The Trunk is broken because there`s still a lot to do and to change / integrate (wordpress functions..); so it is just normal that the bbpress trunk is not installing.. (backpress..)
use the 0.9.02 Version.. and if using wordpress trunk, remember, wordpress changed its cookies so there is a problem in logging in with bbpress if its integrated. With WordPress Final there`s no problem with integration – bbpress will sure be updated soon (i hope) to use the new logged_in cookie from wordpress.
Hi chrishajer,
yes youre right but i
m using the wordpress trunk and bbpress – and there are changes to the cookie handling again in wp. bbpress will follow soon, i think.
thank you very much for taking care of it, sambauers 
have both a nice day 
is there a way to migrate all wp posts (made before activating bbsync) to bbpress?
And.. a way to show the comments in bbpress in the wordpress comment template?