leahcar8 (@leahcar8)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @leahcar8


    Just as a follow-up… my conversion did complete successfully! and I got it moved back to my hosting server. Everything seems to be working fine. I ran all the repair tools and that certainly fixed all the mis-matched posts…so that’s good. I’m not really sure how long it took, but I’m guessing it was about 8-10 hours. …and it seemed to go at a pretty stable pace throughout. I didn’t really notice a slow-down. I ran it on a macbook pro i7 w/ 4gb ram.

    I have noticed that the post counts shown in the admin cp do not necessarily match what is shown on the user side, with the user side being correct (even after running the re-counters). It’s not that big of a deal, it just almost gave me a heart attack since I thought a whole group of posts was missing. But they’re there safe and sound after all. So I’m not sure what’s up with that.

    So now I’m just trying to figure out what type of theme I want to use…and hopefully I can get the site active again.

    Edgar – if you are making changes to the vBulletin importer and would like to have someone test on a larger db, I would be glad to do it.





    Well… after my last post, the conversion got up to around 308,000 and stalled, and it wouldn’t start again. I started it again from scratch and it stalled again at the exact same group, so I figured there was something wrong with that batch of posts. I figured out where it had stalled and sure enough, there was a group of posts in one thread that had a bunch of hex numbers in the post title. So I cleared those out and started the conversion again and left it for the night.

    When I got up this morning, it was up to around 471,000…so well past the mark that it had stalled before. So hopefully (majorly crossing my fingers here) it will be done when I get home.

    As for the second part of your question about the posts not being with their topic… I think all that is supposed to be rectified once you complete the conversion and run all the clean-up tools that are on the Repair tab (think that’s the name of the tab).




    yeah… I’ve ended up doing it locally too. I tried the Vanilla conversion from the migration I did previously and ended up getting tons of SQL errors. So I ended up just pulling out the tables from my vBulletin db that the bbPress converter actually uses and am using those to run the conversion locally.

    So far so good on the local conversion. I’m up to about 225,000 on the replies with no stalls yet just using the default set of 100 and 1 sec delay.




    Thanks for your reply…

    Last night after I posted, I ended up completely logging out and logging back in…and then restarted the import. That seemed to get rid of the dashes. So I’m not sure if I could reproduce them at this point.

    The importer appears to have picked up where it left off before at 1600, but it has been very sporadic as far as how far it gets before it stalls. It did around 20,000 before I left it for the night, but then it only did about 100 more between that time and checking it this morning. It’s now going again and I’m up to about 31,000. I tried adjusting the limits lower on the rows and higher on the delay, but it doesn’t seem to matter.

    And yes, I do realize that this is a large import…but even so, this is not an active, booming community anymore. I’m just trying to get the site into a more sustainable system to keep the content out there for people to find. So if it takes a long time to do the import and it doesn’t complete perfectly, I’m actually ok with that. As long as the bulk of it is there in some semblance of organization, I’m good. Maybe someday it will be active again…I can hope.

    To answer your questions…yes, I’m comfortable using phpMyAdmin. As far as the LAMP goes, all I have is a mac here at home and from what I understand, it’s kinda complicated to get a LAMP running on a mac? If that’s not the case…or even if it’s a somewhat lengthy process, but not too hair-pulling…I’m willing to give it a shot.

    Another thing I have not tried, but could… I actually did a conversion from vBulletin to Vanilla with no issues…and sorry, but it was fast! But I’ve decided not to use Vanilla. I could try importing from that db to see what it ends up looking like if I can’t get this one to work.

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