John James Jacoby (@johnjamesjacoby)

Forum Replies Created

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  • John James Jacoby


    Correct. 1.0.3 contains several security fixes to the existing 1.0 branch of code, which means no new major features or changes happened and it includes fixes to existing bugs.

    1.1 will see a release candidate soon.

    There was no announcement for 1.0.3 because when I tagged it, it required a new tag of BackPress and BuddyPress needed to be changed too. With 1.1 and the plugin coming soon, it just never got an official announcement.

    On a more personal note, my resources and bandwidth are spread between several projects at the moment, so switching contexts quickly is something I’m adjusting more to. An announcement about 1.0.3 will happen when an RC for 1.1 goes out, which should be in the next few days.

    John James Jacoby


    Same as to 1.0.2.

    John James Jacoby


    Same as to 1.0.2.

    John James Jacoby


    This used to work but is was accidentally broken in a recent commit. Will be working soon. :)

    John James Jacoby


    This used to work but is was accidentally broken in a recent commit. Will be working soon. :)

    John James Jacoby



    John James Jacoby



    John James Jacoby


    Hi Jonathan,

    The bbPress plugin is still in development, and as such there isn’t a lot of documentation out in the world yet. This is partly due to some architectural changes made mid-way through development, and partly due to more time being spent in the code and not enough time spent on the site. That will eventually shift, and we’ll be sure to put up documentation that bbPress has needed all along.

    Regarding Profits Theme, you have a few options. I think the safest will be to make a copy of your Profits Theme that you can modify yourself, without fear of any changes being lost in the event the theme is updated. (You’ll want to edit the style.css and rename your copy, so it doesn’t conflict with the original.) Then, copy the “/bbpress” folder from bbp-twentyten, and drop it in your theme. Next, copy the files prefixed with “page-” and “single-” and drop those into your theme as well. That should fix most of the missing file issues, and get you started so things are ‘functioning.’ The last thing will be for you to start hacking at your CSS to make things look the part.

    Most themes should already come with a decent amount of table styling, which is what the bbp-twentyten theme uses (for the sake of being easy and that the layout of data is indeed tabular in nature.) To fill in the CSS blanks, you’l want to experiment with “/bbp-twentyten/css/bbpress.css” and see what you’re missing and what fits.

    Cheers, and thanks for the kudos :)

    John James Jacoby


    Pretty cool. Is it skipping over branches?

    John James Jacoby


    Pretty cool. Is it skipping over branches?

    John James Jacoby


    @Rick Lewis – Can you confirm through your DB, in your wp_users table, that your account with a user_id of 1 is either ‘admin’ or whatever you may have named it?

    Then, can you confirm in your wp_usermeta table, that you have something for user_id = 1, meta_key = wp_capabilities. When you do, respond back here with what that is; it should be serialized data.

    John James Jacoby


    @Rick Lewis – Can you confirm through your DB, in your wp_users table, that your account with a user_id of 1 is either ‘admin’ or whatever you may have named it?

    Then, can you confirm in your wp_usermeta table, that you have something for user_id = 1, meta_key = wp_capabilities. When you do, respond back here with what that is; it should be serialized data.

    John James Jacoby


    @lykketrollet – Your opinion matches the consensus, and it may not happen just as a result of time constraints. It seems wasteful to abandon all that time and effort though.

    John James Jacoby


    @rickdlewis – You’ve got a lot going on there. Between potential problems with your phpBB migration, porting your phpBB users into the WP user tables, problems with WP integration and user roles/capabilities, and problems with BuddyPress trying to take ownership of your bbPress installation, there are a ton of places where fallout can occur.

    First things first, do you have direct access to your database, either through phpMyAdmin, or another SQL interface of some kind?

    John James Jacoby


    @rickdlewis – You’ve got a lot going on there. Between potential problems with your phpBB migration, porting your phpBB users into the WP user tables, problems with WP integration and user roles/capabilities, and problems with BuddyPress trying to take ownership of your bbPress installation, there are a ton of places where fallout can occur.

    First things first, do you have direct access to your database, either through phpMyAdmin, or another SQL interface of some kind?

    John James Jacoby


    @Ryan – That’s what I was hoping to hear :)

    @tyskkvinna – It will rely on new individual template files to handle the bbPress specific bits, but otherwise it’s easily compatible with any theme available today.

    John James Jacoby


    It’s only code, so anything is possible. :)

    John James Jacoby


    It’s only code, so anything is possible. :)

    John James Jacoby


    @offereins – try the latest revision; the widget issue should be fixed. The ‘/blog’ issue comes from a sub-directory multisite installation which I haven’t tested on yet.

    @Ryan – by popular request, because it’s easier to extend if all the files are included, and because we cannot guarantee that twentyten will exist. Don’t fret, there will be another theme bundled along with it.

    John James Jacoby


    @submachiner – Use the /trunk version of bbPress. It fixes that specific issue and does not change the DB schema or integration methods.

    John James Jacoby


    @alexchenco – Right now creating topics/replies from within wp-admin is in rough shape, and doesn’t work correctly. Debating on whether to fix or block for release.

    Thanks for kind words. Happy to have as many testers as possible. :)

    John James Jacoby


    The /forums folder in the bbp-twentyten folder is new as of a few hours ago. The bbPress plugin is programmed to look in a few places for its template files, two of which are “/forums” or “/bbpress”

    Eventually BuddyPress and bbPress will play nicely together, but until then there’s a bit of a disconnect since BuddyPress currently has no idea the bbPress plugin exists. :)

    If you have forums installed as part of your existing BuddyPress installation, eventually the bbPress plugin will include a script to migrate those forums over. Until then, they are two totally disconnected and separately functioning forums.

    John James Jacoby


    The /forums folder in the bbp-twentyten folder is new as of a few hours ago. The bbPress plugin is programmed to look in a few places for its template files, two of which are “/forums” or “/bbpress”

    Eventually BuddyPress and bbPress will play nicely together, but until then there’s a bit of a disconnect since BuddyPress currently has no idea the bbPress plugin exists. :)

    If you have forums installed as part of your existing BuddyPress installation, eventually the bbPress plugin will include a script to migrate those forums over. Until then, they are two totally disconnected and separately functioning forums.

    John James Jacoby


    @alex – The code snippet you’ve included is doing a few different things incorrectly. If you can pinpoint exactly where bbPress is causing your issues, I’m happy to fix it. :)

    @ashfame – Thanks :)

    John James Jacoby


    QuickD – Your question has been addressed a number of times in this topic. Pushing really hard for early March for an alpha to be available.

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