Nitac (@mchl)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: Slow to Post



    Cheers for the response and thanks for your time and effort looking into this, much appreciated.

    For the test below i set up a hidden forum on my live server.

    What happens when you deactivate either/or “Go to first unread” & “Unread posts” plugins you’re using and submit a reply to an affected topic?

    • I just went through all the bbpress related plugins and tried different combos and didn’t notice any significant performance differences.

    Another test, this time with the ‘Quotes’ plugin disabled submit a reply to an affected topic.

    • Using GDPress and had the same results as above

    Another, what code and/or plugin are you using to show the user registration in each reply e.g. Join Date: Mar 2009
    And another, what code and/or plugin are you using for the counts shown next to the username in each reply e.g Posts: 4529

    • Using the function below. Again I disabled and noticed no significant improvement.
    function func() {
    $roleData = bbp_get_user_role(bbp_get_reply_author_id( $reply_id ));
            $data='<div class="bbp-author-role">Moderator</div>';
    $registered = date("M Y", strtotime(get_userdata(bbp_get_reply_author_id())->user_registered));
    $post_count = bbp_get_user_reply_count_raw( bbp_get_reply_author_id( $reply_id )) ;
    $data.='<div class="bbp-reply-ip"><span class="bbp-author-ip">';
    $data.='Join Date: '.$registered;
    $data.='<br />';
    $data.='Posts: '.$post_count;

    Here’s the results for the first query

    And the second query

    Something I did notice when testing, was that when I was posting in the new topc I created, posts seemed to be submitting relatively quicker, 2 – 5 secs per post. Though when posting in a thread that had a lot more replies the post submission took a lot longer.

    I tried the query plugin you suggested and getting relatively good results everything is < 2 secs, but it only shows the performance of the query results, and doesn’t take into account the time it takes to submit, which is > 10 secs. (unless I’m overlooking something??)


    In reply to: Slow to Post



    ok cool, thanks for looking into it Stephen really appreciate it.


    In reply to: Slow to Post


    Participant – the main forum is private

    Server : AWS EC2 m1.medium
    DB : AWS RDS db.m3.medium
    CDN: AWS S3 (currently only serving images)

    Here’s a breakdown of the site: let me know if any other info would help.

    Not using anything crazy from a plugin perspective either:
    Quick Cache Pro (caching only for guests at the moment)
    All in One SEO

    and few other plugins.

    – No threaded replies
    – The forum is on the root, hadn’t really considered moving but it feels like its more of a db issue.

    at the moment its taking about ~15seconds to reply


    In reply to: Slow to Post



    when i respond using LMGTFY its normally a dig at the other person, so hopefully you can see why i took it ‘that’ way. but i’m going to move on.

    ive eliminated all the points you’ve made above, and the site only chokes when users are submitting posts in the forum, so I’m confident i’ve isolated the issue.

    as mentioned i’m coping heaps of flack for the performance of the forum and losing users so i hope you can appreciate why there’s an element of urgency.

    In reply to: Slow to Post



    no need for that dude.

    rest of the site is fine this is specifically related to how long it takes users to post in the forum.

    maybe you should have read all the replies before responding.

    In reply to: Slow to Post



    can anything be done in the mean time?

    I’m starting to lose users because of the slow performance.


    In reply to: Slow to Post



    if I could get my forum posting anywhere as quick this site I’d be stoked, cheers.

    In reply to: Slow to Post



    haha yeh I hear ya, thanks

    In reply to: Slow to Post



    cool cheers, how close are you guys to releasing it so I keep the users at bay?




    thanks @Peter J. Herrel worked a treat.

    you add it to your functions file.



    Cheers for the response. Figured out a simple way to handle it.

    When I register the CPTs i just need to define exclude_from_search' => true for the CPTs I don’t want to appear in the WP search, then i dont need to run the above filter and BBP looks after itself.



    Ive managed to get a full forum migration to complete. After upgrading our server and trying on my local machine (mac laptop) i thought i’d have a try on my local machine at work (iMac with decent processor & ram), and after ~6.5hrs the whole forum had been migrated over.

    After speaking with a couple of people it turns out that wp_insert_post has a memory leak, and could be causing the import process to slow down and eventually stall on a large migration. I’m happy for anyone to jump in and clarify whether this may be the case and expand on this.

    After the migration I ran all the ‘repair forum’ functions and it assigned all the topics and replies to their correct parents.

    Hope this helps.




    I’d like to know if you have any success with this, i posted a similar issue here but i havent had any luck rectifying it.

    The last time test i tried i got to >300k (forum has ~400k) posts after the convertor stalled and requiring a restart a couple of times, until the most recent time tried to restart I got this error in the output window:

    Repair any missing information: Continue
    WordPress database error: [Table 'db_name.pbpbb_posts' doesn't exist]
SELECT convert(posts.post_id USING "utf8") AS post_id,convert(topics.topic_id USING "utf8") AS topic_id,convert(posts.forum_id USING "utf8") AS forum_id,convert(posts.topic_id USING "utf8") AS topic_id,convert(posts.poster_ip USING "utf8") AS poster_ip,convert(posts.poster_id USING "utf8") AS poster_id,convert(posts.post_subject USING "utf8") AS post_subject,convert(posts.post_text USING "utf8") AS post_text,convert(posts.post_time USING "utf8") AS post_time FROM pbpbb_posts AS posts LEFT JOIN pbpbb_topics AS topics USING (topic_id) WHERE posts.post_id != topics.topic_first_post_id LIMIT 304200, 100
    Starting Conversion

    Im currently running this on AWS (Amazon Servers) and had upgraded to the server to something with a bit more grunt but its not helping.

    Ive also discovered, not sure if this is related, that none of the replies that are imported are assigned to a forum or a topic and when viewing a topic only the first post appears and none of the related replies.

    looking forward to response.

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