foresme (@foresme)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @foresme


    Any update on this feature? I would love this for my site too.

    In reply to: No spacing in posts.



    Managed to fix the problem. Some old CSS was causing it. Thanks @robkk. 🙂

    In reply to: No spacing in posts.



    Hi Robkk,

    No luck 🙁

    Thank you for your ideas!

    In reply to: No spacing in posts.




    I am having the same problem. I tried Robkk’s CSS suggestion with no luck.

    Anyone else have any ideas!?

    Thank you!




    I am using the Canvas theme with bbpress. I used the above fix to solve the bbpress search issue, however now bbpress seems to have lost the ability to create line breaks.

    The line/paragraph breaks that are created when typing into the editor, disappear when the post is submitted, and all the paragraphs merge together making the post much harder to read.

    Anyone clever got any ideas? Please help!

    The problem could also be related to the new version of WP 4.0.1 which I just updated to.






    Thank you! Very helpful.

    I followed the instructions for #8, and added a sidebar.php file (renamed bbpress.php) to my theme root > however, when I did that, all my forum topic pages went completely blank – showing only a white page.

    I would really love this solution to work, as it’s perfect, but not sure what to try now…?



    Thanks Robkk.

    Will do!



    Hello Robkk,

    Google is displaying Activity Streams and Extended Profile information like this:

    I hope you have a solution! Our members feel their privacy is being breached. It’s a website for a community of therapists to share ideas and information and a lot of the things discussed are sensitive and personal.

    It would be great to keep these excerpts off Google – but HOW?



    Hello! I’m interested in this to. You can add a sidebar manually to each topic page by going into ‘edit topic’ and selecting the layout option for the page that has a sidebar.

    However, I would like to know if there’s a default option to have sidebars for ALL topic pages, without adding the sidebar one by one…



    Hello Stephen,

    Thank you so much for your reply. Yes, if I click on either a hyper linked tag, or use the ‘search’ field in the forum or sidebar widget, I get directed to a page with meaningless results.

    (See my first post for an example). There is not, as in your example, a list of relevant topics or forums associated with that tag or keyword.

    A URL example of where I end up when I click on a linked tag:


    Gives me:


    Search for: › Forums › Topics Viewing topic 1 (of 1 total) Topic Voices Posts Freshness Externalizations of mental illness and health Started by: Re-Authoring Teaching in: Conversation Lounge 1 1 1 month, 1 week ago Re-Authoring Teaching Viewing topic 1 (of 1 total)

    And when I perform a search using the search field I get:


    which gives me:

    Search Results for ‘TED’

    A narrative therapy involves listening to and telling or retelling stories about unique and empowered people and the challenges and problems they encounter in their lives.

    Continue Reading..

    The continue reading is a dead end and I’m left wondering why a list of topics and forums isn’t being generated?

    Thanks for helping! You’re a star.

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