netfux (@netfux)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @netfux


    I did it. I put some image backgrounds to make them different. Anyway, I still wish to know how could I center the titles (center of the page) and make those five forums titles a little bigger with bigger font.




    Ok, it is more or less done…



    Ok, I did it with the topics inside of one of the main forums:

    Would be pretty much this but in with the main page, with those five forums, as they are now, without counters en meta info, bigger page centered titles and this kind of blue color as a background of the forum: Mockup Image



    Thank’s Thank’s Thank’s! You did it… I put the following code in custom theme css:

    #bbp-forum-709 .bbp-forum-topic-count,
    #bbp-forum-709 .bbp-forum-reply-count,
    #bbp-forum-709 p.bbp-topic-meta {
    display: none;
    #bbp-forum-1085 .bbp-forum-topic-count,
    #bbp-forum-1085 .bbp-forum-reply-count,
    #bbp-forum-1085 p.bbp-topic-meta {
    display: none;

    #bbp-forum-700 .bbp-forum-topic-count,
    #bbp-forum-700 .bbp-forum-reply-count,
    #bbp-forum-700 p.bbp-topic-meta {
    display: none;
    #bbp-forum-702 .bbp-forum-topic-count,
    #bbp-forum-702 .bbp-forum-reply-count,
    #bbp-forum-702 p.bbp-topic-meta {
    display: none;
    #bbp-forum-1032 .bbp-forum-topic-count,
    #bbp-forum-1032 .bbp-forum-reply-count,
    #bbp-forum-1032 p.bbp-topic-meta {
    display: none;
    #bbp-forum-1045 .bbp-forum-topic-count,
    #bbp-forum-1045 .bbp-forum-reply-count,
    #bbp-forum-1045 p.bbp-topic-meta {
    display: none;

    I guess there is a cleaner way to put it, but now it’s working. I also needed the thumbnail and info above dissapear so I found the p.bbp-topic-meta code was it…

    The only thing that I need now is to know how can I center those forum titles at the center of the page, also center the height between lines…




    Totally my fault, sorry guys, I’ll explain exactly what I need. The attached image you see is how it shows a sticky topic in my forum.
    1.- What I need is those first five forums appear like that in the main page.
    2.- Also, as the don’t have the topic count, reply count and meta info, I need the titles to be centered in the page and centered in height between the lines.
    3.- The last thing that I need is to make their font a little bigger (just in those five forum titles)

    Sticky Topic

    That’s it! I hope you can understand now, and please, don’t hesitate to ask if you need more info.

    Thank you in advance



    Hi mate, I put that in bbforums.css with no result on centering the Main page titles…

    Any answer out there? Pleaseeeeee



    Any answer out there? Pleaseeeeee



    Can somebody ask my question please? I need help on this matter



    That’s Spam right?



    Just when you enter the forum: you will see the first four forums,

    Qué es El Rincón del Alumno?

    Normas del Foro: Por favor, leer antes de postear

    Cursos – Oferta Educativa

    Formulario de Inscripción de Nuevos Alumnos

    Those are the four that I need to be sticky in that first page. Is there any way?

    Thank’s for your help



    Hi mate, I put that in bbforums.css with no result on centering the Main page titles…



    No more error It was a plugin, sorry about that



    I Mean to do that but not with a Topic but with a Forum itself in the MAIN page of the forum. Hope I’m explaining better now, sorry my english my friend



    Thank’s a lot Lynqoid, but the problem is that if I do that, the titles of my entire forum will be centered. I just need to center the title of the main page, those, doesn’t have any subtitles, but subforums does. So I really need to center just the titles of the main forum page. You can see it here: (also please check the ZONA ALUMNOS forum which has some subforums options in the title itself, those also will be displaced right?

    THank’s for your help!! very appreciated



    Thank’s for the info, but I don’t mean the order, which is ok righnow, I mean how to make them appear as sticky, with the color that is applied to a sticky forum.



    Solved, thank’s



    wooow… it seems not working, don’t know why.. I create a new forum, then when I edit it, I put the new url where it should be redirected, when I click “Update”, le URL it just dissapear from its new bbPress Forum Redirect box and the Forum doesn’t redirects to the new page… What could be happening? It seemed so easy



    ow… no idea how… can you be more explicit please? I’m a freshman in all of this. Thank’s for your help



    Thank you so much! Great Help!



    Hi, I don’t see any admin above the publish button… anything where I can manage the order of the topics of my forum. Please could you be more specific please? I need a real hand on this. Thank’s in advance…

    Also, it could be nice to have a plugin to manage the topics and forum orders…

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