lflier (@lflier)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: Child CSS



    That’s a thought…

    I gave up on this plugin a few years ago — it didn’t seem to do anything for me. Still doesn’t, unfortunately. There’s no difference with or without Genesis Extend.

    Deactivating all of my other plugins doesn’t seem to help, either.

    I’ve also tried copying css/bbpress.css to other themes, including the Genesis Sample and WordPress 2020. Both of these themes require bbpress.min.css, at least on my development server.

    I’m using WordPress 5.3, bbPress 2.6.2.

    In reply to: Child CSS



    Thanks for the 2.6.2 update, which attempts to address this issue.

    Unfortunately, it’s not working in my theme. I still require bbpress.min.css.

    I’m running a custom theme under Genesis 3.2.1. I’m pretty sure I’m following the instructions for theme compatibility. The css file is in a folder labeled “css” in the theme root.

    This does not appear to be a cache issue. The appearance of the page changes when I switch back and forth.

    I’ve reproduced this bug on a LocalbyFlywheel development site and a live staging site.

    I’ll monitor this thread. Let me know what else you’d like me to try.



    Compared to BuddyPress, or a membership plugin like MemberPress, this is a surprisingly tedious thing to do in bbPress. I got 3/4 of the way to building it when I decided I really wanted the function on the membership account page and not in bbPress after all.

    But suppose you wanted to add a tab for a page on which a user could upload an avatar using one of the many WordPress avatar plugins. Here, roughly, are the steps you would follow:

    1. First, you have to create the tab. This is done by adding another list-item in bbpress/templates/default/bbpress/user-details.php.
    2. In the other menu items on this template, you’ll notice that the href for the link is created by a function like ‘bbp_user_profile_edit_url()’. That’s because the user’s display name has to be part of the link. So, what you’ve got to do next is look in bbpress/includes/users/template.php and find that function. Then you’ve got to copy it, rename it, and modify it so that it creates the link you want (e.g., ‘/forums/users/username/avatar/’ ).
    3. Next, you’ve got set up bbPress to parse that link. The parsing function is bbp_parse_query(), which is found at the bottom of bbpress/includes/core/template-functions.php. This function reads the URI and sets conditional tags (e.g., ‘bbpress_is_single_user_edit’) depending on what the URI is. The function is called from bbpress/includes/core/actions.php. You’ll need to copy this function somewhere else and rename it. Then remove the action that calls it and add an action that calls your function. Then, you’ll need to modify your function such that if the URI ends in ‘avatar’ it sets a conditional tag, e.g., ‘bbpress_is_single_user_avatar’.
    4. Templates are loaded based on the conditional tags, and there are functions that return true or false depending on what conditional tags are present, e.g. ‘bbp_is_single_user_edit()’. These are found in bbpress/includes/common/tempate.php. You’ll have to create one of these that returns true for ‘bbpress_is_single_user_avatar’.
    5. Once you’ve got that, then you can conditionally load the templates you want for the page. Templates are loaded in bbpress/includes/core/template-loader.php. The function is bbp_template_include_theme_supports(). It has a filter, so you can add a conditional that loads a template when ‘bbp_is_single_user_avatar()’ is true.

    As I said, I got about 3/4 of the way to doing this when I realized that it would be clearer in my application to have the avatar in the account area of my membership plugin. But I think this is roughly how you would do it in bbPress.



    Late to the party, but instructions for enabling the TinyMCE editor are here. Instructions for styling the content inside the editor are here. TinyMCE is not Gutenberg. But it’s simple and reasonably user-friendly.



    Same problem here. Forums are not appearing in the WordPress menu editor.

    The solution (once more with feeling) is to click the tab entitled “Screen Options,” which appears at the top of the WordPress menu editor page, towards the right. Then check the “Forums” box.

    If you don’t see the tab, it might be obscured by a plugin notification. That’s what happened to me…



    Here is a straightforward approach to abbreviating the time. Just put it in your functions.php file. You can modify the abbreviations as you wish:

    add_filter( 'bbp_get_time_since', 'abbreviate_time' );
    function abbreviate_time ( $output ) {
        $output = str_replace( 'minutes', 'min', $output );
        $output = str_replace( 'minute', 'min', $output );
        $output = str_replace( 'hours', 'hr', $output );
        $output = str_replace( 'hour', 'hr', $output );
        $output = str_replace( 'weeks', 'wk', $output );
        $output = str_replace( 'week', 'wk', $output );	
        $output = str_replace( 'months', 'mo', $output );
        $output = str_replace( 'month', 'mo', $output );    
        $output = str_replace( 'years', 'yr', $output );
        $output = str_replace( 'year', 'yr', $output );    
        return $output;




    Over on the ticket page (https://bbpress.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/2523#comment:1) there is a ticket reporting a bug in which reply treading breaks pagination.

    I was about to report the same thing, until I saw your reply explaining that disabling pagination is by design. I had just spent the better part of a morning trying to figure out what happened to the pagination on my site. Turns out I had activated the reply threading.

    Several other members in this thread have asked for a solution. It’s not clear to me why it isn’t possible to paginate replies where threading is enabled. A solution in which a top-level reply, along with all of its threaded sub-level replies, is counted as a single reply for pagination purposes would be acceptable — certainly better than the present situation, where you can choose threading or pagination but not both.

    And at the very least, this either/or choice needs to be made transparent to the user. Clicking an innocent looking check box on a configuration page shouldn’t disable another function on the same page without a warning. That’s just bad design. It wouldn’t be difficult, for example, to grey-out and disable the pagination controls when the threading check box is checked. That would get the message across.

    If my skills were up to it, I’d offer to help. As it is, I can only offer my feedback.

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