Forum Replies Created
In reply to: bbPress Plugin is Born
Hi John JJ,
thanks for your long statements here. For me – it’s great to hear about the future von bbPress. And even greater – bbPress has a team now!
Hi _ck_,
thanks for this mini plugin for bbPress 0.9. I will test it today in my develop enviroment.
On my live installations (trunk version 1.x) it seems no fix for super stickies is needed. Super stickies are stickies on the front and in its original forum.
In reply to: phpbb3 -> bbpress -> wordpress user databaseHi Geekaholic,
you moved the phpbb user to the bbPress user table (e.g. bb_users). The users are still there. After the user integration you must copy the users from bbPress user table to the WordPress user table – and also copy the user_meta information.
If you had some WordPress users before the transfer form phpbb to bbPress/WordPress – it is possible to merge the users by hand. I do this within the phpMyAdmin.
In reply to: Need a copy of the following themesIn reply to: WordPress 2.9.2 and bbpress cookies integration.Hi together,
in my working integration between WordPress and bbPress I’ve the following cookie keys matched:
define(‘AUTH_KEY’, ’32charsalphanumerickeys’);
define(‘SECURE_AUTH_KEY’, ’32charsalphanumerickeys’);
define(‘LOGGED_IN_KEY’, ’32charsalphanumerickeys’);
define(‘AUTH_SALT’, ’32charsalphanumerickeys’);
define(‘LOGGED_IN_SALT’, ’32charsalphanumerickeys’);
define(‘SECURE_AUTH_SALT’, ’32charsalphanumerickeys’);
define( ‘BB_AUTH_KEY’, ’32charsalphanumerickeys’ );
define( ‘BB_SECURE_AUTH_KEY’, ’32charsalphanumerickeys’ );
define( ‘BB_LOGGED_IN_KEY’, ’32charsalphanumerickeys’ );
define( ‘BB_NONCE_KEY’, ’32charsalphanumerickeys’ );
define(‘BB_AUTH_SALT’, ’32charsalphanumerickeys’);
define(‘BB_LOGGED_IN_SALT’, ’32charsalphanumerickeys’);
define(‘BB_SECURE_AUTH_SALT’, ’32charsalphanumerickeys’);
Evtl. you need the Salt Keys too?
Without the Salt Keys my old installation doesn’t work, in my new (fresh) installation it worked without the Salt Keys.
Markus (beta)
In reply to: Latest Discussion PageHi gerikg,
I will test it tomorrow on my new server (playground for bbPress, Plugins, Themes) …
In reply to: posts per page settingok
– I see – this is the standard settings for topics, posts and tags.
With the plugin from _ck_ it is possible to set different count limits for nearly every bbPress page:
- front-page
- forum-page
- topic-page
- view-page
- tag-page
- tag-page
- search-page
- feed-page
- profile-page
- favorites-page
- stats-page
In reply to: posts per page settingLook at this plugin:
Plugin Name: Topics Per Page
Plugin URI:
In reply to: bbPress as standalone project (as fork)Hi Chris,
thanks for your answer. So I only continue to help here in the forum.
In reply to: Latest Discussion PageHi gerikg,
this post could help you:
1. Make a custom page
create a page discussion.php in the root forum folder
add require_once(‘./bb-load.php’); on the top of the page. and write whatever code you want in the page.. that should create a static page with bbpress functions..
2. Put in the code for the Latest discussions from the main page (?)
3. Make your own sql query –
In reply to: bbPress as standalone project (as fork)Hi chris,
thanks for your long post. It’s great to have you here as moderator
Honestly though, we have bigger problems than just putting a fresh face on the website. That would be the least of my concerns.
I can understand thoughs – although I’ve made a post about the “fresh face” just minutes ago. After using bbPress more than a year I believe in the future of this project.
And I will contribute – where I can help.
For my thoughts … there should be a defined project team to coordinate the next steps. The weekly IRC meetups in December and January were the right way. To define a document team was also great. But after three months there are only you and Gautam “driving” the project.
In reply to: Sneak peek at 2.0I read everyday the post (negative thoughs) about the future of bbPress. But I don’t understand the motivation behind these posts.
We are the community – users of bbPress, WebWorkers, Developers, etc. I think it is possible to get more drive to the bbPress Project when we work together.
One thing I can help the project is in the developement of the new template …
We can make an Poll about an possible new face of!?
Suggest 1: Sneak Peak from Sam:
Suggest 2: Example for a new Feature Page:
Suggest 3: A more modern theme ala
In reply to: BuddyBar in bbPressHi Tom,
thanks for your new version of the buddybar-in-bbpress plugin. It works in my installation.
I only get this error message because of commenting “out” the bp_adminbar_blogs-menu:
Fatal error: Call to undefined method wpdb::get_blog_prefix() in /kunden/199620_87439/webseiten/wp/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/bp-core-adminbar.php on line 193
1. bp_buddybar.php
/*add_action( ‘bp_adminbar_menus’, ‘bp_adminbar_blogs_menu’, 6 ); */
2. bp-core-adminbar.php
/* $blog_prefix = $wpdb->get_blog_prefix( $current_blog->id );*/
Is there another way to deactivate the “new blog” function? I use the WordPress Single Version 2.9.2 – and there is no function for new blogs.
In reply to: bbPress post -> WordPressHi Rabbitdk,
with manual coding it should be possible to display complete posts in wordpress.
I use the examples from to display an complete list of my forums and a short list of the newest topics.
But I think – to make an original WordPress Post out of it – is not as easy as pure displaying.
For the last month I use the plugin ‘WordPress-bbPress syncronization’ ( But these plugin does it the other way – make WordPress Post to Topics in bbPress and display answers (post in bbPress) as comments in WordPress. A skilled php developer can use this plugin and change some code to realize your idea.
Unfortunately I’m no developer
In reply to: Deep Integration TroubleshootingHi gerikg,
can you post a link to your forum? Evtl. we can test it together.
On my forum i have at first also a blank page – there it was a problem with two plugins (one in bbPress, one in WordPress).
In reply to: BuddyBar in bbPressHi Bradcarters,
i don’t think this is the best solution to fix the original problem. It is just a “dirty” workaround. For me it seems to work.
But you can wait for the test and the answer from gerikg.
In reply to: First pass at a fix for “deep” integration in trunkOh … so stupid…!
in WordPress my German language file is named in bbPress the language file is named After the deep integration bbPress seems to search for a file named in ‘my-languages’.
So just renaming the language files made my day
PS. hmpf…
In reply to: First pass at a fix for “deep” integration in trunkIn the german bbpress board ( i found for the language problem the following code:
// Load the default text localization domain.
if ( !(defined('DB_NAME')) ) { // Include localization the bbPress-way when WP is not running.
else {
$locale = get_locale();
$mofile = BB_LANG_DIR . "$";
load_textdomain(‘default’, $mofile);
But this seems not to work with the new version.
In reply to: First pass at a fix for “deep” integration in trunkHi to all,
is the problem with the language file within the deep integration fixed?
Unfortunately there is a serious drawback as it breaks the translation of bbpress. The seems to have no effect with these line.
My installation “forgot” some german words after the deep integration. Evtl. I must make a new ticket for these.
Great Examples
… I think these examples would be great in the documentation for bbPress.
Hi gerikg,
for my installation (1.1 alpha – user integrated) i don’t use these cookie-definitions.
Only sync’d these keys
define(‘BB_AUTH_KEY’, ”);
define(‘BB_SECURE_AUTH_KEY’, ”);
define(‘BB_LOGGED_IN_KEY’, ”);
define(‘BB_NONCE_KEY’, ”);
define(‘BB_AUTH_SALT’, ”);
define(‘BB_LOGGED_IN_SALT’, ”);
define(‘BB_SECURE_AUTH_SALT’, ”);
In reply to: bbOrg?Two more links for “The Hybrid” from _ck_:
In reply to: bbOrg?Hi John,
have you seen this page:
‘The Hybrid Theme’ is a combination of Kakumei an the Theme of the bbPress suport forum.
It seems that have all the themes from the original online.
Greetz Markus
In reply to: Anonmyous Posting vs. Login-less PostingWith ‘Login-Less Posting’ and the plugin ‘Human Test’ activated the post-form shows this error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function has_cap() on a non-object in /kunden/199620_87439/webseiten/forum/my-plugins/human-test.php on line 49
Without ‘Human Test’ the post-form shows the login box …
In reply to: Anonmyous Posting vs. Login-less PostingHi all,
my first test shows that the trunk version of bbPress breaks ‘BB Anonymous Posting’, ‘Post Meta for bbPress’, ‘Human Test for bbPress’ and ‘bbPress-WordPress syncronization’.
And the new “Login-Less Posting” doen’t work in my installation.
So I will do more testing tomorrow …