Joe Dostie (@joedostie)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @joedostie


    So I am still working on this and what I am learning is that my concept of how WordPress structures things are not exactly how I thought.

    Apparently what I am expecting is my breadcrumbs to reflect however I create my custom Menu and this isn’t true.

    So the Blog has its own hierarchy and this is what the breadcrumbs will reflect.

    My intent was to use my “wp_nav_menu” and I am learning these 2 items are distinctly different.

    I am still researching and learning this, but figured I would update in case anyone was watching this or had some additional input.

    As far as I can tell, this is related to the permalinks and pretty URLs.

    I am researching several plugins like Menu Breadcrumb, Breadcrumb Trail,
    Advanced Menu Widget, Breadcrumb NavXT and more.

    Trying to see whats right for me.




    Ok, thanks…

    I liked it and was hoping it was a plugin, nice job.




    So a little more investigating and I am finding this dose NOT appear to be related to bbPress, it looks like my BLOGS are having the same issue.

    This appears to be related to the permalink structure.

    I currently have it set to “Post Name”

    I’m going to read up a little more on this and see if I can come to some understanding.





    Posting that code seems to have screwed up the thread…oh boy!

    Well in any case I have been doing some testing.

    It looks to me like bbPress is expecting to always be in the ROOT of the site.

    I can make some adjustments but it then appears to mess something else up.

    Take a look at this forum, I will leave it alone for a whole so you can look at it. But it explains the issue.

    If I make the forum a child page bbPress will not create the forum with the parent page.

    If you adjust the forum root setting to fix this, then bbPress takes over and the breadcrumb so the hierarchy is no longer correct.

    At least that’s how it appears to me…



    Sorry about that…I should have realized that…

    So when the Forums Root = connect/forums
    and I go into “Test” topic

    The Breadcrumbs are Home/Forums/Test
    and the link to forums is <- so the parent is there, its just not in the breadcrumb

    And this remains true as I drill down to the single topic



    I cant paste the html markup even with the code block..but.


    “<ul class=”breadcrumbs”>

  • Home <span class=”bbp-breadcrumb-sep”> </span>
  • <span class=”bbp-breadcrumb-current”>Forums</span>



So the “Forums” breadcrumb is never click-able as its the “current” page…

But, when the Forums Root setting is = forums
Then the breadcrumb is displayed as:

But if the Forums Root setting is = connect/forums
Then the breadcrumb is displayed as:

its actually opposite of what I would expect.



Yup, that did it…oh well



I guess that makes sense…I took out http:

Hi Robin,

Thanks for your response, hopefully I can clear this up a little with some images.

My goal is to have my forums as a child page

With my Forums Root = forums

The breadcrumbs (both bbPress and WordPress) will show correctly

The problem is that when I create a new forum, it will not take the “connect” parent page into consideration.

In order to fix this, I can modify the Forum root = “connect/forums”

And that will fix the permalink of a new forum

But when I do that, the the breadcrumbs no longer work.
(I am sure the “Forums” in this image are truly the “connect/forum”)

So that where I kind of am.

I did see your recommendation, but wouldn’t that get wiped the next time I upgrade bbPress?

Again, thank you for your response.

Kind Regards,




I seem to be have a problem responding with multiple images or links 🙁



The more I look at it, it appears to be the core WordPress “Howdy, User” admin bar…I just think I am calling it the wrong thing…



Is there anywhere to report a potential SPAM account? As a new contributor it would be nice to report and account that I think is SPAM. We could take control as a team.

This account appears to be SPAMMING with the real information behind it…

womper (@womper)

I looked at all their replies and they are all similar with a link in them.

I’m thinking this would be a good opportunity for a plug in…

Imagine if several people “voted” that you were a suspected SPAMMER
Your account could be locked unless you went to a RECATCHA page or something like that.

Just a thought….

In my opinion, I wouldn’t take bbPress being SPAMED as a bad sign…that would be like blaming the rape victim because she dressed so pretty…its the SPAMMERS fault, not bbPress.



OK…after some well needed rest I figured it out…

So apparently there was an issue with previous version of Revolution Slider in the Avada theme (dint read all the details as I was spent at that point).

When I upgraded my Avada theme to the 3.7 version, I did an “in place upgrade” – just clicked the upgrade theme option.

Apparently the issue was “cached” in the plug in.

Deactivating the “plugin” got rid of the issue and then reactivating the “plugin” made the issue reappear.

What I had to do to solve the issue was to go into Avada Appearance > Them Option > Advanced and then select “Disable Avada Styles For Revolution Slider” – This apparently removes the plugin from the plugin cache.

Doing it from the “Plugin” side menu did not remove the plugin from cache and I was only turning the problem on and off.

Doing it from the Avada theme removed it from the cache and now everything works!

Hope this helps someone else!



Sorry about that previous post, no idea why it looks like that (you can delete it)

I have both a test site and a production site. This is repeatable in both environments.

I had to disable BOTH of the below plugins to make bbPress work.

Revolution Slider – Version 4.6.5
User Role Editor – Version 4.17.3

Revolution Slider is part of the Avada 3.7 theme and they say “Avada has full integration with this plugin.”

Another thing I just now noticed since it working is that the options “Tags:”, “Topics Type:” and “Topic Status:” were not originally available when using the [bbp-forum-index]



I have both a test site and a production site. This is repeatable in both environments.

I had to disable BOTH of the below plugins to make bbPress web interface work.

I have both a test site and a production site. This is repeatable in both environments.

I had to disable BOTH of the below plugins to make bbPress work.

Revolution Slider – Version 4.6.5
User Role Editor – Version 4.17.3

Revolution Slider is part of the Avada 3.7 theme and they say “Avada has full integration with this plugin.”

Another thing I just now noticed since it working is that the options “Tags:”, “Topics Type:” and “Topic Status:” were not originally available when using the [bbp-forum-index]
User Role Editor – Version 4.17.3

Revolution Slider is part of the Avada 3.7 theme and they say “Avada has full integration with this plugin.”

Another thing I just now noticed since it working is that the options “Tags:”, “Topics Type:” and “Topic Status:” were not originally available when using the [bbp-forum-index]



Yup…its a plug in. I disabled every plugin I have except for bbPress and it started to work.

Now I have to enable 1 by 1 and see which one it is.

Thanks for your help and I will update as soon as I find which one it is.

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