kevinjohngallagher (@kevinjohngallagher)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @kevinjohngallagher


    Fixing the problem with minimal issues is the way to treat bbPress mZimmers. Really glad to see you getting through it bud :)



    Yeah for sure, I helped out with the original WordOfRaids back in the day and they do that, but they just manually link to a forum post ( i set up a custom field on WordPress, so they make forum and copy/paste into there).

    I’m not against the idea, its just definitely not going to be “off the shelf”; and nor is the original poster’s ideal solution going to be easy to come by (where it all happens automatically, though if you had time and the need it’s v possible).

    I sent slightly off topic (big shock) but this sort of thing depends on the usergroup immensely. people who play mmorpgs as an example are used to forums and doing things in front of others; where as say a Classical Music Magazine website/blog’s users might not be really up for entering a forum flame war. Sorry if i gave the wrong impression, I sometimes feel its better to manage expectations a little with bbPress, especially with all the wordPress “as a CMS that can do anything” stuff flying around :D



    Oh, look, i thin i see the word… yes i do… BUDDYPRESS.

    And we’ve found out that it’s not bbPress at fault it’s USER ERROR.

    Big shock, HUGE shock. Apparently people who have used WordPress for more than 3 years can still make a mistake.

    I’ve used WP for 3+ years now so I know what I’m doing

    Apart from being able to read…

    Somehow bbPress is being taken over by BuddyPress and this is probably why I get a blank page.

    You guys are the experts – so what is happening and is it just as simple as bbPress and BuddyPress are not compatible with each other?

    If so I’ll be on my way…

    If only someone had said that they weren’t compatible, and that you should ask in the BuddyPress forums… oh wait, they did!!!

    Honestly Perry man, we tried to help. Sorry you didn’t read what we had actually written.



    I follow the bbPress instructions and I get a blank page

    Awesome. Please give us LESS information.

    Don’t tell us the error on your server logs, don’t tell us at what stage you get the blank page. Just tell us “blank page” and we’ll magically guess :)

    Is this what you guys look at all day long?

    No, but we know how to be polite when asking for help.

    But I’m going after the bubble-gum chewing crowd with BuddyPress and bbPress looked like something they would use

    You can’t use them together in anyway. You either use bbPress or you use BuddyPress. Let me put it more simply, if you use BuddyPress in any way shape or form, bbPress won’t work.

    its all about making money

    Cool, then you can go for paid support :)

    So if there are any folks here who want to help I’ll take the advice; if not I’ll be joining the folks who find bbPress out of date with no support

    bbPress is out of date, but it has support. You’ll find you’d get better answers if:

    1) You had manners – the words “please” and “thanks” work really well

    2) You gave us actual information, like your error log, rather than just “blank page”.

    Just to reiterate, if you’re using BuddyPress, your problem has nothing to do with bbPress! Nothing at all!



    All good Rich mate :)

    (am liking your akisnet plugin btw)



    If you’ve been using WP for 3+ years, maybe you’d have the know how to read that bbPress and BuddyPress are different things. I’d you’re using BuddyPress, you should head to the BuddyPress forums.

    And just to be clear, cos you’ve not given a whole

    lot of information: bbPress is a stand alone forum that you can add shared cookies with WordPress, but it’s not there our of the box.

    So if you’re not using BuddyPress, feel free to come back with more info, a better attitude, and we’ll try and help :)

    oh and can i ask, after how long of using WordPress do humans stop making errors?? Glad you decided it was definately bbPress at fault and no possibility of anything else ;)



    Hi CEThom,

    The “admin section” will not in any way help you. Sorry.

    I’m afraid that bbPress requires a certain level of technical understanding to work in any small way that deviates from the standard. The ability to use and understand an FTP program and edit files is sadly the bare minimum. I would strongly suggest, for your own sake, finding someone that does know and understand these things and hiring them for the job.




    Morning Dudes,

    duplication of ID for a start…

    Maybe you could have said that instead of just typing” seriously? “.

    The container having an ID is fine, but inside I’d suggest using classes.

    Why? It’ll be unique on the page therefore an ID is by far the better options (quicker use of CSS selectors, much easier for the DOM, and also allows better integration with any JavaScript or Client side CSS changes).

    But if all that is in that div is that ul, then the div may not be needed.

    Container DIVs (at one level of geneology) are very very useful.

    It allows quicker/better DOM iteration, and allows for much more flexible theming especially if dealing with floats, placements (relative/absolute), and really helps with backwards compatibility. I’m all for minimalist design and code, and I know that there is a cry to avoid “divitus” these days, but really having 1 wrapper div to allow you play with margin/padding/width combination really shouldn’t be frowned upon. Especially in software that hardcodes so much into it’s core, and really doesn’t like outputitng IDs or Classes.

    Mzimmers, I’d still suggest putting the DIV in your theme instead of the ‘core’, just because I do believe that we’ll be upgrading to a new release relatively soon (i.e. within 2010).



    Four little bugs with the theme:

    1) Pagination duplication on Profile page:

    2) Pagination on Profile page:

    Posts started will only appear/work on the first page. As soon as you move to page 2 or above, it says you’ve not started any ( haha, we all know I’ve started more than i should have ;-] )

    3) bbPress Edit area:

    It’s not been looked at in the slightest. Even teh default styles haven’t been applied.

    4) bbpress Edit area:

    If you write some code in a <code> tag. and edit your post, bbPress now puts in <p> and <br /> tags into your code on every line. If yuo’re syslexic like me and struggle with the small font, and edit code based posts a few times to remove errors, you get alot of added code.

    5) RSS feed:

    The new RSS feed has new/added HTML. If you’re RSS reader is a mail client (say google or windows live mail) then it strips these extra tags, but if you’re not using an overly sophisticated RSS client, you see everything wrapped in a <p> tag.

    From what I can tell, and this may be down to the latest trunk version rather than the theme, it appears to wrap each paragraph twice in the <p> tags.

    Thanks to Noel or whoever at Automattic is working on fixing these, we apprecaite it :)



    What’s wrong with it? :)

    Far too little of bbPress’s output comes with relavant IDs or classes for theming; and far too much of it is is hardcoded into the core rather than in the theme, or even a functions file etc.



    Ah right, well in that case what you want is this:

    1) A “forum/category” that users can add to threads, but not make their own threads. (requires a bbPress plugin)

    2) A plugin in WordPress that “posts” a thread in that same “forum/category” for users to comment on.

    3) When someone clicks on a link on your blog to read comments, that link should go to the right forum (that’ll require a plugin too)

    4) When someone enters a comment on your blog post, it posts it to the forum (another plugin – possibly an extention of the same one but new functionality). It should then link them to their comment (which is actually a forum post).

    You’re basically looking at a WordPress plugin that has 3 main functions which go against how WordPress works. Its possible, totally possible really, but it’s neither simple or straightforward. Given that the work would have to be done at the WordPress end, you’d have more luck posting there than here sadly.

    I’d also strongly suggest against this sort of thing. While in theory you’re moving the “conversation” to one place rather than two, you’re also duplicating the blog post into two places. That always confuses users. Its also worth thinking about whether you have the size of userbase where this will be benefitial. Lastly, people use blog comments and forums for different things. At a technical level they are very similar, and many experienced forum users look on both in a truly similar light; but your “average joe” sees a comment on a blog post as a comment on the blog post, while a forum is an open place to talk – or realistically have others argue against what was said.

    A comment is a “1 to 1” communication (seen by others ofcourse), while a forum is an “many to many” communication; and users do treat them differently at a base level.

    If you thought this was imperative for your site, i’d suggest ignoring the bbpress aspect of it, and pay someone very knowledgable to theme your comment sections to look/work like a forum. bbPress is going that wasy as a wordpress plugin, so pay for or putitng the large amount of time and effort into coding your solution might have very little RoI.

    Good luck whatever you do, and keep us posted if you do anythign v cool!!



    Ok, lets see what we can do here:

    1) What version of WordPress?

    2) What version of bbPress?

    3) Are they integrated (share login cookies)?

    4) Are they “deep integrated” (can call functions in the other program)?

    5) Do you have the latest version of akismet on both WP and bbP?

    6) What happens when you log in and post?

    7) What happens when you log in and post as a new user (i.e. not as you)?

    8) Are you using buddyPress?

    9) Have to tried disabling all plugins and trying again?

    10) Are you using a premium (paid for) theme?

    11) If so, have to tried switching to the default theme?

    12) When you say things appear in your akismet que and then akismet

    13) Are comments getting through akismet on wordpress?

    I selected the check box next to “Create a page that shows spam

    statistics” on the Akismet page. The page showed there was 26 post in the spam section.

    I selected spam in the drop down box but the messages do not show up even

    after I click on filter. I don’t know of any other way to get to the

    messages to see if they are all spam

    Um, is this on the wordpress side or the bbPress side?



    Sorry my friend, but you’re using BuddyPress and not bbPress.

    Hype aside, they’re different, and you whouls take this to the buddyPress forum for help; we’d be close to helpless.

    Good luck,




    In theory, and really its in theory given the amount of “core” hacks that are needed for any real diversity in theming bbPress, you should add the encapsulating “<div>” tags into your theme instead.

    Given that 1.1 (or 1.0.3 – as people use different names for the next release) will be a must upgrade from 1.0.2 if you ask me, i’d hold off on any core hacks for a while if possible.

    1.1 (or 1.0.3) includes a good number of bug fixes that have been hanging around for years and years; as well as 2 new features that we already had as plugins.

    Either way mZimmers, glad to see you on board and getting your head round it mate!

    In reply to: Same avatar



    bbPress is not BuddyPress sadly,

    BuddyPress used a heavily modified version of bbPress; but if you’re using BuddyPress nothing we say here can help you really. You’re definately on the wrong forum, sorry.

    In reply to: Music E-zine Forums



    Styles and theming is a very personal thing, but I would definately remove or make smaller the “description” text for each forum.

    “Late starters” for example has a description 16 lines long. All to describe 1 forum post.

    good luck with the site

    In reply to: Login Issue



    Hi Cillian,

    When you access your user table in your datbase, is there anyone in there?

    What theme are you using? (reverting back to the original theme helps throw up errors).



    This is certainly possible with some custom code, though the real question remains as to why you want it. Given the WordPress comment systems have a far greater “forum-ness” about them these days (pagination, avatars, html/bbcode, wyswig threading etc etc). What would be the advantage to your users of having the same content in two different places on your website?

    In fact, wouldn’t it be easier to just theme your wordpress to make your comments bigger and loko more forum like (maybe even removing the actual article on page 2 of the comments?)?

    On one of my wordpress installs, the blog-post only appears on the initial page and with no comments, and all the comments are handled under “” so they have their own pages with more space etc. It works really well for that site in a place where I couldn’t have used bbPress due to it’s complete lack of moderation.




    I’ve found NotePad++ to be quite invaluable in the past year or so.

    I’ve use both Komodo and the PHP plugin for Eclipse in the past; but frankly once you use Visual Studio and intellisence, i find half-assed IDE’s to just annoy me. Thats purely personal ofcourse, but it’s lead me to keeping the NotePad++ installer on my USB stick just incase i have to work somewhere on the move (how sad is that???).

    Somethign else that won’t endear me to anyone, when outputting tables or visually formatted HTML, Dreamweaver makes life so much easier. I can’t count the amount of time i’ve saved by churning some HTML out on Dreamweaver and then just finxing the code with one or two saved Reg-Ex’s.




    Fireworks is still awesome. I thankfully haven’t had to touch Photoshop for any theming in years and years. I’ve not tried the latest version of GIMP, but it’d have to be something special to overtake FireWorks.

    UML / Process / User Flow

    I use Visio.

    Edit: Ok I realise that i’ve just mentioned both Adobe and Microsoft products, so i expect the comments to come flying in ;-) Night all!

    In reply to: Same avatar



    Gravatars is a wonderful tool, and those of us who are technical or on multiple forums can see their advantage. The average joe blog, probably can’t; or doesn’t have one already.

    When joe average says “hey, how do i upload an avatar like jim bob over there?” and your answer involves him leaving your website, signing up for a wordpress account and then… etc. it’s over!

    Gravatars are a nice default, but it’s far from a solution for the majority of forums out there.

    To give a few examples:

    1) I only uploaded an avatar to Gravatars last week. This aint my first or only forum and i’m slightly more technical and active on forums that the average joe user.

    2) On my largest bbPress site (which isn’t that big compared to others on here) less than 1% of users have a gravatar, and definately less than 5% of active users do ( i made on of those Gravatar walls for them last week after Matt posted a link to one on

    It’s definaely something I’d recommend to everyone to see what teh Gravatar uptake on their forums is actually like.

    3) Depending on the forum, human avatars aren’t ideal. I run a forum for my brothers warcraft group. 2-300 users, about 30 active each day. Since enabling avatars for them, not 1 picture of them; just loads of gnomes and green skinned dudes.

    Sadly, as a forum, one of bbPress’ big downfalls from an end user perspective is personalisation (and Avatars being one).




    Hi Pagal,

    the code you’ve linked to looks quite identical to both mine and Gautam’s; but to clarify that also only going to work on WordPress files (not bbPress) unless you have Deep Integration enabled and working.

    Presuming then that you’re working from wordpress and/or with deeply integrated bbpress this code should help:

    if ( !$user_id ) {

    $current_user = wp_get_current_user();

    $user_id = $current_user->ID;

    } else {

    $user_id = (int) $user_id;


    if ($user_id != 0)


    $userdata = get_userdata($user_id);

    $pagal_this_is_the_username_you_want = $userdata->user_login;




    Morning lads,

    Sun is shining here, hope you’re all having a great day.


    I think we’re going in circles a little here; and its a position we’ve all been in and can feel your pain a little.

    I see where I might have confused you yesterday.

    Including the WordPress loader in the bbPress config file, so that bbPress has access to WordPress functions, is where most (if not all) of the deep integration questions/work/answers have been derived from. It’s a one way system, calling wordpress functions in bbpress. It’s not a two way system (where wordpress can call bbpress functions, and vice versa).

    Hardcoding is not a good choice IMHO, because it means you have to update many pages everytime you change your mind just on a single line of code

    Not really. You’d have to edit it once in the header in wrodpress and once in the header in bbpress. Being absolutely frank with you, that is the minimum you have to do everytime you make a change to your themes anyway because bbpress and wordpress don’t load the same theme files.

    The way to think of bbPress and WordPress is of two separate systems that share login cookies and you can fake each’s themes make look like each other.

    It’s a tough nut to get round, espeically with them being built and maintained by the same company (who are usually awesome at this sort of thing), but really, and it pains me to say this, they don’t integrate. You/me/everyone read the front page and assume it’s not [trying not to say the word ‘lie’ here]; and we expect it to be one thing and it’s not. I don’t say that to casue annoyance, i’m just tyring to manage expectations a little.

    bbPress and WordPress are two separate systems which can be made to share login cookies.

    Wasn’t bbPress born for this (and more)?


    bbPress was born for the sole purpose of running the wordPress support forums.

    Cookie integration was a nice idea added sometime around 0.8 (as i recall), was awesome for 5 weeks with 0.9 before a wordpress update broke it. Automattic got round to fixing it some 14 months later.

    bbPress playing nice with wordpress is a nice hook on the front page, it is not now, nor shall be, it’s purpose. (hence Matt telling people to not use the software, and that he’s scrapping it to become a wordPress plugin instead).

    Not to mention that the code you suggested does not handle login errors…

    Yeah it does. Login errors are always handled on the login page. (wp-login.php and bb-login.php). All we’ve built is a form that points to those pages.

    If you login successfully you’ll be redirected back to your page, if not you’ll hit the original/default login page with the error.

    if you’re looking to recreate the wp-login/bb-login page on every/all pages with all the functionality that entails, then you’ve a much bigger job on your hands, and if i’m honest, i’d head to the wordpress forums for some help there (in my experience wordpress is fussy about wp-login being used).



    I’m really confused, how can you be using bbpress and not have bb-load be called? bbPress doesn’t load if it’s not called :S


    If you’re building a wordpress website and want to include bbPress functions, I’d strongly suggest re-reading this:

    Deep Integration, the allowing of wordpress functions to be called in bbPress, is totally unsupported and unintentional. If you can hack it to make it work then cool, but really, you’re on your own for the most part.

    Calling bbpress functions in wordpress is always always always going to cause issues in the long run. it wasn’t built for it in any way shape or form. It’s a square peg in a round hole scenario, and if you can push something through then awesome, but sometimes it’s just not worth it.

    Second of all, you could do this:

    <br />
    if(function_exists('bb_is_user_logged_in'))<br />
    <p>}<br />


    in WordPress:

    <br />
    <?php<br />
    if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {<br />
    // Logged in user<br />
    // Hardcode your form here<br />
    } else {<br />
    // Not logged in<br />
    // Hardcode your form here<br />
    }<br />
    ?><br />

    in bbPress:

    <br />
    <?php<br />
    if ( bb_is_user_logged_in() ) {<br />
    // Logged in user<br />
    // Hardcode your form here<br />
    } else {<br />
    // Not logged in<br />
    // Hardcode your form here<br />
    }<br />
    ?><br />


    I suppose what I’m trying to put across to mr_pelle, pagal and mikkelsen is that you’re trying to come up with an eloquent/easy/catch-all solution that doesn’t really exist.

    bbPress and WordPress don’t play that nice together (reguardless of what the front page of this website says). Integrated cookies (logged into one means you’re logged into the other) is really where the buck stops; and any deeper integration is really really unsupported.

    You’re best bet, without a shadow of a doubt, is to hardcode things to look and act the way you want them; and treat wordpress and bbpress differently. The realism is if you can’t code, then bbPress is definately not for you – sadly. We can help and guide the best we can, and there are some great people helping on this board, but at the end of the day, we can’t give out generic answers that are sure to work I’m afraid (honestly we’d love to).



    Well thats the bit thats up to you, you can have anything you want in there, just add the HTML you need. For most people though you can just copy the HTML output of the form you currently have. For me, that’s this:

    <form class=”login” method=”post” action=”/forums/bb-login.php”>

    <label>Username: <input name=”user_login” type=”text” id=”user_login” size=”13″ maxlength=”40″ value=”” tabindex=”1″ />


    <label>Password: <input name=”password” type=”password” id=”password” size=”13″ maxlength=”40″ tabindex=”2″ />


    <input name=”re” type=”hidden” value=”” />

    <input type=”hidden” name=”_wp_http_referer” value=”/forums/” /> <input type=”submit” name=”Submit” id=”submit” value=”Log in »” tabindex=”4″ />

    <input name=”remember” type=”hidden” id=”remember” value=”1″ tabindex=”3″ checked />




    Hey guys,

    You’re really trying to do something here that was never intended.

    bbPress was coded to create the same (or a readable) cookie from wordpress.

    Deep Integration, the allowing of wordpress functions to be called in bbPress, is totally unsupported and unintentional. If you can hack it to make it work then cool, but really, you’re on your own for the most part.

    Calling bbpress functions in wordpress is always always always going to cause issues in the long run. it wasn’t built for it in any way shape or form. It’s a square peg in a round hole scenario, and if you can push something through then awesome, but sometimes it’s just not worth it.

    The simplest and most straight forward solution is to work out what you want to do, and code that directly.

    In this case:


    if ( is_user_logged_in() || bb_is_user_logged_in() ) {

    // Logged in user

    // Hardcode your form here

    } else {

    // Not logged in

    // Hardcode your form here



    Remember, hardcoding is your friend, because YOU control it :)

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