Null (@null)

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  • @null


    Thx chris I’ll try that



    Yeah just my thoughts too, but playing with this, I think the header is not to right way to go because it only excists as a template file and there are no hooks for it. So if you would use this this way, you should modify every header.php in every template you have.

    Not a fun job to do if you have many and I believe a plugin should work with most templates and with many or non modification to any file. So I am looking at another file at the moment to see if it would work with that file too.




    I was thinking of a check in the header, since this is always loaded. If maintenance is true -> load maintenance page, else load forum. Very simple to do (if there is an hook in the header.php) . I’ll try to cook something up :)




    Think those 2 plugins use the same “values” in the forms. …. no, value is the wrong word, they use the same names in the code (ok sounds vague I know :)) or the forms have the same name.

    You could check this in the code and if this is the case rename the doubles in 1 form…




    Thanks, gonna take a look at it. Perhaps it’s easy to convert :)



    I need something like this too. Trying to make a plugin that does this by hiding that forum from members but only when they want to create a new topic in that forum. This way they can reply, but not create a topic (cause they can’t select it when creating a topic cause it is invisible for them).

    Still working on a few issues, but theoraticly it should work :)



    You can never stop spam registration if people hire people to sign up. Nor captcha or askimet or any other program can prevent that.

    We can however block all registratingspambots with an empty www field like the starting post. Only problem is, it aint working :(



    Nice, I like it.

    Suggestion: auto deletion after xx days/hours. As I understand, this has te be done manualy by the admin? (with 200 regis spams a day this is gonna be a day job).

    Is this the same mail where the password is in when you registrate? Or do we get 2 seperate mails. Would like to see it in 1 mail then.

    Haven’t tested this (I am at work), so if my suggestions are already in, I appoligize




    Same. I’ve tried this one, but I could still registrate without leaving the webpage field blank :(

    I need something too and fast, cause I am getting at 200! registration spammers already and counting…




    … sorry for asking for help…. thought forums where here for that…

    I can’t program, never said I did, I build things with trial and error, learning that way. Reading and trying to understand how and why things works. So if I get just a piece of code I’ll try that and try other suggestions too. I am more a reverse engineer. The site and things I’ve builded can be done in 2 hours if you are a phpprogrammer, I do it in two weeks or more, but I get it done (don’t give up) and am proud if I acomplisch what I wanted.

    Assuming someone can program cause his plugin is awesome wont work everytime :). Most things I can figure out myself, but if some small stupid thing like a ddlb takes too much time I am gonna ask the forums (duh). Kinda get the feeling now that, if you can’t program, you shouldn’t do it or ask for help…

    Like the post above from Chris, you’ve managed to make it work and you are assuming I can figure this out too cause it was apparently easy for you to figure out. But I don’t think like a programmer, it’s hard for an person like me to figure it all out. I don’t know where all code is pulled from or is placed. I use bbpulp a lot to find the needed code, but that isn’t always enough.

    I’m glad Chris found an answer, but then I ask: how did you do it? Can you show me the code and explain some of it so I can learn from it…

    Better look like it like this, I can build a car, but I don’t know how to construct it. I know I need an engine, but I don’t know how the engine works. I know what it does, I know I need it… and so I puzzel the car together. A mechanic will do it in 1 week, I’ll do it in 1 year…

    I am weird, I know :)

    Well I just wanted to get this of my chest and also mention I aint attacking anyone (especially Chris, just jused your post as an excample)

    So no hard feelings (from me anyway) and thanks for your time




    You could determine the time yourself with an admin page…



    Okay chris, now try this:

    Make a clean php file.

    Now add that code you mentioned

    Make the php page a plugin and activate it.

    Now go to your admin -> pluginpage and you’ll see an empty ddlb too :)

    It works in your PNG image example, cause you just copied the code in the same page. It will always work that way, but not in a clean file…




    Tried this, it aint working :(



    Hi guys,

    Sorry ddlb = drop down listbox

    @ chris: yes i did try that one already, but it gave me a empty ddlb (proberbly because the user’s role couldn’t be defined) .

    @livibetter: din’t try it but that will give (I think) all roles, but not in a ddlb.

    For forums there is a function: bb_forum_dropdown, but I couldn’t adapt it to get user roles, so I think a whole new function must be written to put it in the plugin I am working on. I have the feeling all the pieces are there, but I have no idea how to put them together :)



    In reply to: Spam Registration



    Think I am going to try something like the in e-mail activation link. Think that is the best approach…

    In reply to: Spam Registration



    How about a different direction, ad an activation code in the e-mail while registrating. The password is already e-mailed, so put in an activation link aswell. If not activated using the link in 1 or 2 days, the person wont be registrated at all.

    Many forum software have something like this, why not bbpress?



    Indeed, if the devs aren’t reading this and only using the mailinglist, why is this forum here anyway?



    What made you think this was a Spanish forum????????



    I am at work so can’t show the query :)

    The results are always different, but I need the id from the sec row no matter what the outcome is…

    So sometimes it’s:

    Row 1 – id 23 – tekst

    Row 2 – id 12 – tekst

    Row 3 – id 44 – tekst


    Or sometimes it’s:

    Row 1 – id 7863 – tekst

    Row 2 – id 56557 – tekst

    Row 3 – id 665 – tekst




    Without the [ ] I presume. Thx going to try that!



    Euuh ok, still not sure how to use this.

    Let’s say I want to ad a tabel in the db called ‘test’, but only if it doesn’t excist.

    So on plugin activation:

    1- check if the table ‘test’ excists

    2- if not, insert the tabel ‘test’

    3- else die


    Member uses a custompage. Hyperlinks are not clickable and the info is pulled from the forum. You can dl the plugin there aswel.



    Tekst is pulled from the forum database so I cant edit each page manualy.

    The tekst is filtered somewhere, but how and where, so I can use this on my custom page aswell…

    In reply to: Anonymous posting



    I suggest NOT TO USE this trac plugin. It isn’t official and wont work correct on the current bbPress release. It is created to work IF some modifications are done in bbPress itself.



    The white is much better, like it very much now, great theme

    I can remove the rss icon izi so that wont be a problem

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