Forum Replies Created
In reply to: Latest reply in user activity and search results
Both the “Freshness”/latest reply and normal links in the Search function should be including the page number in links, as that’s allowed for in the function used,
.Sort’ve worrying if it’s not including it! includes the page number…
It’s not included for any page 1 links though.
In reply to: Is there a theme that looks like this?
Search for “threaded”
In reply to: Page Breaks
Broken apparently, but it’d be fixable if I knew what was wrong with it
In reply to: How to print (or read/save) a multipage thread?For saving you’d have to do something server-side, probably easiest would be just to jack up the post-per-page or uncap it entirely, as it won’t save what’s already been loaded into the browser and edited.
For printing and reading however, you could use AJAX to stitch all the pages together on the fly so it appears as one.
In reply to: removing tagsEverything dynamic in bbPress/WordPress is stored in the database, and tags are stored in one table but referenced in others. Better to fix the underlying problem.
In reply to: How to print (or read/save) a multipage thread?Do you mean what would be the best way client-wise (i.e. with no control over the server) or server-side?
<?php bb_profile_link( array( 'id' => $user->ID, 'text' => get_user_display_name( $user->ID ) ) ); ?>
I’d guess… not really sure on the context where you’re putting it though, so I can’t really test
In reply to: Unhide Profile Email Adresses<?php
function add_email_spec_meta( $arr ) {
if( !bb_is_user_logged_in() || bb_current_user_can( 'edit_users' ) )
return $arr;
if( bb_get_location() != 'profile-page' || stripos( $_SERVER[ 'QUERY_STRING' ], 'tab=edit' ) !== false )
return $arr;
$arr['email_spec'] = $arr['user_email'];
global $wp_users_object;
$id = bb_get_current_user_info( 'id' );
$meta_key = 'email_spec';
$meta_value = bb_get_usermeta( $id, 'user_email' );
$wp_users_object->update_meta( compact( 'id', 'meta_key', 'meta_value' ) );
return $arr;
add_filter( 'get_profile_info_keys', 'add_email_spec_meta' );
?>In reply to: Some PHP help pleaseThe cleanest way of doing this hasn’t been mentioned. Instead of using echo commands, it’s a lot easier to just wrap HTML.
<?php if ( bb_is_user_logged_in() ) : ?>
<?php elseif : ?>
not this
<?php endif; ?>In reply to: add text to home page of forumWhere do you want to add it relative to the current layout?
In reply to: add text to home page of forumAdd it to your theme’s front-page.php
In reply to: Need poll for version 1.02 now!Then write something yourself or pay someone else to, always a solution if you need something done fast in a volunteer community
In reply to: Link Cloaking<?php
Plugin Name: Remove Links (conditional)
Description: Removes links for non-registered users. Based on <a href="">bb tweaks</a>.
Plugin URI:
Version: 0.01
function bb_strip_links( $text ) {
global $topic;
$forums = array(
if ( !in_array( $topic->forum_id, $forums ) )
return $text;
if ( !bb_current_user_can( 'write_post' ) )
$text = preg_replace('|<a (.+?)>(.+?)</a>|i', __('(Login or register to download)'), $text);
return $text;
add_filter('post_text', 'bb_strip_links');
?>In reply to: Combined Register + PostOkay, after much lucky guessing with regards to the user object handling, I have an ALPHA VERSION of a plugin to do this. There’s nothing to stop spambots, this is purely a proof of concept, I’ll try adding a captcha or something later if necessary. Email verification sounds like a royal pain though. Save the files exactly where I’ve said and as ever, make sure you leave no whitespace around the PHP tags. Apart from that, please test it but it’s your own risk if you run it on a production server.
Plugin Name: Register & Post
Description: Allows a user to register and make a post at the same time.
Author: Kawauso
Version: Alpha
// Add the post form
add_action( 'post_post_form', 'register_post_form' );
function register_post_form() {
global $h2, $forum, $topic;
if( bb_is_user_logged_in() )
// Setup the register form
$profile_info_keys = bb_get_profile_info_keys();
unset( $profile_info_keys['first_name'], $profile_info_keys['last_name'], $profile_info_keys['display_name'], $profile_info_keys['occ'], $profile_info_keys['from'], $profile_info_keys['user_url'], $profile_info_keys['interest'] );
$bb_register_error = new WP_Error;
$user_login_error = $bb_register_error->get_error_message( 'user_login' );
<style type="text/css">p#post-form-forum-container{display:none}</style>
<form class="postform post-form" id="postform" method="post" action="<?php bb_uri( 'my-plugins/register-post/create.php', null, BB_URI_CONTEXT_FORM_ACTION )?>">
<h2 class="postform">Register and post?</h2>
<table width="100%">
<tr class="form-field form-required required<?php if ( $user_login_error ) echo ' form-invalid error'; ?>">
<th scope="row">
<label for="user_login"><?php _e('Username'); ?></label>
<?php if ( $user_login_error ) echo "<em>$user_login_error</em>"; ?>
<input name="user_login" type="text" id="user_login" size="30" maxlength="30" value="<?php echo $user_login; ?>" />
if ( is_array($profile_info_keys) ) :
foreach ( $profile_info_keys as $key => $label ) :
$class = 'form-field';
if ( $label[0] ) {
$class .= ' form-required required';
if ( $profile_info_key_error = $bb_register_error->get_error_message( $key ) )
$class .= ' form-invalid error';
<tr class="<?php echo $class?>">
<th scope="row">
<label for="<?php echo $key?>"><?php echo $label[1]?></label>
<?php if ( $profile_info_key_error ) echo "<em>$profile_info_key_error</em>"; ?>
<input name="<?php echo $key?>" type="text" id="<?php echo $key?>" size="30" maxlength="140" value="<?php echo $$key?>" />
endforeach; // profile_info_keys
endif; // profile_info_keys
<br />
bb_load_template( 'post-form.php', array('h2' => $h2) );
bb_nonce_field( bb_is_topic() ? 'create-post_' . $topic->topic_id : 'create-topic' );
if ( bb_is_forum() ) {
echo '<input type="hidden" name="forum_id" value="' . $forum->forum_id . '" />' . "n";
} elseif ( bb_is_topic() ) {
echo '<input type="hidden" name="topic_id" value="' . $topic->topic_id . '" />' . "n";
echo "n</fieldset>n</form>n";
$profile_info_keys = bb_get_profile_info_keys();
unset( $profile_info_keys['first_name'], $profile_info_keys['last_name'], $profile_info_keys['display_name'], $profile_info_keys['occ'], $profile_info_keys['from'], $profile_info_keys['user_url'], $profile_info_keys['interest'] );
$user_login = '';
$user_safe = true;
$bb_register_error = new WP_Error;
if ( $_POST && 'post' == strtolower($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) ) {
$_POST = stripslashes_deep( $_POST );
$_POST['user_login'] = trim( $_POST['user_login'] );
$user_login = sanitize_user( $_POST['user_login'], true );
if ( $user_login !== $_POST['user_login'] ) {
$bad_input = true;
if ( $user_login )
$bb_register_error->add( 'user_login', sprintf( __( "%s is an invalid username. How's this one? <strong>%s</strong>" ), esc_html( $_POST['user_login'] ), $user_login ) );
$bb_register_error->add( 'user_login', sprintf( __( '%s is an invalid username.' ), esc_html( $_POST['user_login'] ) ) );
foreach ( $profile_info_keys as $key => $label ) {
if ( is_string($$key) )
$$key = esc_attr( $$key );
elseif ( is_null($$key) )
$$key = esc_attr( $_POST[$key] );
if ( !$$key && $label[0] == 1 ) {
$bad_input = true;
$$key = false;
$bb_register_error->add( $key, sprintf( __( '%s is required' ), $label[1] ) );
if ( !$bad_input ) {
// Invoke non-user post checks here
if ( !$post_content = trim($_POST['post_content']) )
bb_die(__('You need to actually submit some content!'));
if ( isset($_POST['topic']) && $forum_id = (int) $_POST['forum_id'] ) {
$topic = trim( $_POST['topic'] );
if ('' == $topic)
bb_die(__('Please enter a topic title'));
} elseif ( isset($_POST['topic_id'] ) ) {
$topic_id = (int) $_POST['topic_id'];
bb_check_admin_referer( 'create-post_' . $topic_id );
if ( !topic_is_open( $topic_id ) )
bb_die(__('This topic has been closed'));
// Invoke registration
$user_id = bb_new_user( $user_login, $_POST['user_email'], null );
if ( is_wp_error( $user_id ) ) { // Error creating user
foreach ( $user_id->get_error_codes() as $code )
$bb_register_error->add( $code, $user_id->get_error_message( $code ) );
if ( $bb_register_error->get_error_message( 'user_login' ) )
$user_safe = false;
} elseif ( $user_id ) { // Registration success
foreach( $profile_info_keys as $key => $label )
if ( strpos($key, 'user_') !== 0 && $$key !== '' )
bb_update_usermeta( $user_id, $key, $$key );
do_action('register_user', $user_id);
// Create the current user object
$wp_auth_object->set_current_user( $user_id );
$bb_current_user = $wp_auth_object->current;
// Do last minute post/topic checks
if ( !empty($topic) && $forum_id = (int) $_POST['forum_id'] ) {
if ( !bb_current_user_can('write_posts') )
bb_die(__('You are not allowed to post. Are you logged in?'));
if ( !bb_current_user_can( 'write_topic', $forum_id ) )
bb_die(__('You are not allowed to write new topics.'));
if ( !bb_current_user_can( 'write_topic', $forum_id ) )
bb_die(__('You are not allowed to write new topics in this forum.'));
bb_check_admin_referer( 'create-topic' );
$topic_id = bb_new_topic( $topic, $forum_id, $tags );
if ( !bb_current_user_can( 'write_post', $topic_id ) )
bb_die(__('You are not allowed to post in this topic.'));
// Create the new post
$post_id = bb_new_post( $topic_id, $_POST['post_content'] );
$tags = trim( $_POST['tags'] );
bb_add_topic_tags( $topic_id, $tags );
$link = get_post_link( $post_id );
$topic = get_topic( $topic_id, false );
if ( $topic->topic_posts )
$link = add_query_arg( 'replies', $topic->topic_posts, $link );
do_action( 'bb-post.php', $post_id );
if ( $post_id )
wp_redirect( $link );
wp_redirect( bb_get_uri(null, null, BB_URI_CONTEXT_HEADER) );
// If you've reached this point, there must have been an error
$user_login_error = $bb_register_error->get_error_message( 'user_login' );
if( empty( $user_login_error ) ) // For some reason, error strings are not always available (i.e. for invalid emails)
$user_login_error = __( 'Something went wrong! Check what you entered and try again.' );
bb_die( $user_login_error );In reply to: Gigya (Facebook Connect and others) for bbPress“Currently, plug-ins for both WordPress and bbPress, WordPress’ forum software solution are available.”
Apparently the bbPress plugin is still in alpha, as of about 10 days ago:
The WordPress one is released though, so maybe it’d be fine under a WP/bbP integration setup
In reply to: Add "topic author" to topic listtopic_author()
In reply to: Someone Update Say My Name PluginIt matters when it’s involved with a filter or action that’s run on a processing page (that you don’t usually see), because if any text is passed it can’t send a redirect header for the nice pretty page you normally see straight away. Whatcha need an email for?
In reply to: Someone Update Say My Name PluginOutput starts on line 3 of the plugin.. that’s either part of the description or the opening of the first function. Neither should generate anything. Check for whitespace around the PHP tags?
In reply to: Problems trying to installThey should be the ones that you use for the database connection for WordPress, yes. If you need to double-check them, look at the wp-config.php and copy them from there.
In reply to: Someone Update Say My Name PluginProbably a good idea, let me know how this one works
In reply to: Someone Update Say My Name Plugin<?php
* Plugin Name: Say My Name
* Plugin Description: Sends a notification email if someone mentions your name in a post (based on Notify Post by Thomas Klaiber).
* Author: <a href="">Matteo Crippa</a>, updated for bbPress 1.0 by Kawauso
* Version: 0.2
function say_my_name ( $post_id, $args ) {
global $bbdb, $topic;
if ( isset( $args[ 'post_id' ] ) && false !== $args[ 'post_id' ] ) // Don't run on edits
$post = strtolower( $args[ 'post_text' ] );
$all_users = $bbdb->get_results( "SELECT * FROM $bbdb->users WHERE user_status=0" );
foreach( $all_users as $userdata ) {
if( !is_smn( $userdata->ID ) )
/* $notify = false;
*/ $display_name = strtolower( $userdata->display_name );
/* if( strpos( $display_name, ' ' ) === false ) { // Use word-by-word searching if the display name is one word
if( !isset( $words ) )
$words = explode( ' ', $post ); // Only create the word list if necessary
foreach ( $words as $word ) {
if( $display_name == $word || "@$display_name" == $word ) {
$notify = true;
else*/ if( strpos( " $post", " $display_name" ) !== false || strpos( " $post", " @$display_name" ) !== false) // Always require a leading space
/* $notify = true;
if( $notify ) */{
$message = __( "Someone called you on: %1$s nn%2$s " );
@mail( $userdata->user_email, bb_get_option( 'name' ) . ':' . __( 'Notification' ), sprintf( $message, $topic->topic_title, get_topic_link( $topic_id ) ), 'From: ' . bb_get_option( 'admin_email' ) );
add_action( 'bb_insert_post', 'say_my_name', 1, 2 );
function smn_profile() {
if( !bb_is_user_logged_in() )
global $user_id;
if( is_smn( $user_id ) )
$checked = ' checked="checked"';
$checked = '';
<legend>Say My Name Notification</legend>
<p><?php _e('If you want to get an email when someone call your name in a new post.')?></p>
<table width="100%">
<th width="21%" scope="row"><?php _e('Activate')?>:</th>
<td width="79%"><input name="smn" id="smn" type="checkbox" value="1"<?php echo $checked?> /></td>
add_action( 'extra_profile_info', 'smn_profile' );
function smn_edit() {
global $user_id;
if( $_POST[ 'smn' ] )
bb_update_usermeta( $user_id, "smn", true );
bb_update_usermeta( $user_id, "smn", false );
add_action( 'profile_edited', 'smn_edit' );
function is_smn ( $user_id ) {
$user = bb_get_user( $user_id );
if ( $user->smn )
return true;
return false;
?>Take out the
/* */
around the commented out parts of the code if you want to re-enable theforeach()
loop method for single word display names. I couldn’t find much of a difference in speed, but then again it might be quite different on a live server. You can also just delete all that code too if you want to make the file smallerI’ll upload this to the Extend section someday, along with the other plugin I keep meaning to finish and upload.
Edit: Added support for @
This should be 100% case insensitive, but I’ve not tested with anything unicode. It’ll always look for a space before the name to avoid false positives, but if it’s at the very start of the post, it’ll still be detected.
In reply to: Someone Update Say My Name PluginOkay, I’ve managed to optimise the code for this a bit. I’m a bit stuck though.
At the moment, it’s checking for usernames, rather than display names and checking word-by-word. That’s fine for usernames, because they’re essentially always one word, but display names can be more than one and I intend to use those.
Explosion took 0.000307083129883 seconds
Strpos took 3.00407409668E-5 seconds
In reply to: Someone Update Say My Name PluginDoesn’t look like it’d be too hard to update. That said, what’s broken?
In reply to: Limit tags to a pre-defined list?All my code is written against 1.0.2 SVN, so it’s not 0.9-only
and yeah, $allowed_tags is meant to be changed and then back again, not the cleanest way of doing things, but it should work. The copy that’s working live at the moment is below (I just realised I forgot to turn on the validation code too, oops):
Plugin Name: Restrict Topic Tags
Description: Restricts tags to a pre-defined list.
Author: Kawauso
Version: 0.1.1
$allowed_tags = array(
'test 3',
function restrict_topic_tags_form( $args = null )
$defaults = array( 'topic' => 0, 'submit' => __('Add »'), 'list_id' => 'tags-list' );
$args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
extract( $args, EXTR_SKIP );
if ( !$topic = get_topic( get_topic_id( $topic ) ) ) {
return false;
if ( !bb_current_user_can( 'edit_tag_by_on', bb_get_current_user_info( 'id' ), $topic->topic_id ) ) {
return false;
global $page, $allowed_tags;
$current_tags = bb_get_topic_tags( $topic->topic_id );
$allowed_tags = array_flip( $allowed_tags ); // CHANGE PLACES!
foreach( $current_tags as $tag ) {
if( isset( $allowed_tags[ $tag->name ] ) )
unset( $allowed_tags[ $tag->name ] );
$allowed_tags = array_flip( $allowed_tags ); // CHANGE PLACES!
if( is_array( $allowed_tags ) && !empty( $allowed_tags ) ) { ?>
<form id="tag-form" method="post" action="<?php bb_uri('tag-add.php', null, BB_URI_CONTEXT_FORM_ACTION + BB_URI_CONTEXT_BB_ADMIN); ?>" class="add:<?php echo esc_attr( $list_id ); ?>:">
<select name="tag" id="tag">
<option value=""><?php _e("Select a tag")?></option>
<?php foreach( $allowed_tags as $tag ) { ?>
<option value="<?php echo $tag?>"><?php echo $tag?></option>
<?php } ?>
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $topic->topic_id; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="page" value="<?php echo $page; ?>" />
<?php bb_nonce_field( 'add-tag_' . $topic->topic_id ); ?>
<input type="submit" name="submit" id="tagformsub" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $submit ); ?>" />
} // End if
} // End function
function restrict_topic_tags( $tag ) {
global $allowed_tags;
if( !in_array( $tag, $allowed_tags ) )
return array();
return array($tag);
add_filter( 'bb_add_topic_tags', 'restrict_topic_tags' );In reply to: hooking a function makes mysql query to return emptyfunction do_action($tag, $arg = '')
do_action() has an arguments variable as it’s 2nd argument, sorry for not being clearer. That’s passed when it runs an action function and if nothing is passed, it defaults to an empty string.
would be the prefix for the bbPress tables though, wouldn’t it? In the case of a WP/bbP integration, the bbPress user data is stored in the WordPress user tables, so those aren’t under the same prefix as the bbPress tables. Unless it changes automatically for WordPress user tables somehow?