John James Jacoby (@johnjamesjacoby)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: test it



    Not out of the box, no.

    Allowed markup: a blockquote code em strong ul ol li embed.
    You can also put code in between backtick characters.



    Deleted your bumps.

    Can you give us more information about your installation? What version you’re using, if you have integrated with WordPress, etc…?



    Deleted your bumps.

    Can you give us more information about your installation? What version you’re using, if you have integrated with WordPress, etc…?



    You can give the trunk version of bbPress a try. It comes with this ability in core, and is near the end of development.



    You can give the trunk version of bbPress a try. It comes with this ability in core, and is near the end of development.



    You’ll want to contact the authors of those plugins to get better support. Plugins are responsible for telling bbPress where they live and how they are accessed. Sounds like those plugins need to be updated or are just malfunctioning.



    You’ll want to contact the authors of those plugins to get better support. Plugins are responsible for telling bbPress where they live and how they are accessed. Sounds like those plugins need to be updated or are just malfunctioning.



    More than likely these problems are either fixed by now, related to not looking in the right place, or used in JavaScript. :)



    Hi Doug,

    1.1 is in /trunk/ and is the most recent stand-alone code. You could use it the same as you use 1.0.2/1.0.3 right now and shouldn’t have any issues.

    2.0 is in /branches/plugin/ and nothing has been specifically built to make the two talk to each other yet. Every effort has been made to make sure they don’t conflict though, so they shouldn’t get in each others way either. :)



    Hi Doug,

    1.1 is in /trunk/ and is the most recent stand-alone code. You could use it the same as you use 1.0.2/1.0.3 right now and shouldn’t have any issues.

    2.0 is in /branches/plugin/ and nothing has been specifically built to make the two talk to each other yet. Every effort has been made to make sure they don’t conflict though, so they shouldn’t get in each others way either. :)







    It ends up not being inside a real page, but rather uses some smoke and mirrors to make it appear like it is by having either a duplicate or a unified theme to make it look the part.

    The bbPress plugin for WordPress comes packaged with this exact functionality in mind however.



    It ends up not being inside a real page, but rather uses some smoke and mirrors to make it appear like it is by having either a duplicate or a unified theme to make it look the part.

    The bbPress plugin for WordPress comes packaged with this exact functionality in mind however.



    No solicitations please.



    No solicitations please.



    Are you able to switch to bbPress trunk to check if the error happens there too?



    Are you able to switch to bbPress trunk to check if the error happens there too?




    bbp_reply_author_link( array( 'type' => 'avatar', 'size' => '100' ) );



    @alexvorn2 – Fixed in r2970. Review your ticket for details. :)

    In reply to: bbpress and memcache?



    Would be awesome to get your feedback on the new bbPress plugin for WordPress once it’s released. Since it uses custom post types it should play nicer with setups like yours.

    Regarding your question, I don’t have an answer for you right away but should be able to get one soon. We use bbPress on all of the .org sites with a similar server setup, and someone with more experience on the guts of them should be able to chime in.



    @tooltrainer – Closed topic issue is now fixed. Favorites and subscriptions should be viewable in your profile, and subscriptions trigger email messages on new replies. If these aren’t working for you, are normal WP emails working?

    @yutt – If you want it out sooner, lend us a hand. :) – Signature could possibly have room in bbPress core, since it’s an often requested feature and popular plugin. Will consider it. :)

    In reply to: bbPress 1.0.3 released



    Locked – Believe it or not, swearing at developers is not the best way to get things done.

    [Some posts in this topic have been edited to remove vulgarity.]

    In reply to: bbPress 1.0.3 released



    Locked – Believe it or not, swearing at developers is not the best way to get things done.

    [Some posts in this topic have been edited to remove vulgarity.]



    Sorry for being absent the past few days; was away at a team event and did not have much time to reply.

    I have the hidden topic/reply issue resolved, but will need to test it before committing.

    @tooltrainer – You can “close” forums without making them hidden, which should act the way you need. Regarding marking topics as ‘read,’ bbPress has never kept track of previously read topics, but it could be done either with cookies, or the last_activity of the user. Thinking this might make a better plugin than a core feature, but we’ll see how the next few weeks looks. In the meantime, feel free to create a ticket at and mark it as an ‘enhancement’ and I’ll research it. :)

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