John James Jacoby (@johnjamesjacoby)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @johnjamesjacoby


    Neat. Any other changes? To profile pages, single topic views, etc?



    This is a function of BuddyPress, that turns profile data into searchable links. Google around how to remove this; there are a few tutorials, and a page in the BuddyPress codex.

    In reply to: bbPress 2.2.3 Released



    There is literally nothing in bbPress 2.2.3 that wasn’t also in 2.2.2 that could cause new 404 issues.



    WordPress does not have hierarchical collision detection for full paths. This means no two posts can have the same slug.



    If you create the user, it doesn’t assign them a role right away. They’ll get role mapped once they login to the site, or once you assign them a role.



    You’ll want to fully update to bbPress 1.1/1.2 first. Make sure your forums work after having done so. As long as the 0.9 to 1.1 migration was successful, moving to 2.x should be exactly as described above.

    The data schema changed from 0.9 to 1.1, and the converter in 2.0 is not for 0.9.

    In reply to: bbPress 2.2.3 Released



    It’s not always necessary, but everybody’s plugin combinations are different.

    A link to your site, and any additional information you can give allows us to be much more helpful than the “HALP! IT BROKE!” reply. 🙂



    Will be fixed in 2.2.3 and beyond.



    Talk to your host about increasing your memory. 32MB is not enough for everything you’re attempting to run.



    Recount them. Possible some database delay or replication lag caused a hiccup. If you’re able to find the exact cause, I’d love a reproduction case.



    @greenshady – Thanks for chiming in. Your Members plugin has always been our go-to while we sorted out Role/Capability issues in bbPress core.

    Since 2.0, getting them dialed in and playing nicely with WordPress and Multisite has been a challenge. Creating update scripts for new functionality has a tendency to leave things in a semi-broken state, with some sites behaving, others not so much, and leaving users of bbPress powered communities sometimes wondering why certain functionalities of their accounts don’t work anymore.

    Also, why can’t a blog Editor also be a Forum moderator? These are problems that should be solved with multiple roles, not with mapped blanket ‘moderator’ super capabilities like we tried to do previously.

    I can’t say that storing roles and capabilities in the database is the entire problem, but moving to a dynamic setup like we have now all but eliminates the issues we’ve had the past year or so.

    I appreciate you investigating things and updating Members. I haven’t had a chance to check out the updated version, but I have about a million feature requests for it. 🙂



    Sounds like a problem with the search plugin that you’re using. Like @jaredatch said, we’re working on Search in 2.3, so hopefully this becomes a non-issue.



    WordPress makes some assumptions about paragraph tags, with a function called wpautop. It should be working the exact same way as it works when composing a new page or blog post.

    In reply to: New Forum Meta data



    It’s Genesis that’s doing it. It automatically adds author data to all WordPress posts. @jaredatch has a Genesis compatibility plugin to help take care of some of these known behaviors.

    In reply to: bbPress 2.2.2 released



    @annie-s-spratt – Link to your site?



    Can you trace this back to what’s causing it? My guess is the ‘switch_blog’ action.



    “Member” is a role created by BuddyPress when activating the old forums component. It’s possible it got wiped out during an activation or update process.



    This will likely break things. What theme are you using? Link to your site?


    • Use a regular old WP_Query()
    • Use a widget
    • Use bbp_has_forums()
    • Use the shortcode mentioned above

    There are lots of examples, in the forums, on the codex, and in the bbPress code itself. Also, unclear what you mean by “latest forum.” Do you mean topics, or replies, or something else?



    Modifying core files is never the way. There are plenty of filters in place to override any bit of functionality regarding bbPress’s theme compat,

    There are, as you’ve already found, numerous vectors depending on exactly what you want to accomplish. Each filter has an intended purpose, and solves a specific problem. The underlying code is identical to WordPress’s own template loader, until a template isn’t found (which is a majority of installations.) In that case, bbPress replaces the_content with template parts using page.php, or whatever is a match in the stack you found already.

    Also, don’t forget about the typical WordPress templates: archive-forum.php, and archive-topic.php, etc…

    To answer your question about why get_the_ID() doesn’t work on archive pages, why would it? It’s an archive, not a post/page. There is not ID to get.

    From your posts here, you’ve basically solved much of what’s already in the codex regarding how some of these things work; also, I’m fuzzy on what problem you’re trying to solve. What is the end goal you’re working towards? I can give you some advice on what I think will work best.



    And that table is stored in a folder on the host server, correct?

    Where else would it be? 🙂



    Probably will want to rename “foo” though.



    Exactly like you’d expect:

    • Create a page with the slug ‘topics’
    • Use the ‘bbp-topic-index’ shortcode in the page content.
    • Done.
    In reply to: bbPress 2.2.2 released



    @sooskriszta – your theme is using query_posts() or is misbehaving in some other way. Maybe creating a WP_Query() that it’s resetting? Either way, I can remove that bit, but bbPress needs to take care to only intercept ‘the_content’ filters when it’s supposed to.



    If they are on the same multisite WordPress installation, yes.

    * Visit Tools > Export on the site you want to move.
    * Export your data.
    * Visit Tools > Import on the destination site.
    * Import the data.

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