notApro (@notapro)

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  • @notapro


    Google a few times and you will find a few free bbPress themes.

    And if you don’t like them just change a bit with the css files.

    It’s not to hard to change colors and sizes.




    We gonna work on that tomorrow..

    In reply to: forums disappeared


    INdeed: doesn’t load at all.


    Website hits counter?

    Thats so Retro..

    Last time i’ve seen that on around, i was riding my dinosaur..

    In reply to: [help] integration



    Thank you for that tutorial it’s good..


    So far so good.. no problems.

    Only i found some problem and i had to double check on the last step to get it working 100%.

    I’am working on a Mac with Coda and i copy-/past the absolute path to my bb-config.php file (thanks to the abs.php file) and saved it.

    But i hadn’t seen that Coda messed up my code when saving. (bad)

    include_once( ‘/var/www/vhosts/’ );


    include_once( övar/www/vhosts/ö );

    Look at the first and last ‘ ‘ things.

    Thats why i got a white screen on the forum page.

    Very silly, and it can cost you lots of frustration if you don’t check things twice..

    In reply to: [help] integration



    I have a question about that tutorial…


    Step # 11

    It says:

    In your WP folder locate and open “wp-config.php” and leave it open. (done with Coda)

    Go to this website: (been there before)

    Select all and COPY the all information on that site. (easy)

    Go to your wp-config.php file and highlight line 45 (it starts with define(‘AUTH_KEY’)) to line 48 (starts with define(‘NONCE_KEY’)) and PASTE the new keys. You basically change your 4 keys to 8 keys.

    This one i’am not sure about,

    When i installed WordPress i already went to that “secret-key/1.1/salt” page to generate a key for my WordPress site..

    That Key is also listed in my wp-config.php file right now. Do i need to fill in a new (both the same) generated key to the wp-config.php and bb-config.php file or can i just use the same key that is already used by my WordPress site and that i listed in my wp-config.php file now?



    Thank you..

    I also found this site,

    Now i’m gonna try to complete my installations of that tutorial (WordPress is okay)

    But somehow the bbPress will always get an error.



    Okay thank you..

    Some other question about this..

    I did this tutorial to install a secure WordPress.

    And at step # 17 it makes/installs a sitemap.xml in the root. Will the pages of the bbPress also be included in the sitemap?

    Or does that sitemap only stay on the WordPress side?

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