kachan64 (@kachan64)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @kachan64


    Hey @Robkk, thanks for the help. That what I was after. You’re a life saver…

    My result

    One thing is missing is a topic title on top of that date thing, is that even possible?



    Looks like they have to register or set the whole entire site to allow guest posting & comment which defeat the purpose you’re doing. One of the staff here made a plugin and that may help, but i don’t remember the name of that plugin unfortunately.



    There is a code I implemented a while ago on my site by doing something like this

    		$displayed_user = bbp_get_reply_author_id() ;
    		$role = bbp_get_user_role( $displayed_user);
    		if ( bbp_is_user_keymaster($displayed_user) ||$role == 'bbp_keymaster') : ?>
    		<div class="bbp-author-role">Administrator</div>
    <?php endif; ?>

    Where is says $role == ‘bbp_keymaster’ you can change that. If I get your question correctly.


    	    if ( has_post_thumbnail($post->ID) )
    	    	echo get_the_post_thumbnail($post->ID,'thumbnail',array('class' => 'alignleft forum-icon'));

    This is the styling for the featured image.

    This part of the code determents where should featured image goes. You will need to check your code.



    Thanks, the code from github is running outside of a forum loop and works on a localhost test site. They used the code in loop-forum.php

    				<?php if (($has_replies = (strstr(bbp_get_forum_freshness_link(), '<a')))): ?>
    					<?php bbp_topic_title(array( 'post_id' => bbp_get_forum_id() ) ); ?>,&nbsp;<?php _ex('by ', 'bbPress Freshness Author', 'bunyad'); ?>
    					<?php bbp_author_link( array( 'post_id' => bbp_get_forum_last_active_id(), 'size' => 45 ) ); ?></span>
    				<?php endif; ?>

    This is my code running inside a loop in loop-single-forum.php and didn’t work, will just output my forum title for some strange reason if I post to that forum’s sub-forum.



    Have you tried iframe?



    You will have to use
    <?php echo do_shortcode(‘[bbp-topic-index]‘); ?>

    With this code, you can insert it anywhere you want just like a regular HTML



    Hey, just select the forum and under status, select closed.
    Hope that helps!

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