kenney (@kenney)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: lost password



    Ok…I thought this was the same place…I just typed in bbpress to look for a support forum…I thought that was what I installed with WP…Sorry for the trouble but thank you for all your help…Kenney

    In reply to: lost password



    Yes we are talking about a phpbb forum…That is what I got from here…or however I found this place…Sorry don’t mean to be dumb

    In reply to: lost password



    If you’re using 1.0.2, here is a password to log in with, and the hash you should insert into the bb_user.user_pass field (bb_user table, user_pass field) for your user:

    insert this hash: $P$BlNSCHus7UmWzMPMh1c/MH71Mjj7kj/

    log in with this password: n4gN#cO39wpL

    Now change your password after you’re logged in.

    You are so far over my head it’s terrible…Where do I find the line “bb_user.user_pass field (bb_user table, user_pass field)” & what and where in that line do I insert… do I login with this password “n4gN#cO39wpL” on the main login or Admin login or both…& what is the user name…I really appreciate your help but I am very illiterate with code of any sort…The version is not visable at the top or anywhere for that matter that I can see…I just started this forum about 3 weeks ago so it should be the new one…the URL is maybe you can tell what version it is…thank you Chris

    In reply to: lost password



    Yes I have PHP My admin but unfortunately you are way over my head…I follow directions pretty well but they need to be pretty detailed instructions…lol

    Where do I find what version I am using…I did not add any plugins

    What happened was my hard drive crashed & I use a password manager that now doesn’t seem to remember a lot of my passwords

    Thanx for your help…Kenney

    In reply to: just getting started



    Thank you very much for your support…I got some help from my hosting site to create a database like the installer requested…but the one he created is not directly in my wordpress file…can you show me an example of what a WP site with the forum install looks like so I can see what I am working towards…Give me a URL if you don’t mind…Thank you again…Kenney

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