Forum Replies Created
In reply to: super beginner :)
In reply to: Just launced – integrated with WPMUWhat were you trying to do.. allowed all blogs to have a bbpress? I have bbpress playing very nicely with WPMU at (and If I wasn’t so broke It’d even be online right now.)
In reply to: Just launced – integrated with WPMUAm I the only one that notices that that link goes to a blogger blog?
In reply to: Plugin: Simple Onlinelistum, nevermind.
In reply to: Editing hot tags so they point outside the bb> like the default bbpress tag that points to the bbpress web site
It does?
In reply to: My dream theme.bah with your PCBoard..
wwiv sysop here for 7 years until 2000. been thinking about putting up another.
a theme like this would be so freakin’ cool.
if someone can get the commands working, I’d be happy to theme it to look like whatever board package. I’m better with html than i am with php.
In reply to: Patch: Categories for version 0.8For those of us that don’t have shell access, can someone upload a copy of the patched files?
In reply to: Anyone have Prev/Next Thread / Forum plugin?Excellent… Had a couple typos in there that I fixed, will post code when I’m done.
I’m actually trying to make a theme based on old dial-up BBSs. Fun, fun, fun.
The menu is the hardest part, trying to get different options to show up depending on what page you’re on (forum/topic/etc…)
Here’s what I have so far:
Not quite ready for prime time .
In reply to: Anyone have Prev/Next Thread / Forum plugin?Doesn’t seem to work. I just get the URLS without any linkage.
Could you split this up to just spit out the URLS? like a nexttopic() and prevtopic() ?
that way we could format it how we want (and where we want.)
In reply to: Anyone have Prev/Next Thread / Forum plugin?you rule.
how about prev / next forums?
I plan on doing something kinda neat with this. you’re definitely getting thanks.
In reply to: reading older postsI have the same concerns (but my forum isn’t as popular… yet (I hope))
I was playing with front page a bit, trying to get it to be like:
list of new posts
list of new posts
list of new posts
instead of
list of new posts from all forums
but I broke more than I fixed. lol I’ve been wished they’d have it like that here.
In reply to: HACK: User avatar from WPMU Avatar Pluginoh neat!
You’re very welcome.
In reply to: Can all WP posts automatically appear as BB posts?Crazy little thing, that google. First result.
In reply to: post or reply by emailI agree with fel64. Why don’t you just use google groups/yahoo groups? I don’t understand the use for this in a forum setting. This sounds like something more suitable for listserv software.
In reply to: Can’t post. Topic turns yellow. Can’t delete.Oh. My. Lord. This thread has basically just been a blog. lol
But, the good news is that my host figured out the cause… I forget the name of the module, but PHP was encrypting the cookies. As soon as he turned that off – everything works peachy.
What little hair I had left is gone now though.
In reply to: Can’t post. Topic turns yellow. Can’t delete.Oh my god, this is just getting weirder and weirder. I’m now using the original installation of MUWP and trying to troubleshoot the category issue.
I have two categories “updates” and “Blogroll.”
In the Create New Category Form, where is asks for a possible Parent Category there are THREE options…. all of which are a combination of the two current categories: “updates Blogroll”
Is my WUWP freakin’ haunted or something??
In reply to: Can’t post. Topic turns yellow. Can’t delete.I dont see anything in the docs about wp user_meta table having to be specified.
Uhg, Im about to give up. really. It’s been 3 days and it’s just getting worse and worse. Granted, I only have 3 users and 2 blogs right now.. but I’ll be damned if this happens once I start getting ‘real’ users instead of a few friends. No responses on the wordpressMU forum at all so I guess no one there knows what’s going on.
It’s even doing it on newly created users and blogs… so it’s not like the permissions are corrupted.. cause wouldn’t it be brand new and not corrupt when i created a new user?
I’ve tried removing users from blogs and re-adding them, thinking maybe it’d re-write the permissions in the meta-tags. No go.
In reply to: Can’t post. Topic turns yellow. Can’t delete.Reupload what though? I have completely reuploaded the full BBPress and WPMU packages twice. I’ve re-installed BBPress from scratch once, using all new tables (except for the current wp_users table…)
I can create new posts, I can edit posts.
I can delete entire TOPICS, but not individual posts.
However, I just noticed that after a post is saved (without tags) I can add a (1) tag, but not delete it. I cannot create additional tags on a post after that first one.
This is really getting on my nerves now. I would think it HAS to be something to do with permissions, but I can’t tell what the are in the database… what tables should I look at??
In reply to: Can’t post. Topic turns yellow. Can’t delete.wouldn’t know what it is. I’ve re-uploaded both wpmu and bbpress. I’ve took out all plugins and it’s still doing it. Perhaps something to do with my config files…. but they look OK.
In reply to: Can’t post. Topic turns yellow. Can’t delete.No. Also, I’ve noticed weird things in my WordPressMU installation. I can’t edit create new categories (“You do not have permission to do that.”) with the stock category editor… but when I down load a Category Manager Plugin, I can. However, none of the other users can – even with the plugin.
To top it all off… I CAN create new categories when logged in as them.. but they can’t.
Im beginning to think bbpress did something to my user tables.
In reply to: Can’t post. Topic turns yellow. Can’t delete.Tried it all Sam.
All of a sudden, I can delete the entire topic, but not individual posts. Weirdness.
In reply to: Can’t post. Topic turns yellow. Can’t delete.I’m so frustrated I’m about to cry. Really. I’m a wuss like that.
I just completely reinstalled bbpress, using new tables (kept the old ones) and it’s STILL GIVING ME THE ERROR.
“You do not have permission to do that.”
This has to be something with the users table or usermeta or cookies. I’m going crazy here.
I’m starting to feel like a tree that fell in the forest. lol
In reply to: Can’t post. Topic turns yellow. Can’t delete.OK, I deleted all offending posts out of the database manually and I can now post a topic without it being bozod immediately – however I still cannot delete any topics or posts.
Can this be a cookies issue? (I’ve deleted both my cookies and my cache often throughout all of this.)
I don’t think it’s a problem with the database for the posts – because I can’t delete older ones as well… some sort of permissions error? How can I be certain I have permissions set correctly?
I can edit posts fine though.
In reply to: Can’t post. Topic turns yellow. Can’t delete.fel64: I’ve done that. I have the fix-bbpress plugin in and the “1” are no longer apearing. I then went through each account and put a 0 in the field and saved it. When I reload that page, it’s blank. (No 0)
Still having this problem.
SamBauers: I’ve completely deleted the bb-plugins directory and I still get the error. Could simple-onlinelist have put something int he database and corrupted it? I’ve had this plugin installed for a week. Don’t know why all of a sudden it would do this.
I looked in the database and all of the offending topics/posts were bozoed. But the authors are not. I don’t understand why whenever I try to delete ANY post (even ones from 2 weeks ago) I get “You do not have permission to do that.”
From wp_metadata:
User table value
1 bb_capabilities a:1:{s:9:"keymaster";b:1;}From bb_topicmeta:
Edit Delete meta_id topic_id meta_key meta_value
Edit Delete 19 15 deleted_posts 1
Edit Delete 20 15 bozos a:1:{i:1;i:1;}
Edit Delete 18 14 bozos a:1:{i:1;i:1;}
Edit Delete 17 14 deleted_posts 1
Edit Delete 15 13 deleted_posts 1
Edit Delete 16 13 bozos a:1:{i:1;i:1;}Can someone decypher this? (The bozo parts)
In reply to: Can’t post. Topic turns yellow. Can’t delete.