kallard (@kallard)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @kallard


    Got it. Had to remove the !important

    Thanks again!



    Yes! That’s it! I thought it still looked a little off, but walked away from it for the day.

    Thank you again!



    Wait! I got it! I went to the Artisteer forum and searched there. Probably should have done that in the first place.

    The instructions were to add this at the bottom of the stylesheet:
    #bbpress-forums li:before {content: ”!important;}
    .b5-file-manager-folder li:before { content: ‘ ‘!important; }

    No more random bullets.

    Thanks for helping!



    @casiepa – sorry, that’s weird because I had made it public for trouble shooting, but somehow it reset itself.

    I recopied and pasted the above through the plugin, and nothing. I also tried in the stylesheet as well.

    I tried adding !important – still nothing, though this could be user error, as I only have a novice level working knowledge of css. Below is what I entered, so not sure it is correct.

    This is what I input:
    .bbpress .art-postcontent ul>li,
    .bbpress .art-post ul>li,
    .bbpress .art-textblock ul>li {
    overflow-x: visible !important;
    overflow-y: visible !important;

    .bbpress .art-postcontent ul>li,
    .bbpress .art-post ul>li,
    .bbpress .art-textblock ul>li {
    padding-left: 0 !important;

    .bbpress .art-postcontent ul>li:before,
    .bbpress .art-post ul>li:before,
    .bbpress .art-textblock ul>li:before {
    margin-left: 0 !important;

    .bbpress .art-postcontent ul>li:before,
    .bbpress .art-post ul>li:before,
    .bbpress .art-textblock ul>li:before {
    content: “” !important;
    margin-right: 0 !important;
    bottom: 0 !important;
    position: relative !important;
    display: block !important;

    .bbpress .art-postcontent li,
    .bbpress .art-post li,
    .bbpress .art-textblock li {
    color: inherit !important;
    margin: 0 !important;



    Ok, I did try to paste this into my stylesheet and it did not do anything. I also tried to use Simple Custom CSS, and also did not solve the problem. Not sure I am just not putting it in correctly or not.



    Ha,ha…just realized I had made the page private through Ultimate Member. Hopefully you can see it now.



    The forum is at the “discussion” tab on the menu. The address is: http://www.sdusdpreptimeteachers.com/discussion/

    Thank you.



    Well, even though I am not sold on this particular theme, I do want to make my own, and it will still (probably) be using Artisteer. I tried some other themes that I have made previously with Artisteer and have the exact same issue.

    The only problem is with the bullets (as far as I can tell), so I just want to know where I need to look to fix that problem. I have bullets in front of each piece of header text…like time, topic, views, replies, etc.

    I assume I need to look in my theme css, but not sure what I should be looking for and what to change to stop this from happening.

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