Everton (@everton)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @everton


    please ignore – it was in my theme stylesheet, not bbpress




    I’m also looking to do this – move my buddypress install to a new url. Is it possible to export/import everything? Do I just need to copy the tables from WordPress?





    ok, I think I worked it out:

    – install buddypress

    – install bbpress

    – DON’T add theme support to current theme (this is what I did before)

    – copy the Forums (Index) Page Template and content-archive.php files to your theme directory, so can create a /forum page

    – optional: create a forum.php file in your theme directory (I based mine on my page.php file) as this controls the look and feel of all bbpress pages.



    Hi Patricia

    I did that, but the problem I have is bbpress automatically creates a page at the same url that overwrites my WP Page. If I go into the bbpress settings and change the forums base to say ‘forumsbb’ then I end up with two forums, one at /forum and one at /forumbb, which I want to avoid.

    I must be doing something wrong!





    can someone please help me with this?? Surely there’s a better way to add content to archive-forum.php and archive-topic.php than hardcoding html into the page – there must be a way to use the ‘Forum’ and ‘Topics’ page created in WordPress???



    if my question was confused, in summary it’s – is there a way to build the forum homepage using a wordpress Page so that I can edit the content on the forum homepage using the WordPress Page editing window?




    yes I did, it didn’t work immediately but it’s working now so there must be some sort of lag.



    I’ve tried Setting Site Visibility to “Allow search engines to index this site.” on wpthemetrial.com, but I’m still not getting sitewide forum activity in my activity page.

    Can someone please tell me what I’m doing wrong!



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