jomontvm (@jomontvm)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @jomontvm



    I have used this plugin for my bbpress which was integrated along with wordpress MU, and it worked perfectly.




    Yes, this plugin is for the standalone bbpress, not for wordpress.

    Sorry for the late response as I was concentrating completely on some other things.



    How can I get the corresponding Arabic version of bbpress 1.0.2?

    And can I install both English and Arabic versions of bbpress under a single installation of wordpress mu with the database shared?

    Anyone please advice..



    I am using wordpress-mu-2.9.2 and bbpress-1.0.2.

    Has anyone implemented this successfully?

    please help me to include wpmu sidebar in bbpress template.



    Hi Pagal,

    I have customized the permalink for bbpress, and it works fine. It’s still on the testing stage, though you can try this. The following is the modifications I have done.

    Step 1:

    Open ‘bb-admin/options-permalinks.php’

    You will find a permalink options declaration. Add one more option as shown below, it will add one more option in the permalink options in the backend. You can make the custom option with a text field, in order to customize in your own way (I have done in a predefined format in order to make it simple).

    $permalink_options = array(
    'mod_rewrite' => array(
    'title' => __( 'Permalink type' ),
    'type' => 'radio',
    'options' => array(
    '0' => sprintf( __( '<span>None</span> %s' ), bb_get_uri( 'forum.php', array( 'id' => 1 ), BB_URI_CONTEXT_TEXT ) ),
    '1' => sprintf( __( '<span>Numeric</span> %s' ), bb_get_uri( 'forum/1', null, BB_URI_CONTEXT_TEXT ) ),
    'slugs' => sprintf( __( '<span>Name based</span> %s' ), bb_get_uri( '/forum/first-forum', null, BB_URI_CONTEXT_TEXT ) ),
    'custom' => sprintf( __( '<span>Custom</span> %s' ), bb_get_uri( '/forum/%parent_slug%/%forum_slug%', null, BB_URI_CONTEXT_TEXT ))

    Step 2:

    Now we have to create the custom format of permalinks for forums and topics.

    Open ‘bb-includes/’

    We have to modify two functions ‘get_forum_link’ and ‘get_topic_link’. See the changes I have done for the custom permalink option.

    function get_forum_link( $forum_id = 0, $page = 1, $context = BB_URI_CONTEXT_A_HREF ) {
    $forum = bb_get_forum( get_forum_id( $forum_id ) );

    if (!$context || !is_integer($context)) {
    $context = BB_URI_CONTEXT_A_HREF;

    $rewrite = bb_get_option( 'mod_rewrite' );

    if ( $rewrite ) {
    $page = (1 < $page) ? '/page/' . $page : '';
    if ($rewrite === 'custom') {
    if ($forum->forum_parent > 0) {
    $parent = bb_get_forum($forum->forum_parent);
    $parent_slug = $parent->forum_slug;
    $custom_link = $parent_slug . '/' . $forum->forum_slug;
    } else {
    $custom_link = $forum->forum_slug;
    $link = bb_get_uri('forum/' . $custom_link . $page, null, $context);
    } else {
    if ( $rewrite === 'slugs' ) {
    $column = 'forum_slug';
    } else {
    $column = 'forum_id';
    $link = bb_get_uri('forum/' . $forum->$column . $page, null, $context);
    } else {
    $query = array(
    'id' => $forum->forum_id,
    'page' => (1 < $page) ? $page : false
    $link = bb_get_uri('forum.php', $query, $context);

    return apply_filters( 'get_forum_link', $link, $forum->forum_id, $context );

    function get_topic_link( $id = 0, $page = 1, $context = BB_URI_CONTEXT_A_HREF ) {
    $topic = get_topic( get_topic_id( $id ) );
    if (!$context || !is_integer($context)) {
    $context = BB_URI_CONTEXT_A_HREF;

    $args = array();

    $rewrite = bb_get_option( 'mod_rewrite' );
    if ( $rewrite ) {
    $page = (1 < $page) ? '/page/' . $page : '';
    if ($rewrite === 'custom') {
    $custom_link = '';
    if ($topic->forum_id > 0) {
    $forum = bb_get_forum($topic->forum_id);
    if ($forum->forum_parent > 0) {
    $parent = bb_get_forum($forum->forum_parent);
    $custom_link = $parent->forum_slug;
    $custom_link .= '/' . $forum->forum_slug;
    if (!empty($custom_link)) {
    $custom_link .= '/topic/' . $topic->topic_slug;
    } else {
    $custom_link .= 'topic/' . $topic->topic_slug;
    $link = bb_get_uri($custom_link . $page, null, $context);
    } else {
    if ( $rewrite === 'slugs' ) {
    $column = 'topic_slug';
    } else {
    $column = 'topic_id';
    $link = bb_get_uri('topic/' . $topic->$column . $page, null, $context);
    } else {
    $page = (1 < $page) ? $page : false;
    $link = bb_get_uri('topic.php', array('id' => $topic->topic_id, 'page' => $page), $context);

    return apply_filters( 'get_topic_link', $link, $topic->topic_id, $context );

    Step 3:

    Now we have to define the htaccess rules.

    Open ‘.htaccess’ file in bbpress root folder, and add following two lines just above the code line – RewriteRule ^topic/?$ /forums/ [R=302,L,QSA].

    RewriteRule ^(.+)/topic/(.+) /forums/topic.php?id=$2 [L,QSA]
    RewriteRule ^forum/(.+)/(.+) /forums/forum/$2/ [L,QSA]

    Here is how my URLs looks after making these modifications:

    Forum URL:

    Topic URL:

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