gingerngo (@gingerngo)

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  • @gingerngo


    Quick question, but does anyone have any role manager plugins installed? I currently have Press Permit installed, which has its own set of issues.

    But when I deactivated this, the site seems to be working properly.



    Hey guys,

    Unfortunately our site has more problems. 🙁

    We recently installed Buddypress, which undid my band-aid solution of letting the users know that their posts are pending.

    Right now it seems like some users are ok, but others’ posts are automatically set to pending.

    I’ve tried to check out roles and capabilities, but I’m just getting stuck everywhere.
    Anyone else have any updates?



    I’m having this issue as well. Any help would be gladly appreciated!




    Hi rossjlennox,

    No worries. My poor quiet thread.

    We were actually unable to do a fix, but our solution was to restore the site to original and do a clean re-install, re-import. And I mean restore the site from the database as if from scratch, and not use any of the bbPress import or troubleshooting tools.

    My issue was that when I did the importer for the first time, I had forgotten to set the dropdown menu to “bbpress standalone.” The steps to import were very specific, and one small misstep like that affected everything. So the second time around, we made sure that all the settings and fields were correct before importing again.

    It now works for us.

    I would try restoring the site again and maybe deactivate all the plugins. Hope that helps.



    After some more work, we are now wondering if this has to do with our use of the old bbpress/wordpress integration plugin for user accounts. Does that sound likely? Has anyone else run into this?



    Hi, I got the same error as well. In my case it was a permissions issue, because the user role I assigned didn’t have enough capabilities.

    I went to the user’s role and made sure that the user was able to publish, edit and moderate the forums and it was resolved.

    Hope that helps.

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