Forum Replies Created
In reply to: Forum URL
Thanks. It worked great for Settings > Forum > uncheck Forum Prefix
For the other possible /forum/ url slug prefix, Sumon1068, try going into Admin > Forums and make sure your previous forum are not CHILD of another forum. I was this for me, importing from phpbb3.
In reply to: Stuck importing forums from phpBB3…or any other ways to import. Like going with another forum import first and then import to bbpress ?????
In reply to: Stuck importing forums from phpBB3yes, all repair were done, then I gave you these numbers above…
In reply to: Stuck importing forums from phpBB3Thanks. Waiting for the answer, I have stop and start it 🙁
Here’s what my old phpbb3 forum says ;
18,504 sujets • 52,637 messages • 1,272 membresHere’s what my new bbpress import says ;
5,075 Topics / 30,100 Replies / 1,347 UserAlso, when I visit my new forum on my site, no replies are shown. When I am in dashboard (admin, all replies are there. Tough, the import didnt get everything. This took me maybe 2 days. What I do from here ? Retry importing from scratch ?
In reply to: Stuck importing forums from phpBB3Stuck again, but this time on “Starting conversion ————”
Looks frozen, can I hit Stop and then Start there also ?In reply to: Stuck importing forums from phpBB3I think you may be inferring the import doesn’t ever actually finish?
If that is the case see the docs here: for this link Stephen. It is relaoding again from where it stoped. Fingers crossed 😉
– Once the import hangs, click stop, take a note of where it was up to, e.g. Converting 11,299 – 11,300
– Click start again and the import will continue from where it left offIn reply to: What is the best forum software for my needs ?smf, i go check this one too.
In reply to: What is the best forum software for my needs ?smf, i go check this one too.
In reply to: What is the best forum software for my needs ?mybb… i will goo check it out too
In reply to: What is the best forum software for my needs ?mybb… i will goo check it out too
In reply to: What is the best forum software for my needs ?regarding the link above, bbpress seems to need way too many plugins to arrive to my needs. I m exact ?
Can we switch easaly from phpbb2 to bbpress ?
In reply to: What is the best forum software for my needs ?regarding the link above, bbpress seems to need way too many plugins to arrive to my needs. I m exact ?
Can we switch easaly from phpbb2 to bbpress ?
thanks for your time man !
…so if I install
WP + bbpress forum + a galerie plug-in….
i should arrive pretty close to having installed
WP + BuddyPress (turning off members blog, activity stream, groups) + a galleri plug-in
both these ways should arrive close to the same thing if i get it right ?
Hi Pagal. Thanks for the answers
I didnt know that Menalto was out-dated. I’ve heard or Coppermine also….
I saw Photosmash… nice integration with a WP blog… but how can it be compatible with a community (bbpress forum) ?
What is the difference between WP + Buddypress -versus- WP + bbpress ??
any website knowed that have budypress and could look like what i want ?
yeah, I tough of it… but thanks for remering it to me
But if I use PB,do I have to have everybody able to blog ?
I am more looking into : the admin is blogging, the members are commenting and chatting or the forum (and be nice to add their own photos to share their moments)