Forum Replies Created
In reply to: bb-admin: Forums Not Displaying
is it a stand alone? version?
In reply to: Show all posts a member has madeyes your profile shows all the posts you made. (at the bottom)
In reply to: WordPress Integrationokay, not it. I know you probably check but check again in your admin section both WP and BB, I know I wrote this before but can you check if you use www. in any of the urls.
In reply to: WordPress Integrationafter you made those changes you have to “reset” your browser. Clear your cache/cookies and yes it can be the htaccess file…
In reply to: Is it just me or does the plugin search suck?The way I did it was to duplicate kakamei theme (not the blue) and put it in the my-template.
Then started with the BB header, I copied what was in the WP header. I took everything out after the body tag except for the “main” div. The BB footer I did the same. I just made sure there were enough div closing tags. Then copied over the codes that apply for the header and footer from the WP css. Most WP theme has two column one main and one sidebar. I treated BB like it was wordpress, one side the main section and the other sidebar. I treated the MAIN div as the main section and View/Hottags as the sidebar. I know this is not the best explanation but I hope you get the idea. It just takes a lot of css work.
In reply to: WordPress Integrationtry adding
define( 'COOKIE_DOMAIN', '' ); to bb-config
In reply to: Repeated "503 Service Unavailable" errorsIn reply to: Registration/Log In Link in homepage?part 1. This will work in BBpress only:
<?php if ( !in_array( bb_get_location(), array( 'login-page', 'register-page' ) ) ) login_form(); ?>
put that in the header.php I’m not sure how to do it in WP to make it work.part 2. edit the logged-in.php in your bb theme
In reply to: Some PHP help pleaseme either..
try this..
<?php if ( bb_is_user_logged_in() ) echo "";
echo "PUT_YOUR_LINK_IN_HERE"; ?>see if that works, hopefully someone who can write php will chime in.
In reply to: Probably Easy Answers for This…what are they user level in bbpress?
you might need to use this:
In reply to: Probably Easy Answers for This…that’s strange I thought by default, people have to register. What version are you using and you have any integration?
Josef, take out in wp-config
/**bbpress integration **/
define('USER_COOKIE', 'wordpressuser');
define('PASS_COOKIE', 'wordpresspass');
define('COOKIEPATH', $base);
define('SITECOOKIEPATH', '/');
define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', ''); // same as bbPressand bb-config
$bb->wp_home = '';
$bb->wp_siteurl = '';
// Integrating with mu
$bb->cookiepath = '/';
$bb->cookiedomain = ''; // leading . allows subdomain sharing
$bb->usercookie = 'wordpressuser'; // WPMU doesn't hash cookies
$bb->passcookie = 'wordpresspass'; // WPMU doesn't hash cookiesUse this plugin
If you’re using MU you will get 4 lines, cookiehash, cookie_domain, sitecookiepath, and cookiepath.
get the information from there and put it right AFTER this line in wp-config
* @package WordPress
*/then paste only cookie_domain, sitecookiepath, and cookiepath in bb-config file. leave out cookiehash right after
* @package bbPress
*/Then get new keys, use this link it has 8 keys put it in both like you did before. Don’t forget the BB_ prefix in bb-config.
Clear your cache and cookies. Give it a try. if that doesn’t work then look in your BB dashboard and check your settings on wordpress integration. make sure if you left out “www” in wordpressd to leave it out on bbpress.
In reply to: Benefit of integrating WP/bbPressThe integration wasn’t hard. I found only one theme that I wasn’t able to make look like wordpress because it was a complex WP theme to begin with, one with many WP header options. BBpress stand alone is great but if you have a site already and you looking for a forum for just help, like this one. Right now if you click on EXTEND, you will have to login again. It can get annoying especially when you don’t understand that this is more than one “software” working at one site. If your site is a forum site great. If your site is not a forum site, like THIS ONE. The forum is just for help. Plus, with WP you can create multiple pages, gallery, forms, etc etc.
You pulled the WP header that pulls the WP css but you have nothing that pulls the BB css that makes the tables.
Instead of pulling the WP header you can mimic the header in BB’s header. then just pull the WP css that is necessary for the header, footer, and some musc to look the same.
In reply to: Admin Template problem after Upgradecan you view source and see if the css is being loaded?
In reply to: Admin Template problem after UpgradeFirst try changing permissions on the my-template folder. (
In reply to: Link CloakingWhat links specifically?
In reply to: Someone Update Say My Name Pluginah! didn’t even realize it matters. So far so good thanks! can you email me?
In reply to: Problems trying to installshould be your wordpress site plus the folder name
In reply to: Need Beta Testers for Ajaxed Chat Pluginah sorry! I went to your site and it for the nick and I assumed.
I can’t find the plugin in your website and the link above doesn’t not work, same error.
In reply to: Problems trying to installIt’s doable. Just don’t be scared of it.
In reply to: Need Beta Testers for Ajaxed Chat PluginAnyway to use the display name = name in chat automatically?
In reply to: Problems trying to installIn WordPress the folders are wp-admin, wp-content, and wp-includes. You should add a folder called forums or forum and upload everything inside of “bbpress” folder you downloaded. Ultimately you will have in the forum or forums folder bb-admin, bb-includes, etc etc. In WordPress you will now have forums (or forum), wp-admin, wp-content, and wp-includes