Justin Tadlock (@greenshady)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: Site title missing



    It looks to me like bbp_title() is overwriting the title when it’s not a bbPress page. Since bbp_title is a filter on wp_title, it should bail and return the original title when it’s not a bbPress page.

    That’s my best guess from a quick look over the code. I’m not familiar enough with the bbPress code base to know for sure though.

    In reply to: Add forum roles



    Add new roles with a roles plugin. You don’t have to use code. See: https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/members




    I’m guessing I’ve just had an entirely different perspective. Many of my users are bbPress users. I don’t think I’ve once had a question regarding an issue between Members and bbPress. They just worked and everyone was in Happy La-la Land. 🙂

    I definitely agree that multiple roles is the way to go. I just wish WordPress would support this in the UI for users out of the box or at least make it easier for us to do it. I’m not sure I’m sold on un-editable roles because some people just want to edit the caps of the bbPress roles. Of course, I deal with a higher number of people who like to dig in and get dirty with their WordPress installs.

    Oh, definitely send over your feature requests for bbPress. I’m hoping to push out a major update for it early 2013.


    Cool. I’ll have to check it out.



    Sorry to be taking over this topic. I had just directed everyone with Members/bbPress issues here to follow along with any developments.

    It was much easier to simply look at the code than to read the explanation, but I figured out the issue and just pushed an update for Members plugin users live. So, JJJ, if you run into any questions from my users about this, tell them to update Members to version 0.2.2+.

    If nothing else, I got a lot of useful ideas. 🙂



    I actually have some ideas about fixing this after reading through your WP Ticket #22361. I’m pretty sure I have a good solution that I can implement on my end anyway.



    While I certainly understand WordPress’ failings in the user/role/cap department, this update to bbPress has caused a major issue. See, for folks who have been using role-editing plugins (such as my Members plugin), they’re now getting errors because of “dynamic roles”.

    This update messes up other plugins that work with the system WordPress has in place (editable roles). Now, I’m stuck with support questions, emails, and forum posts asking why my plugin is broken when bbPress introduced this problem. This is a major issue that should probably be resolved soonish because many of the users of my Members plugin are going to hit this issue as they update their bbPress installs. The two plugins previously worked in perfect harmony. In fact, many bbPress users started using Members to have the level of control they needed for their forums.

    Admittedly, I haven’t dug into the code yet. But, I’m guessing the problem with a role-editing plugin and bbPress is that the bbPress roles cannot be edited, which was standard functionality before. Since bbPress is modifying the overall [editable] roles array, there’s no way for my plugin to separate the two sets of roles (editable, WordPress-style roles vs. dynamic, bbPress-style roles).

    Obviously, I could write some bbPress-specific code in my plugin to overcome this issue, but why should I? That means I’d have to keep up with bbPress role updates to make sure I stay in line with this new system. Plus, this sets precedence for other plugins to use this same, dynamic roles system.

    I think bbPress should stick to doing what it does best: being an awesome forum plugin. Leave the role/cap stuff to plugins meant to handle this sort of thing. At the very least, it would’ve been nice to give a heads up to plugin authors who maintain role-editing plugins.

    I’m not against the ideas presented with dynamic roles (I’m actually intrigued by it), but let’s wait for WordPress to catch up if this is the direction it’ll eventually go in.

    I’ll definitely be looking into the issue further, but I’ve got a busy schedule at the moment.



    Feedback on version 1.2:

    I moved my database from my live site to my computer so that I could test this out. All of the forums, topics, posts, and tags transferred just fine. The three issues I ran into are:

    1) Topics don’t get assigned a forum.

    2) Replies don’t get assigned a forum.

    3) Replies don’t get assigned a topic.

    From what I can tell, this is because the plugin is using _bbc_* as the post meta keys when it should be using _bbp_*. Also, the author IP meta key has an additional underscore in its prefix: __bbc_author_ip.



    Sounds good. I haven’t started my third test yet.

    My plan is to convert the Theme Hybrid forums over in the near future. There’s something like 100K+ posts on there, so I’m running this locally to see how it goes.



    Some feedback:

    The first test run didn’t convert the forums from bbPress 1.x. So, the topics and replies didn’t have a forum.

    I tried a second test run and the forums were converted. I stopped the process at this point.

    I’m going to give it a third test run to see if it’ll work.



    Thanks to JJJ for pointing this topic out to me.

    Right now, my forum plugin isn’t planned for public release. I’d much rather see a community-supported plugin because a lot more can get done. The plugin could simply be better developed and have better support if it’s a community-run project. Make no mistake, a plugin like this is massive amounts of work, more than one person can realistically handle. Honestly, I don’t want to be the only person developing and supporting a forum plugin.

    The reasons I’ve been doing my own thing rather than fully devoting my time to bbPress:

    1) I just wanted to see if I could do it for fun.

    2) I had some projects that needed basic forum functionality that couldn’t wait for alternate solutions.

    3) Everybody wants something, mostly things I don’t believe belong in a lightweight forum plugin.

    4) I’ve been hesitant to get more involved in bbPress because I don’t want to deal with all the drama here. ;)

    I just finished three months of intense writing for a WP plugin book, so my time has been limited for a while. I’ve still got book-related things this month as well. Once this process is done, I plan to devote more time to the bbPress plugin.

    What we want:

    These are the things I believe most of us want, which is the reasons I put together a plugin and the reasons for the bbPress plugin. This comes down to two things:

    * A plugin that easily integrates into the WordPress user/role and login system.

    * Forums that can be managed from our WP admins.

    It’s basically about being able to run forums without a lot of hassle.

    The direction I’d like to see the bbPress plugin go:

    * Stick with the philosophy: lightweight and basic.

    * Allow plugins to extend anything needed beyond basic forum functionality.

    * Use the functions WordPress provides where possible.

    * Forget backwards-compatible hooks and functions. Build a new system.



    Thanks to JJJ for pointing this topic out to me.

    Right now, my forum plugin isn’t planned for public release. I’d much rather see a community-supported plugin because a lot more can get done. The plugin could simply be better developed and have better support if it’s a community-run project. Make no mistake, a plugin like this is massive amounts of work, more than one person can realistically handle. Honestly, I don’t want to be the only person developing and supporting a forum plugin.

    The reasons I’ve been doing my own thing rather than fully devoting my time to bbPress:

    1) I just wanted to see if I could do it for fun.

    2) I had some projects that needed basic forum functionality that couldn’t wait for alternate solutions.

    3) Everybody wants something, mostly things I don’t believe belong in a lightweight forum plugin.

    4) I’ve been hesitant to get more involved in bbPress because I don’t want to deal with all the drama here. ;)

    I just finished three months of intense writing for a WP plugin book, so my time has been limited for a while. I’ve still got book-related things this month as well. Once this process is done, I plan to devote more time to the bbPress plugin.

    What we want:

    These are the things I believe most of us want, which is the reasons I put together a plugin and the reasons for the bbPress plugin. This comes down to two things:

    * A plugin that easily integrates into the WordPress user/role and login system.

    * Forums that can be managed from our WP admins.

    It’s basically about being able to run forums without a lot of hassle.

    The direction I’d like to see the bbPress plugin go:

    * Stick with the philosophy: lightweight and basic.

    * Allow plugins to extend anything needed beyond basic forum functionality.

    * Use the functions WordPress provides where possible.

    * Forget backwards-compatible hooks and functions. Build a new system.

    In reply to: Help out with bbPress



    I’ll try to help out in any way I can. I mentioned in another topic here that bbPress needs a Codex, so I’m all for volunteering some of my time to work on documenting functions and such. I’d even help out with some inline documentation of the code too (though I’m not as familiar with it as WP).

    Most of the work I’ve done with bbPress is for my own use here:


    I’ve dabbled in bbPress plugin development, but most of the work I do is with themes.

    In reply to: Future of bbPress



    One could run a filter function on bb_template to check for templates in both the parent and child themes.

    Or, the user could set it in bb-config.php:

    define( BB_DEFAULT_THEME_DIR, 'path/to/default/theme/directory' );

    I don’t really like either of those two options. Your average user gets confused enough as it is. Trying to tell them to input PHP code can cause headaches sometimes.

    As far as I know, there’s no way to filter the default theme directory either. I’m open to ideas though. If anyone could offer a solution with a few lines of code, I’ll be happy to give it a whirl.

    Ideally, the constant BB_DEFAULT_THEME_DIR would be based off the theme’s Template line in style.css. Or, bb_get_default_template() would recognize the Template line.

    In reply to: Future of bbPress



    Codex. Codex. Codex.

    Open up a BB Codex like we have with WP. How are we going to get more devs to start hopping on the bbPress bandwagon? While many of us enjoy sifting through code when we get the extra time, good documentation is always helpful to get people started. Heck, even some better inline documentation would do wonders right now.

    Seriously, when was the last time this page and its subpages have been updated?


    I’ve got more work than I can possibly handle, but I’d be willing to develop things for the bbPress community. I just don’t have time to spend reading through all the code, line by line, to see how things work.

    Give developers a chance to make the platform shine.

    The success of WordPress comes from the vast number of add-ons (themes and plugins) for the system. Without them, WordPress probably would’ve died a long while ago.

    The lack of documentation is probably turning a good number of developers away from the system, developers that could be creating plugins for many of the features that users want.

    This is the area that needs the most improvement. Let’s work on documentation first. Then, we can start thinking about other things bbPress needs.


    I’ve seen a handful of decent themes I’d use, but (as far as I know) there are no major theme developers in the bbPress community. Documentation would go a long way in helping here. This is especially true for designers that don’t know all the ins and outs of the platform’s PHP code.

    I’d personally start coding bbPress themes if it supported the same type of parent/child theme setup that WordPress has. I’d be happy to port all of my WP themes like this.



    I was trying to figure out where I downloaded this plugin, but the author’s site isn’t really up at the moment.


    What this does is check if the current user (once logged in) has a role. If he doesn’t, it gives them the default bbPress role.

    If anyone can find the original download link, mods, feel free to remove the link to my zip file.

    In reply to: Theme Hybrid forum



    Oh, I missed a couple of replies. ;)

    Thanks for the compliments. I feel like my forums are hanging by a thread some days, but nothing has completely broken. Mostly, I’m just ready to upgrade to the final release of bbPress 1.0.



    Use this:

    <?php forum_description( array( 'before' => false, 'after' => false ) ); ?>

    In reply to: Theme Hybrid forum



    I just ported my new design over to my support forums:


    I hope you all like it.

    Working on a bbPress theme design again kind of gave me a little more inspiration. I’m hoping I can get out some bbPress theme releases in the next few months.




    I’ve added the issue to Trac:


    This is actually my first time submitting a ticket, so I hope I done everything correctly.



    I can confirm that I’ve experienced this issue as early as alpha 2 as well.




    Yes, I’m viewing that as the Key Master. I’ll run another test with a new user to see what’s happening as well.


    Yes, this has been a problem since the 2.7/1.0 integration. Registration through bbPress works fine, but that won’t be an option for me once going live.


    I tried adding a user through WordPress, then logging in with that profile in bbPress. No user role was set. Then, I checked it with the Key Master account and got the same error I posted above.

    Users are still logged in fine across both installations.



    The biggest issue I’m having with this version and the latest version of the WP/BB Integration plugin is that the user roles aren’t being carried over to bbPress when a user registers in WordPress.

    They always end up with no role set.

    This is the error when editing the user’s profile when no role is set:

    <select name="role">
    <option value="keymaster"<br />
    <b>Warning</b>: array_key_exists() [<a href='function.array-key-exists'>function.array-key-exists</a>]: The second argument should be either an array or an object in <b>/domain.com/forums/bb-includes/functions.bb-template.php</b> on line <b>2021</b><br />

    >Key Master</option>
    <option value="administrator"<br />
    <b>Warning</b>: array_key_exists() [<a href='function.array-key-exists'>function.array-key-exists</a>]: The second argument should be either an array or an object in <b>/domain.com/forums/bb-includes/functions.bb-template.php</b> on line <b>2021</b><br />
    <option value="moderator"<br />

    <b>Warning</b>: array_key_exists() [<a href='function.array-key-exists'>function.array-key-exists</a>]: The second argument should be either an array or an object in <b>/domain.com/forums/bb-includes/functions.bb-template.php</b> on line <b>2021</b><br />
    <option value="member"<br />
    <b>Warning</b>: array_key_exists() [<a href='function.array-key-exists'>function.array-key-exists</a>]: The second argument should be either an array or an object in <b>/domain.com/forums/bb-includes/functions.bb-template.php</b> on line <b>2021</b><br />

    <option value="inactive"<br />
    <b>Warning</b>: array_key_exists() [<a href='function.array-key-exists'>function.array-key-exists</a>]: The second argument should be either an array or an object in <b>/domain.com/forums/bb-includes/functions.bb-template.php</b> on line <b>2021</b><br />
    <option value="blocked"<br />

    <b>Warning</b>: array_key_exists() [<a href='function.array-key-exists'>function.array-key-exists</a>]: The second argument should be either an array or an object in <b>/domain.com/forums/bb-includes/functions.bb-template.php</b> on line <b>2021</b><br />

    Aside from this, everything else has been working great for me.



    Here’s the results I got from the debugging. One thing I’ve noticed is that once I click on Page 2 (the URL changed to click on Page 2 again).



    REQUEST_URI:	string(37) "/forums/forum/options-wordpress-theme"
    should be: string(37) "/forums/forum/options-wordpress-theme"
    full permalink: string(61) "http://justintadlock.com/forums/forum/options-wordpress-theme"
    PATH_INFO: string(0) ""

    Forum (page 2)


    REQUEST_URI:	string(44) "/forums/forum/options-wordpress-theme/page/2"
    should be: string(37) "/forums/forum/options-wordpress-theme"
    full permalink: string(61) "http://justintadlock.com/forums/forum/options-wordpress-theme"
    PATH_INFO: string(0) ""

    Forum (URL changed to add two of /page/2)


    REQUEST_URI:	string(51) "/forums/forum/options-wordpress-theme/page/2/page/2"
    should be: string(37) "/forums/forum/options-wordpress-theme"
    full permalink: string(61) "http://justintadlock.com/forums/forum/options-wordpress-theme"
    PATH_INFO: string(0) ""

    Topic (page 1)

    REQUEST_URI:	string(55) "/forums/topic/bug-report-for-version-10-beta?replies=31"
    should be: string(55) "/forums/topic/bug-report-for-version-10-beta?replies=31"
    full permalink: string(79) "http://justintadlock.com/forums/topic/bug-report-for-version-10-beta?replies=31"
    PATH_INFO: string(0) ""

    Topic (page 2)

    REQUEST_URI:	string(62) "/forums/topic/bug-report-for-version-10-beta/page/2?replies=31"
    should be: string(55) "/forums/topic/bug-report-for-version-10-beta?replies=31"
    full permalink: string(79) "http://justintadlock.com/forums/topic/bug-report-for-version-10-beta?replies=31"
    PATH_INFO: string(0) ""

    Topic (URL changed to add two /page/2)

    REQUEST_URI:	string(69) "/forums/topic/bug-report-for-version-10-beta/page/2/page/2?replies=31"
    should be: string(55) "/forums/topic/bug-report-for-version-10-beta?replies=31"
    full permalink: string(79) "http://justintadlock.com/forums/topic/bug-report-for-version-10-beta?replies=31"
    PATH_INFO: string(0) ""



    I know exactly what I need, but I don’t know how to get it. I need the “topic author id.” That’s it. Seems pretty simple, but I have no idea how to get it. Surely, there’s a way.

    I found this code on another part of the forum, except I just added <?php post_author(); ?> to get the to post author’s name. It’s a really good solution for getting the replies to the topic.

    <a href="<?php bb_option('uri'); ?>profile.php?id=<?php echo (get_post_author_id()); ?>"><?php post_author(); ?></a>

    What I need to get instead of (get_post_author_id()) is the topic author’s id, then I’ll be set. I’ve tried every variation I can think of, but came up with nothing.



    Sorry, about not responding in a few days. It’s been a busy week.

    I’ve read through Null’s post, but came up with nothing. I think he made his own plugin to work with it.

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