I’ll just use the “instant password” plugin… so far i’m quite disappointed with all these plugins to install…
Grblrlblrlblll… now it works but i had to recreate database with different names, password is all diferent etc etc. Forum is installed but that was quite something
thanks again for your help Ipstenu
Thanks for the quick reply Ipstenu. It still doesn’t work so I went to the yahoo hosting control panel and set up a WordPress blog since the database can be shared. It gave me the username, password and database name. But now, whenever I’m trying to reach the folder (http://gufugumu.com/guillos) it redirects me to http://gufugumu.com/bb-admin/install.php which of course does not exist… I have placed everything in http://gufugumu.com/guillos/
any idea?
thanks in advance