kannued (@kannued)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @kannued


    Another note: In integration, the IP addresses in the topics matches the IP addresses of the topics in bbpress 1.1. It is just the author’s name that is wrong in the integration.



    But the deleted posts/topics can’t be the problem because the deleted topics in bbpress show up in the trash of wp. The exact number transfers. The exact number of users transfer correctly. So those are clear migrations with no problems.

    The exact number of topics transfer correctly. But it is that link between the topics and the users that transfer incorrectly.



    For the problems with the original poster and post no longer linked together but attributed to anonymous for the most part:

    Could it be that since the deleted posts in bbpress 1.1 are still in the database as there is no way to empty the deleted creating problems during integration?



    Topic tags don’t show up when I visit the site. That was a problem before too in previous converstions.

    When I view the topic tags in admin, the tags show up including a bunch of spam tags that I had deleted in bbpress 1.1



    So I updated to the new 2.2.1 bbpress plugin. Thought I would start fresh conversion. It had to finish deleting the previously converted data went to 482842099 lines. Then started the fresh conversion.

    I still have anonymous posters with the occasional real poster. A thread started by an occasional real poster is the wrong poster using bbpress 1.1 reference.



    ImportForums is/was bbpress 2.1.2 You go to Tools, Forums, and tab ImportForums to do the migration. The original conversion was completed using bbpress 2.1.2 and the previous just prior to WP 3.4.2. But I have upgraded to bbpress 2.2 and wp 3.4.2 (see there is now bbpress 2.2.1 plugin available)

    If something went wrong in the migration as you said John, I thought I would purge previous attempted import. I have just over 90 subscribers and 90 posts. Yesterday, the purge went on for hours, and I mean hours. I finally stopped it at 482,841,799 lines!!! This purge should have taken only 30 seconds for 90 posts/subscribers.

    Would this purge be the bbpress plugin problem or WP?



    With that info John, I went into the Users, and deleted all the imports, moving all links and posts to the normal user. That should have helped but didn’t change the anonymous problem. Perhaps it was the integration method I used which was ImportForums.

    I also noticed that occassional user appears in a topic but he is not the original poster. This problem probably originated with ImportForums.

    I am quite willing to reset everything, and import again. But I need to do something different. BBConverter doesn’t work. Any other ideas?



    This change to anonymous still occurs when integrating bbpress2.2 in wp 3.4.2. The plugin by bb-to-wp-users-copier is a 404. This problem existed over 4 years ago. Do I have to go into to change the display name for every user manually in the database? That doesn’t sound right.



    If you running bbpress2, try the Wangguard plugin




    To get rid of the triplication, I did a purge, and clean re-install. Worked.



    I have triplication of forums. How do I merge?

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 3 months ago by kannued.
    • This reply was modified 12 years, 3 months ago by kannued.



    Reread your message @netweb. I also installed the bbpress plugin, ver 2.1.3. It appears it may have worked, see below. It still says I have no forum parents, even though I have 5 forums. I can’t see anything when I go to visit site, as I still have 1 post as in the fresh default of WP. Doesn’t the bbpress plugin also convert the theme that I used into WP? Or now do I have to build my old bbpress theme into WP?

    Recalculating the topic for each post … Complete!

    Recalculating the forum for each post … Complete!

    Recalculating forum visibility … Complete!

    Counting the number of topics in each forum… Complete!

    Counting the number of replies in each forum… Complete!

    Counting the number of replies in each topic… Complete!

    Counting the number of voices in each topic… Complete!

    Counting the number of spammed and trashed replies in each topic… Complete!

    Counting the number of topics each user has created… Complete!

    Counting the number of topics to which each user has replied… Complete!

    Removing trashed topics from user favorites… Nothing to remove!

    Removing trashed topics from user subscriptions… Nothing to remove!

    Recomputing latest post in every topic and forum… Complete!

    Repair any missing information: Continue

    Conversion Complete

    Converting replies (0 – 99)

    Converting topic tags (200 – 299)

    Converting topic tags (100 – 199)

    Converting topic tags (0 – 99)

    Converting topics (500 – 599)

    Converting topics (400 – 499)

    Converting topics (300 – 399)

    Converting topics (200 – 299)

    Converting topics (100 – 199)

    Converting topics (0 – 99)

    No forum parents to convert

    Converting forums (0 – 99)

    Starting Conversion



    I found the ForumConvertor. It says that version is not compatible with the newer WordPress 3.4.2 that I have. But I decided to try it anyways since you recommended it. I have no attachments or avatars, so I left those fields blank. Everything else was filled out. Then when I initiated conversion, it said Conversion failed. Conversion not support.Stumped. I guess I have to wait till this Forum Convertor is updated?



    It not that either. Can someone please give a suggestion?



    It’s the htaccess file, I have to delete and reinstall the old version, isn’t! I feel like I’m the only one on this damn board!!! If someone could have only told me this sooner. Now school is out, and the internet hub for our area is overloaded, slower than molasses.



    Or can I delete something in the bbpress files?



    Would I have to go into the database to delete the new entries so it will see the old entries? What am I looking for exactly?



    I am slowly making my way through this. Upgraded one forum from .9, to .9.07, to 1.1, keeping all the data. Then on the next forum from .9 to .9.07, keeping all the data. But when I tried to upgrade 1.1, it lost all the data. It thought it was an clean install, asked for more information than the other forum upgrade. So I reverted back to .9.07 where it found all the data. Then I uploaded 1.1 again, keeping the old config file, made sure I put in bb-admin/upgrade.php. It asked for a new config, so I put it in, then I reloaded bb-admin/upgrade.php. It said there was nothing left to upgrade; all my data was missing. So I deleted again, back to .9.07 where it found my data. I checked my config file, the table prefix is correct. What did I do in the first forum that it did an actual upgrade to 1.1?



    I reverted back to .9 version. I think I will have to incrementally upgrade. My question is what versions do I use to upgrade incrementally?



    Thanks jaredatch! Found the plugin.



    I solved the width problem!



    Musnake, you had the solution. If I had posted another reply, I would have seen that, of course, the posts alternate background colours. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction. Essentially, there was nothing wrong.

    Related to this, the width of the text-alone box is wider than the image-only post. In sending more posts to the topic, the first one with the buffalo seems to have set the width for that alternate color. Then the white text only background is the width for all subsequent posts of that color. Isn’t the idea to have the same width for all the posts? Isn’t that how it is designed?



    I did use web developer tool. The buffalo’s outer box is div class=”threadpost”. Then the next box which the picture sits in is div class=”post”. For the text only post, the outer box sits outside of the threadpost, inside the thread li.

    I would be willing to email the link to the moderators or to yourself. But I’m not willing to post the link here for the test site.



    I added this

    .threadpost img
    background-color: transparent;

    But it didn’t change anything. The max-width is to restrict larger images.



    I had the 404 too when I tested from the post. Then I wondered if there was a no follow. So I copied the link, then pasted it into a new window or tab. It worked then.

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