mistercyril (@mistercyril)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @mistercyril


    Up (because mine is still down 😉



    Unfortunately its still the same…

    When the user logs-in he does in fact get the default Forum role. So that part works.

    But even after I upgrade him to “Moderator” he can’t access the front en form, nor can he access the back-end “forum” menu.

    On a side note, I noticed that upon deactivation of BBpress there is no option to remove the data stored in the database. Sure there are options to reset everything to a fresh install, but nothing that enables a user to rid the database of orphaned entries from a previous BBpress install. Do you have any insight as to why that feature isn’t offered?



    Hello again Stephen,

    so here is what happens…

    I inserted the [bbp-forum-form] shortcode and can see a forum creation form while logged is as KeyMaster. However, once logged in as “Moderator” I only get the following message

    You cannot create new forums.

    I installed the suggested plugin (which is very straight forward and easy to use BTW) Advanced user capability editing for bbPress.

    Even though options are all set appropriately, the “Forum” menu will not display as long as the user is a “moderator”.

    In order to be as thorough as possible, here are the tests I ran :

    • Changed moderator’s WP user role to each available option (subscriber -> admin) and tested every time
    • Used plugin’s reset to defaults button (essentially disabled everything)
    • Added options to enable creating and editing forums

    What i noticed is that the “Topics” and “Replies” menus react to BBpress user-role settings whereas the “Forum” menu does not. This might seem logical, but in my mind it validates the fact that BBpress roles are not entirely overridden or broken.



    Hello Stephen,

    Thank you for replying. I’m going to try this out right away and let you know what happens.



    Hello Stephen,

    I can confirm that I have the .even class on every single entry in my forum.

    Furthermore, I get random display orders even when no editing is done. I’ve tried editing with “contributor”, “moderator” and “keymaster” roles but I can’t see any particular pattern, so as far as I can tell I would exclude any correlation with user roles or editing.



    May I suggest gathering these comments on the following post : https://bbpress.org/forums/topic/edit-topic-reply-changes-post-order/

    Maybe we’ll get some more traction if we are all in one place.




    For those of you who are also having this problem, please let us know on the following post so we can concentrate efforts in one place : https://bbpress.org/forums/topic/edit-topic-reply-changes-post-order/.





    I’ve been having similar issues but not with the admin account.

    Have you set your BBPress user role to “KeyMaster” ? You may have a limited BBPress role even though you are an admin. Apparently there is no relation between the two, so you might want to check that out.





    @eduardosilva you are not alone… same problem here.



    Hello Stephen,

    I am experiencing the same issue on a WP + BP + BBPress setup.

    What I have found so far is the the ul.bbp-replies (used to display topic replies) outputs the “li” (answers) in the wrong order. So its obviously not .css related.

    I haven’t been able to determine for sure if the user rôle has anything to do with the order, but as far as I can tell it doesn’t.

    Hope this helps,




    Same problem here…

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