not using Buddypress, but i still get the same error 404, when trying to open any forum or topic. :(



    Hello all,

    I am trying to setup bbpress on my test site. I want to replace Simple forum.

    I followed BJ’s walkthrough and got it showing on the “forums” page.

    From admin interface i created couple of forums, and couple of topics.

    I can see the forums on

    But when i click on any forum name i get a “page not found” error.

    What am i doing wrong?

    My parent theme is a custom theme created with Themeframe (im astill working on it, and currently i have only changed the menu). I did not touch yet the default templates.

    Thank you.

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