evildrome (@evildrome)

Forum Replies Created

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  • evildrome


    Hmmm… this error from class-bbp-converter-base.php seems never to be shown:

    // Connection failed
    if ( ! $this->opdb->db_connect( false ) ) {
    $error = new WP_Error( ‘bbp_converter_db_connection_failed’, esc_html__( ‘Database connection failed.’, ‘bbpress’ ) );
    wp_send_json_error( $error );

    You can leave all the database fields blank or enter rubbish and it still says:


    Starting Import…

    Ready to go.

    Which leads me to wonder, what other informational/error messages are not shown.



    Hi Stephen,

    I will try the new version 2.6





    Hi Stephen,

    Thanks for getting back to me.

    I thought the relationship was:

    Forum can have many Topics

    Topic can have many Replies

    I was expecting to write one forum_table entry… for the forum.

    I’m not expecting to write multiple forum_table entries, one per topic, as the existence of a field forum_table.topic_id would seem to suggest.

    In reply to: Import Yahoo Groups



    You can import the Yahoo data using PG Offline.


    I have ported this data to BBpress successfully from 4 different Yahoo groups.





    OK, my original premise was wrong but the results are much the same.

    I will post this here to hopefully prevent anyone else going through the same pain.

    My import didn’t fail because of an inability to deal with non-alpha chars. It failed because I have all the user emails set to anon@anon.com

    This is because my import to bbPress started as a Yahoo group and I’m going via phpBB.

    I wanted a way to easily identify the newly added users.

    Anyway, if the email already exists, the converter will carry on.


    Leaving you to guess what the hell went wrong.

    Rather than just output a single line at the end of user import:

    Users Read [x] Duplicates found [x] Users added [x]



    You need to be extremely careful about how you enter the parameters for the source database.

    Check the hostname, username, password, etc.

    The converter will be UTTERLY WORTHLESS in informing you if you are not actually connected to your source database and worst of all, outputs messages that imply that it has connected to the source database but the database is in some way empty.

    Really.. how hard would it be to trap the connection error and output an appropriate message?

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