Forum Replies Created
In reply to: Adding a right sidebar at front page
Got this now:
#leftbar {
float: left;
width: 150px;
overflow-x: hidden;
#discussions {
margin-left: 170px;
width: 420px;
#rightbar {
margin-left: 610px;
width: 150px;
overflow-x: hidden;
Total width = 760 px just like the header. This should work, but the right column is still displayed underneeth the discussion div (though the rightbar is aligned to the right and there is enough space left for the rightbar to move up :S
In reply to: get_topic_author() but how to get it’s profile link?-bump-
In reply to: Plugin: Forums ModeratorsCan you expend this so only mods and admins can start new topics in a certain forum and members cant?
In reply to: How to make a menu like the one on this site?Got a bit further, this is my menu code now:
<div id="navigation">
<ul id="menu">
<!-- To show "current" on the home page -->
if ( is_front())
echo " id="current">";
<a href="about.php">About</a>
<!-- To show "current" on the forum page -->
if ( is_front())
echo " id="current">";
<a href="<?php option('uri'); ?>">Forums</a>
I know with
if ( is_front())
i determine that I am on the front-page, but how to call my About page? It’s called about.php.Sec when I am on the front page the Forums button is highlighted, but as soon as i go read a topic, the whole menu disappears. Why is that? the menu should stay and the forums button highlighted (cause I am still in tjhe forum)
Some help plz
In reply to: get_topic_author() but how to get it’s profile link?Close but still not there. I had to add get_ infront of it in order to work. Now this works AS LONG AS you have no replies on your topic. I wanted to get the authors profile link and not all authors of every reply….
I am making a list of posts on the front page that looks like this:
Topic title – author – postst – last reply by
To get the authors name i use: get_topic_author() this works and if i use:
<?php printf(__('<a href="%2$s">%3$s</a>'), get_user_profile_link($topic->topic_last_poster), get_topic_author()) ?>
it works and I get the authors profile link. But as soon as I get a reply, it will show the profile link of the last poster and not the author (while the author name stays correct).Things like:
get_user_profile_link($topic->topic_author), get_topic_author()
doesn’t work.So the author is the topic starter, not the last topic poster
In reply to: Adding a right sidebar at front pageDoesnt work, the right bar is still displayed underneeth the discussion div even when aligned to the right. I even made the discussion div very small but it still wont “move up”…
In reply to: get_topic_author() but how to get it’s profile link?This doesn’t work cause $userid isn’t defined (i want to put this in front-page.php)
Got this:
<?php printf(__('%1$s - <a href="%2$s">%3$s</a>'), get_topic_time(), get_user_profile_link($userid), get_topic_author()) ?>
All is in a for each loop, i get the author but no link to his profile
In reply to: Hide a link for all members EXCEPT admin and modA nice thx guys
In reply to: How to make a menu like the one on this site?Need more help, still cant get this. Cant get the menu it self working either (tried copying the code fromt this site and css, but it wont work).
In reply to: Not latest reply link, but first reply link?-bumpy-
In reply to: Not post count but reply count on front page?is_front stands for front-page.php? And if so how does it know that i use index2.php and not index.php Think i am going to connect index2.php to test.php (thats the renamed original front-page.php)
Or does this do something completely else, kinda confused :S
In reply to: Not post count but reply count on front page?Well I am working on a new page where I want to have this reply function on. If I do this your way or use it as a plugin, it would effect everypage using this option. I only want this on my alternitive index/front-page.php file. Lets call it index2.php.
So I want this only on my alternitive index page, thats why I want to hardcode it for that page only…
In reply to: Not latest reply link, but first reply link?Yeah, thats why I ask that here
I have no clue how to do that!
In reply to: How to make a menu like the one on this site?About the placing, where ever i placed it in the header it never turned out right. Sec I dont know how to build sugh a menu like this, i am a compleet retar…. noob
In reply to: Not latest reply link, but first reply link?This gives me the first post, not the first reply of that post (if I am not wrong) I want to jump to the first reply
(sorry if this does this, but I cant test it right now)
In reply to: Not post count but reply count on front page?If I don’t wanna use it as a plugin, but hardcode it? Then I put it in index.php? and where in the index.php?
Thx for the help
In reply to: Not post count but reply count on front page?-bump-
In reply to: Not latest reply link, but first reply link?-bump-
In reply to: Hide a section from the ddl when adding a new topicWell I think it safe to assume that a function like this; ristricting forum postings for admin/ moderators only, will be added in future bbpress release, cause all forums can do this.
So I will wait for a “Only admin/ moderators can make new posts in this forum” option.
In reply to: What does this line of code do in front-page.php?kk thx
In reply to: Full Content of Most Recent Post on Front-Page?Fixed it. For some reason putting
$forum_one_topics = $bbdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $bbdb->topics WHERE forum_id = $forum_id ORDER BY topic_time DESC LIMIT 0,$number_of_topics")
in index.php gives the error, but placing it into front-page.php fixes it, no errors and it works…
In reply to: Full Content of Most Recent Post on Front-Page?Hi,
I am stuck again. I wanted to split the code to the php part and the template part. I did this:
In index.php I’ve added (right after
require('./bb-load.php') ;
:$forum_id = 1;
$number_of_topics = 10;
$forum_one_topics = $bbdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $bbdb->topics WHERE forum_id = $forum_id ORDER BY topic_time DESC LIMIT 0,$number_of_topics")
In front-page.php I’ve added:
foreach($forum_one_topics as $topic) :
$forum_one_topic_posts = get_thread( $topic->topic_id); ?>
<a href="<?php topic_link(); ?>"><?php topic_title(); ?></a>
<?php echo $topic->topic_last_poster_name; ?><br/>
<?php echo $forum_one_topic_posts[0]->post_text;
But this results in errors on the index.php file:
parse error, unexpected T_STRING on the first line after the code I’ve put in the index.php file.
What am I doing wrong?
In reply to: Plugin: Simple OnlinelistAny progress about:
“Would be nice to add total guests too”
– Good idea … i’ll give it a try
“Great plugin, if you made this one AJAXED it would be even greater!”
– Thought about it, but this would be easer to realize with next version of bbpress (current version only loads bb_head() when topic is displayed)
In reply to: Full Content of Most Recent Post on Front-Page?Thank you for your help!
In reply to: Full Content of Most Recent Post on Front-Page?Perfect thank you so much
One more question, this way I can also add things like topic_poster right?
Can you give me one more excample of how to add the topic poster to this code as well? I think I get the hang of this and can figure things like topic_time etc out myself if I get that last part I asked!