Forum Replies Created
In reply to: Menu Items not visible
What version of bbPress are you using ?
What version of WordPress are you using?
Are you using “deep integration”?
That said, I’d hardcode them if I were you. Given that you know you’re going to be on your forum page, and therefore dont need to having anything dynamic or highlighted, you can just hardcode it to work.
Not an ideal solution, but its one that you can control completely
Good Luck
In reply to: Whoa! ( 2.0 is live)Different text sizes on homepage:
Edit area messed up:
Difference between yours and mine:
(basically, i have 2 or more words per line squeezed into same space on some places)
Hope this helps whoever is looking after the theme, apprecaite the help as always (especially Chris – first on hand as always).
In reply to: Whoa! ( 2.0 is live)Ok, so I noticed a small bug when posting this (because I went to edit and the edit link is tiny).
Line 99 of the stylesheet has “font-size:0.8em” (which seems accurate) but according to Firebug it thinks that the 960 reset is loaded afterwards as its loaded via 3 different @import commands (fyi – madness) because of how the browser handles loading of child stylesheets (it’s not concurrent). The 960 reset states that “font-size:100%” for everything.
So firebug, and chrome tools will all show that they’re applying “font-size:100%” which in essence they are, they’re just applying 100% of the 0.8em.
EDIT: ok, so a bit more investigation turns out that “em”s were decided to be used for some of the links and things on the left under the avatar, while “%”s were used elsewhere, and “px”s were specified for other text – so its really a bit of a mish mash that has high potential to look different on every system (especially as the css reset is loaded 3rd or 4th by the browser); compunded by a choice to use different looking fonts per system.
On line 103 of style.css we specify the font for the actual forum post text:
#bborg-discussion #thread {
Now according to Firebug and chrome dev tools the font-size:12px is scored out (as if it’s being overwritten) because the reset is loaded after. But if you click on it in firebug to actually disable it, hey presto, the font actually grows to the default size.
Oh and more of an FYI as to why it’s hard to debug, after we apply our reset and our styles, we then have this added by the 960’s text stylesheet that will mess with the base units:
body{font:13px/1.5 Helvetica,Arial,’Liberation Sans’,FreeSans,sans-serif}
We basically play about with the font-sizes all over the shop in the stylesheets, and the fonts used too (i can see about 10 fonts listed).
In reply to: Whoa! ( 2.0 is live)Thanks for that Chris, v helpful.
Your text seems a tad bigger than mine but I think i might have found some of the issues.
1) The stylesheet specifies “Lucida Grande,Tahoma,’Bitstream Vera Sans’,Arial,sans-serif” and I’m not sure it was tested on all of those fonts.
There’s quite a large difference between the way Lucia Grande and Tahoma look on windows (and people with Safari on Windows can now have Lucia Grande; but its not there by default), and at 12px and above Tahoma and Arial start to look differently too…
2) In comparing what I can see on the forums and your screenshot, I’m getting 2extra words per line.
Either way, it’s a drop in text size of a considerable amount. And a drop in the amount of space that the text is given in comparison to the old theme (not that an increased avatar doesn’t help the conversation but…)
3) On the forum listing, since last week, some of the text has been of a bigger size than others. Specifically:
#bborg-discussions table td div {
Edit: I have no extrnal css stuff going on, which i put down to laziness
In reply to: Whoa! ( 2.0 is live)Is there any update on the insanely small text?
It appears (according to firebug) that the font size is set to 12px, but then it’s been made smaller by some later style. For me it’s currently looking like a 8 or 9px font size (which is incredibly difficult to read since we dropped the amount of space the text is in by almost 40% to 540px).
The margins and spacings look a bit weird/forced as well, almost like it’s using the old version of the 960 grid.
Also, as soon as the discussion includes more than 2 posts, 20-30% of the screen becomes useless whitespace.
Anyway, I’m testing this on Firefox3.6, latest Chrome and Opera 10 on Windows 7 and vista – and my iPhone.
P.S. The blog section’s a total disaster area also, good thing it’s not been updated in over 4 months now – otherwise people might look there for info!!! haha, don’t worry, thats not likely.
I think in the long run, that rather than porting bbPress to a WordPress plugin as a “straight port”, there will be a halfway house of using WP3.0’s custom post types and taxonomies. I’m guessing at this, but haven seen some attempts at this on the beta already, it seems to make alot of sense.
EDIT: found justin tadock’s example @
(sorry for the number of spelling mistakes, i simply can’t read these hideously small text they’ve forced on us by using font-size in pxels)
In reply to: Plugin Request: bbP ExportWasn’t BBXF abandoned _ck_ ?
I’m going on memory rather than fact here (so am happy to be wrong), but wasn’t the last bbxf bit of code added before or around the time that bbPress0.9 came out?
It may still work (fingers crossed), but I’ve not seen anyone mention it here in a good 18 months.
In reply to: wpmu integration old users cant post“New version of wpmu”
What version is that?
Does it have a number or something specific we can identify it with? What was the old version you were using?
“but old users in past cant post”
How old users?
People who were registed before you installed bbpress?
or before you upgraded your WPMU?
What error message are you recieving when old users post?
What is happening when they post on the front-end and back-end?
In reply to: really not sure bbpress is any goodbbPress has 3 things going for it:
1) It can integrated a single signon with a wordpress install
2) It’s very easy to ‘theme’
3) It’s totally open source and easy to code for
If you like these, then bbPress is for you. If these things are not enough (and for most people they’re not) then bbpress is not for you.
It’s also wrong to say that bbPress is missing alot of functionality. that’s purely down to your perception of what YOU think a forum should have. bbpress documentation is shockingly thin on the ground, so if it doesn’t do what it claims to do – tell us
But don’t judge it because it doesn’t do something it doesn’t claim to – you’ll never find the software that fits your needs that way.
In reply to: WordPress Registration and Login via bbPressWhy don’t you just hardcode the HTML and point it towards the form handler that you want to process it?
Dynamically getting wordpress and bbPress to play nice together via deep integration can be a bit of a pain especially if you try and make one do the work of the other.
In reply to: How do you write this?<br />
<?php<br />
//Put this in someplace obvious<br />
// like the config file<br />
global $path_needed_for_ryans_plugin = "/path/to/stuff/"</p>
<p>?><br />
<?php<br />
global $path_needed_for_ryans_plugin;<br />
require_once( $path_needed_for_ryans_plugin .'1.html' );<br />
?><br />Infact you’re probably better off doing in it with a “define” but I’ve not used Ryan’s plugin and didn’t want to presume.
Long term though, this should be something the plugin handles itself. After all the point of a plugin, especially one that is meant to make it easier to sort out themes without having to edit them, is ot not edit the themes
It’s still a great first step though.
Yeah works in both, nice one.
Much better than my hack!
In reply to: Welcome Back _ck_Welcome back _ck_!
You’ve truly been missed
In reply to: new website doesn't work properlyAnd the link to the forums in the menu bar suffers from the old breadcrumbs bug (yay for testing). It tries to link to “” which redirects to “” which obviously isn’t real.
In reply to: sticky postsSomeone on here once described “(to front)” as being the same as “announcements” on phpBB/vb etc. Hope that helps a little.
In reply to: Installation/Integration of bbpress & StationProHi Sandar,
If you’re using StationPro, a premium theme, then I’d suggest asking in their forum’s first. BaseStation, the company behind StationPro, claim that all their themese are bbPress compatible, and indeed sell bbPress themes which should work with the WordPress theme.
BaseStation also, out of the kindess of their hearts, will sell you a bbPress component to make it all work (side effects include: it still may not work as you’d hoped and loss of $50).
Either way though, bbPress is not a WordPress theme nor a Plugin, and should not be placed in the WordPress theme nor plugin directory. Hopefully it’ll all work for you after that.
Take Care,
In reply to: Continuing Topic IconsNo worries Chris (or Alex),
I wasn’t really getting into a discussion
(and sorry Alex dude, i hadn’t seen your reply)
In reply to: Permalinks / htaccess file issueAh cool, thanks Chris, Thats what i get for working backwards down the list!
I’d suggest contacting your host to confirm that you’re on an Apache server, and inform them that the information is missing from php_info(); and the subsequent $_SERVER global variable.
Also inform them that a blank .htaccess file, which shouldn’t have any impact, causes your website to disappear.
I’m afraid you’re in the tiny minority where there’s not a lot we can do to help at this stage. Let us know what your host says, and what changes (if any) they make, and we can try again.
In reply to: Continuing Topic IconsPersonally,
I’d leave this one to Paul when he has time.
We have so few people contributing as is, that it seems a bit daft to start hacking each others work. It’s not that I think Paul would mind, its just that we have limited resources as is to start ‘fixing’ front end output.
And on the whole if a plugin hasn’t been updated in 2 years then the chances of “updating” it are slim. It’ll probably need a major rewrite, and if there’s been no market/demand for it for 2 years, its probably not worth it sadly. There has been a huge number of changes between bbPress0.8 >>> bbPress0.9 >>> bbPress 1.0.2; and um… _ck_ had a particular way of coding (it is obviously really effective as her work is brilliant, but it’s a bit of a nightmare to edit and refactor for 1.0.2)
In reply to: Permalinks / htaccess file issueYou need to tell us what type of server you’re using.
In reply to: Problems when installing bbpressHey Josh,
We’re not passing the buck here mate, but really, unless it’s a front end bbPress issue, you’re going to have to go the the BuddyPress people.
the version of bbPress that is included in BuddyPress is insanely heavily hacked/edited; with the entire backPress from bbPress removed and replaced. Other than the displaying of the forum (and i mean the physical HTML routines in teh templates), everything else is different.
We can help you guess, but really, you’ll get the answers quicker from the great people over at BuddyPress who wrote the code you’re having an issue with.
by default the forum includes an alternating “class” for each reply, all I did was use CSS to “float:right” instead of using the default “float:left” on each one.
In reply to: Compatibility ….EvilGeek,
Incase you haven’t noticed mate, we want to help you. But come on, please give us actual information.
What version of the plugin are you using?
Have you read each plugins forum/thread to make any changes needed?
What did your server error logs tell you?
Basically, tell us something that doesn’t end in “wtf?”
In reply to: Guranteed Fix for WP/bbPress Integration!Oh, and on that note (not to steal from the other thread).
I’ve only ever used 32 length keys, never 64.
Again, mightprobably will have 0 impact, but right now it works so…
I’ve also copied the SALTs from the wordpress and bbpress options page onto the config file.
Again, probably 100% overkill, but right now it works so…
This may sound daft, but I’ve accepted that integration isn’t going to be the exact science I think it should be, so i just try to cover the bases.
In reply to: Guranteed Fix for WP/bbPress Integration!Yo dudes,
I know matey, wasn’t meant in a bad way at all
In terms of backward compatability, there’s quite a bit of change to how constructs and classes are handled, and depending on when the code was written, could cause some hidden issues.
bbPress 0.7,0.8 & 0.9 weren’t major rewrites of any of the basic backend code. A huge chunk of them were written by Matt over a weekend some 7 years ago and the move to backPress was a definative leap (fully awesome OOPness – as much as its kinda useless ).
So what i meant wasn’t just the leap from PHP4final to PHP5; but also things that were not aimed for PHP4 but that PHP4 supported. i.e. The code that was still in bbPress0.9 that was written when PHP3 was still around.
Long time bro.
I know the problem of which you speak mate, and while not knowing exactly which bit of code makes it go away, I’ve not had it in ages.
Login in wordpress >>> check that i’m “logged in” on bbPress >>> access admin.
Yeah it all works. I’ll have to delve into the code when home, but I think the sites I’m testing on are using “super anne” code/plugin. I also doubt these are on the latest versions of bbpress/wordpress. Frankly I’ve accepted that installing bbpress means not upgrading wordpress.
As i recall from the long long long thread in 2008, the key thing was having:
in wordpress config:
define(‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ”);
define(‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/’);
in bbPress config:
$bb->authcookie = ‘wordpress_’;
$bb->cookiedomain = ”;
$bb->cookiepath = ‘/’;
$bb->sitecookiepath = ”;
The basic theory was that the bbPress admin, wasn’t reading the wordpress cooking properly or at all, something to do with when it was assigning/pulling data from the “$bb” global variable; so it wouldn’t let you access the admin panel of bbPress. But by setting this info in the config (loaded first) it solved it.
That may be pie in the sky my friend, but thats what my brain is telling me.